Envoy proxy 源代码解读 - Thread Local Storage (tls)

关于 Envoy 线程模型,Envoy 作者的一遍文章写的很清楚,可以移步这里了解更多作者的设计思路,这是来自原文的线程模型图:

Envoy proxy 源代码解读 - Thread Local Storage (tls)_第1张图片

简而言之,Envoy 主线程(main thread)用来启动工作线程(worker thread)、管理 xDS 数据并同步至工作线程、统计数据 flush 等等;工作线程处理网络请求、路由、cluster 连接池等等。考虑到 xDS 会随时动态更新 listener/router/cluster 等信息,而实时处理数据的时候又会时刻查询此类信息,必然涉及到数据的线程安全问题,基于性能考虑,Envoy 做了无锁实现,主线程把需要同步的数据通过 Slot 推送给工作线程,由工作线程在沉寂期(quiescent period )完成数据更新,这样需要访问此类信息时就不需要加锁。以下是来自原文的 TLS 示意图:
Envoy proxy 源代码解读 - Thread Local Storage (tls)_第2张图片
下面以 Cluster 信息为例,分析源代码实现,理解 TLS 是如何工作的。

Envoy::ThreadLocal::Slot and Envoy::ThreadLocal::SlotAllocator 接口

Envoy::ThreadLocal::Slot 定义了 TLS 存储的基本单元 Slot(槽),定义如下:

 * An individual allocated TLS slot. When the slot is destroyed the stored thread local will
 * be freed on each thread.
class Slot {
  virtual ~Slot() = default;

   * @return ThreadLocalObjectSharedPtr a thread local object stored in the slot.
  virtual ThreadLocalObjectSharedPtr get() PURE;

   * This is a helper on top of get() that casts the object stored in the slot to the specified
   * type. Since the slot only stores pointers to the base interface, dynamic_cast provides some
   * level of protection via RTTI.
  template  T& getTyped() { return *std::dynamic_pointer_cast(get()); }

   * Run a callback on all registered threads.
   * @param cb supplies the callback to run.
  virtual void runOnAllThreads(Event::PostCb cb) PURE;

   * Run a callback on all registered threads with a barrier. A shutdown initiated during the
   * running of the PostCBs may prevent all_threads_complete_cb from being called.
   * @param cb supplies the callback to run on each thread.
   * @param all_threads_complete_cb supplies the callback to run on main thread after cb has
   * been run on all registered threads.
  virtual void runOnAllThreads(Event::PostCb cb, Event::PostCb all_threads_complete_cb) PURE;

   * Set thread local data on all threads previously registered via registerThread().
   * @param initializeCb supplies the functor that will be called *on each thread*. The functor
   *                     returns the thread local object which is then stored. The storage is via
   *                     a shared_ptr. Thus, this is a flexible mechanism that can be used to share
   *                     the same data across all threads or to share different data on each thread.
  using InitializeCb = std::function;
  virtual void set(InitializeCb cb) PURE;

槽内存储的是实现了 Envoy::ThreadLocal:ThreadLocalObject 虚类的对象。runOnAllThreads 方法将 Envoy::Event::PostCb 方法通过 Slot 对象分发给所有工作线程执行。

Envoy::ThreadLocal::SlotAllocator 接口比较简单,定义了分配槽的接口:

 * Interface used to allocate thread local slots.
class SlotAllocator {
  virtual ~SlotAllocator() = default;

   * @return SlotPtr a dedicated slot for use in further calls to get(), set(), etc.
  virtual SlotPtr allocateSlot() PURE;

对于需要将数据分发到所有工作线程的类来说,首先它要通过 Envoy::ThreadLocal::SlotAllocator 实现类分配存储数据的 Slot,将自己的 Envoy::ThreadLocal::ThreadLocalObject 数据存入该 Slot,然后通过 Slot::runOnAllThreads 在所有线程里执行数据存取和相关处理逻辑。

Envoy::ThreadLocal::Instance 接口

Envoy::ThreadLocal::Instace 提供了 TLS 系统需要实现的接口,定义如下:

// include/envoy/thread_local/thread_local.h
 * Interface for getting and setting thread local data as well as registering a thread
class Instance : public SlotAllocator {
   * A thread (via its dispatcher) must be registered before set() is called on any allocated slots
   * to receive thread local data updates.
   * @param dispatcher supplies the thread's dispatcher.
   * @param main_thread supplies whether this is the main program thread or not. (The only
   *                    difference is that callbacks fire immediately on the main thread when posted
   *                    from the main thread).
  virtual void registerThread(Event::Dispatcher& dispatcher, bool main_thread) PURE;

   * This should be called by the main thread before any worker threads start to exit. This will
   * block TLS removal during slot destruction, given that worker threads are about to call
   * shutdownThread(). This avoids having to implement de-registration of threads.
  virtual void shutdownGlobalThreading() PURE;

   * The owning thread is about to exit. This will free all thread local variables. It must be
   * called on the thread that is shutting down.
  virtual void shutdownThread() PURE;

   * @return Event::Dispatcher& the thread local dispatcher.
  virtual Event::Dispatcher& dispatcher() PURE;

