【kubernetes/k8s源码分析】istio pilot discovery源码分析

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【kubernetes/k8s源码分析】istio pilot discovery源码分析_第1张图片




【kubernetes/k8s源码分析】istio pilot discovery源码分析_第2张图片




  •  从k8s list/watch serviceendpointpodnode等资源,监听istio控制平面配置(K8s CRD)
  • 翻译为Envoy可以理解的配置格式

  pilot-discovery discovery [flags]



   pilot discovery运行的基本配置

// Server contains the runtime configuration for the Pilot discovery service.
type Server struct {
	HTTPListeningAddr       net.Addr
	GRPCListeningAddr       net.Addr
	SecureGRPCListeningAddr net.Addr
	MonitorListeningAddr    net.Addr

	// TODO(nmittler): Consider alternatives to exposing these directly
	EnvoyXdsServer    *envoyv2.DiscoveryServer
	ServiceController *aggregate.Controller

	mesh             *meshconfig.MeshConfig
	configController model.ConfigStoreCache
	mixerSAN         []string
	kubeClient       kubernetes.Interface
	startFuncs       []startFunc
	multicluster     *clusterregistry.Multicluster
	httpServer       *http.Server
	grpcServer       *grpc.Server
	secureGRPCServer *grpc.Server
	discoveryService *envoy.DiscoveryService
	istioConfigStore model.IstioConfigStore
	mux              *http.ServeMux
	kubeRegistry     *kube.Controller


1. main函数


func main() {
	if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {

   1.1 使用第三方命令行包cobra定义command

	rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
		Use:          "pilot-discovery",
		Short:        "Istio Pilot.",
		Long:         "Istio Pilot provides fleet-wide traffic management capabilities in the Istio Service Mesh.",
		SilenceUsage: true,

   1.2 定义rootCmd的子命令discoveryCmd

  •     包括配置日志,discovery默认监听端口8080,monitor默认监听端口9093
  •     NewServer函数创建server实例(第2章节讲解)
  •     Start启动server实例运行主要执行体(第3章节讲解)
	discoveryCmd = &cobra.Command{
		Use:   "discovery",
		Short: "Start Istio proxy discovery service.",
		Args:  cobra.ExactArgs(0),
		RunE: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
			if err := log.Configure(loggingOptions); err != nil {
				return err

			// Create the stop channel for all of the servers.
			stop := make(chan struct{})

			// Apply deprecated flags if set to a value other than the default.
			if serverArgs.DiscoveryOptions.HTTPAddr == ":8080" && httpPort != 8080 {
				serverArgs.DiscoveryOptions.HTTPAddr = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", httpPort)
			if serverArgs.DiscoveryOptions.MonitoringAddr == ":9093" && monitoringPort != 9093 {
				serverArgs.DiscoveryOptions.MonitoringAddr = fmt.Sprintf(":%d", monitoringPort)

			// Create the server for the discovery service.
			discoveryServer, err := bootstrap.NewServer(serverArgs)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to create discovery service: %v", err)

			// Start the server
			if err := discoveryServer.Start(stop); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("failed to start discovery service: %v", err)

			return nil


2. NewServer函数


// NewServer creates a new Server instance based on the provided arguments.
func NewServer(args PilotArgs) (*Server, error) {
	// If the namespace isn't set, try looking it up from the environment.
	if args.Namespace == "" {
		args.Namespace = os.Getenv("POD_NAMESPACE")
	if args.Config.ClusterRegistriesNamespace == "" {
		if args.Namespace != "" {
			args.Config.ClusterRegistriesNamespace = args.Namespace
		} else {
			args.Config.ClusterRegistriesNamespace = model.IstioSystemNamespace

	s := &Server{}

   2.1 initKubeClient函数   

     serverArgs.Service.Registries默认设置为kubernetes,如果运行在k8s环境,则创建k8s client(默认kubeconfig文件为空,使用in cluster方式建立客户端连接)

// initKubeClient creates the k8s client if running in an k8s environment.
func (s *Server) initKubeClient(args *PilotArgs) error {
	if hasKubeRegistry(args) && args.Config.FileDir == "" {
		client, kuberr := kubelib.CreateClientset(s.getKubeCfgFile(args), "")
		if kuberr != nil {
			return multierror.Prefix(kuberr, "failed to connect to Kubernetes API.")
		s.kubeClient = client


	return nil

   2.2 initMesh函数


// initMesh creates the mesh in the pilotConfig from the input arguments.
func (s *Server) initMesh(args *PilotArgs) error {
	// If a config file was specified, use it.
	if args.MeshConfig != nil {
		s.mesh = args.MeshConfig
		return nil
	var mesh *meshconfig.MeshConfig
	var err error

	if args.Mesh.ConfigFile != "" {
		mesh, err = cmd.ReadMeshConfig(args.Mesh.ConfigFile)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warnf("failed to read mesh configuration, using default: %v", err)

	if mesh == nil {
		// Config file either wasn't specified or failed to load - use a default mesh.
		if _, mesh, err = GetMeshConfig(s.kubeClient, kube.IstioNamespace, kube.IstioConfigMap); err != nil {
			log.Warnf("failed to read mesh configuration: %v", err)
			return err