Envoy::ThreadLocal::SlotAllocator 基础之上,主要提供了注册工作线程的方法:registerThread,工作线程 Envoy::Server::WorkerImpl 初始化的时候,会把自己的 Envoy::Event::Dispatcher 对象通过该方法注册进来,Slot 使用方需要分发的数据和逻辑,最终都是通过各自的 Dispatcher::post 来完成的。

Envoy::ThreadLocal::InstanceImpl 和 Envoy::ThreadLocal::SlotImpl

Envoy::ThreadLocal::InstanceImpl 是 Envoy 的 Thread Local Storage (tls) 的实现,具体依赖于 static thread_local 变量来存储线程共享的数据:

// source/common/thread_local/thread_local_impl.cc
namespace Envoy {
namespace ThreadLocal {
thread_local InstanceImpl::ThreadLocalData InstanceImpl::thread_local_data_;

槽分配算法比较简单,SlotImpl 会分配一个唯一的 index,并存在 std::vector 里,SlotImpl 删除后空出来的位置会被重复利用 :

// slots_ 定义
std::vector slots_;

SlotPtr InstanceImpl::allocateSlot() {
  ASSERT(std::this_thread::get_id() == main_thread_id_);

  for (uint64_t i = 0; i < slots_.size(); i++) {
    if (slots_[i] == nullptr) {
      std::unique_ptr slot(new SlotImpl(*this, i));
      slots_[i] = slot.get();
      return slot;

  std::unique_ptr slot(new SlotImpl(*this, slots_.size()));
  return slot;

SlotImpl 有了自己的 index,会将真实数据按照 index 保存在 thread_local_data_ 里面:

void InstanceImpl::SlotImpl::set(InitializeCb cb) {
  ASSERT(std::this_thread::get_id() == parent_.main_thread_id_);

  for (Event::Dispatcher& dispatcher : parent_.registered_threads_) {
    const uint32_t index = index_;
    dispatcher.post([index, cb, &dispatcher]() -> void { setThreadLocal(index, cb(dispatcher)); });

  // Handle main thread.
  setThreadLocal(index_, cb(*parent_.main_thread_dispatcher_));

void InstanceImpl::setThreadLocal(uint32_t index, ThreadLocalObjectSharedPtr object) {
  if (thread_local_data_.data_.size() <= index) {
    thread_local_data_.data_.resize(index + 1);

  thread_local_data_.data_[index] = object;

从上面第 7 行代码可以看到,Slot 在设置数据的时候,会同时分发到所有线程执行数据设置逻辑,这样所有的线程的 Slot 数据异步保证最终一致性,Envoy 到处都在实践最终一致的架构哲学。

注册工作线程的 Dispather 逻辑也很简单,用一个 std::list 来存储:

// registered_threads_ 定义
std::list> registered_threads_;

void InstanceImpl::registerThread(Event::Dispatcher& dispatcher, bool main_thread) {
  ASSERT(std::this_thread::get_id() == main_thread_id_);

  if (main_thread) {
    main_thread_dispatcher_ = &dispatcher;
    thread_local_data_.dispatcher_ = &dispatcher;
  } else {
    ASSERT(!containsReference(registered_threads_, dispatcher));
    dispatcher.post([&dispatcher] { thread_local_data_.dispatcher_ = &dispatcher; });

Slot 数据同步逻辑

以 Cluster 信息为例,Envoy 实现了
Envoy::Upstream::ClusterManagerImpl::ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl 放入 Slot:

   * Thread local cached cluster data. Each thread local cluster gets updates from the parent
   * central dynamic cluster (if applicable). It maintains load balancer state and any created
   * connection pools.
  struct ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl : public ThreadLocal::ThreadLocalObject 

Envoy 在启动时解析到 static_resources 时会初始化 Envoy::Upstream::ClusterManagerImpl 对象,ClusterManagerImpl 对象初始化的时候拿到一个 Slot,用来存储 ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl:

  // Once the initial set of static bootstrap clusters are created (including the local cluster),
  // we can instantiate the thread local cluster manager.
  tls_->set([this, local_cluster_name](
                Event::Dispatcher& dispatcher) -> ThreadLocal::ThreadLocalObjectSharedPtr {
    return std::make_shared(*this, dispatcher, local_cluster_name);

继续解析到 cluster 定义后,会将 cluster 信息解析逻辑通过 slot 分发到所有线程执行:

void ClusterManagerImpl::createOrUpdateThreadLocalCluster(ClusterData& cluster) {
  tls_->runOnAllThreads([this, new_cluster = cluster.cluster_->info(),
                         thread_aware_lb_factory = cluster.loadBalancerFactory()]() -> void {
    ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl& cluster_manager =

    if (cluster_manager.thread_local_clusters_.count(new_cluster->name()) > 0) {
      ENVOY_LOG(debug, "updating TLS cluster {}", new_cluster->name());
    } else {
      ENVOY_LOG(debug, "adding TLS cluster {}", new_cluster->name());

    auto thread_local_cluster = new ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl::ClusterEntry(
        cluster_manager, new_cluster, thread_aware_lb_factory);
    for (auto& cb : cluster_manager.update_callbacks_) {

注意代码第 4 行,每个线程拿到的是各自不同的 ThreadLocalClusterManagerImpl 对象,因此做到了数据读写的无锁实现。

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