		// Allow some overrides for testing purposes.
		if args.Mesh.MixerAddress != "" {
			mesh.MixerCheckServer = args.Mesh.MixerAddress
			mesh.MixerReportServer = args.Mesh.MixerAddress

	s.mesh = mesh
	return nil

   2.3 initMixerSan函数


// initMixerSan configures the mixerSAN configuration item. The mesh must already have been configured.
func (s *Server) initMixerSan(args *PilotArgs) error {
	if s.mesh == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("the mesh has not been configured before configuring mixer san")
	if s.mesh.DefaultConfig.ControlPlaneAuthPolicy == meshconfig.AuthenticationPolicy_MUTUAL_TLS {
		s.mixerSAN = envoy.GetMixerSAN(args.Config.ControllerOptions.DomainSuffix, args.Namespace)
	return nil

   2.4 initConfigController函数


// initConfigController creates the config controller in the pilotConfig.
func (s *Server) initConfigController(args *PilotArgs) error {
	if len(args.MCPServerAddrs) > 0 {
		if err := s.initMCPConfigController(args); err != nil {
			return err
	} else if args.Config.Controller != nil {
		s.configController = args.Config.Controller
	} else if args.Config.FileDir != "" {
		store := memory.Make(model.IstioConfigTypes)
		configController := memory.NewController(store)

		err := s.makeFileMonitor(args, configController)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		s.configController = configController
	} else {
		controller, err := s.makeKubeConfigController(args)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		s.configController = controller

    2.4.1 makeKubeConfigController函数

    创建kube client,注册crd资源如下IstioConfigTypes定义

func (s *Server) makeKubeConfigController(args *PilotArgs) (model.ConfigStoreCache, error) {
	kubeCfgFile := s.getKubeCfgFile(args)
	configClient, err := crd.NewClient(kubeCfgFile, "", model.IstioConfigTypes, args.Config.ControllerOptions.DomainSuffix)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, multierror.Prefix(err, "failed to open a config client.")

	if !args.Config.DisableInstallCRDs {
		if err = configClient.RegisterResources(); err != nil {
			return nil, multierror.Prefix(err, "failed to register custom resources.")

	return crd.NewController(configClient, args.Config.ControllerOptions), nil



	// IstioConfigTypes lists all Istio config types with schemas and validation
	IstioConfigTypes = ConfigDescriptor{
	} NewController函数


      // TODO: filtering functions to skip over un-referenced resources (perf)
      AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
         k8sEvents.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": otype, "event": "add"}).Add(1)
         c.queue.Push(kube.NewTask(handler.Apply, obj, model.EventAdd))
      UpdateFunc: func(old, cur interface{}) {
         if !reflect.DeepEqual(old, cur) {
            k8sEvents.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": otype, "event": "update"}).Add(1)
            c.queue.Push(kube.NewTask(handler.Apply, cur, model.EventUpdate))
         } else {
            k8sEvents.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": otype, "event": "updateSame"}).Add(1)
      DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
         k8sEvents.With(prometheus.Labels{"type": otype, "event": "add"}).Add(1)
         c.queue.Push(kube.NewTask(handler.Apply, obj, model.EventDelete))
// NewController creates a new Kubernetes controller for CRDs
// Use "" for namespace to listen for all namespace changes
func NewController(client *Client, options kube.ControllerOptions) model.ConfigStoreCache {
	log.Infof("CRD controller watching namespaces %q", options.WatchedNamespace)

	// Queue requires a time duration for a retry delay after a handler error
	out := &controller{
		client: client,
		queue:  kube.NewQueue(1 * time.Second),
		kinds:  make(map[string]cacheHandler),

	// add stores for CRD kinds
	for _, schema := range client.ConfigDescriptor() {
		out.addInformer(schema, options.WatchedNamespace, options.ResyncPeriod)

	return out

   2.4.2 待分析

	// Defer starting the controller until after the service is created.
	s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		go s.configController.Run(stop)
		return nil

	// If running in ingress mode (requires k8s), wrap the config controller.
	if hasKubeRegistry(args) && s.mesh.IngressControllerMode != meshconfig.MeshConfig_OFF {
		// Wrap the config controller with a cache.
		configController, err := configaggregate.MakeCache([]model.ConfigStoreCache{
			ingress.NewController(s.kubeClient, s.mesh, args.Config.ControllerOptions),
		if err != nil {
			return err

		// Update the config controller
		s.configController = configController

		if ingressSyncer, errSyncer := ingress.NewStatusSyncer(s.mesh, s.kubeClient,
			args.Namespace, args.Config.ControllerOptions); errSyncer != nil {
			log.Warnf("Disabled ingress status syncer due to %v", errSyncer)
		} else {
			s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
				go ingressSyncer.Run(stop)
				return nil

	// Create the config store.
	s.istioConfigStore = model.MakeIstioStore(s.configController)

   2.5 initServiceControllers

     创建以及初始化service controller,根据不通的平台方式进行处理,主要分析k8s平台的处理2.5.1分析

  •      Config则调用initConfigRegistry函数初始化
  •      Mock则调用initConfigRegistry函数初始化
  •      kubernetes调用createK8sServiceControllers处理
  •      consul调用initConsulRegistry
// initServiceControllers creates and initializes the service controllers
func (s *Server) initServiceControllers(args *PilotArgs) error {
	serviceControllers := aggregate.NewController()
	registered := make(map[serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry]bool)
	for _, r := range args.Service.Registries {
		serviceRegistry := serviceregistry.ServiceRegistry(r)
		if _, exists := registered[serviceRegistry]; exists {
			log.Warnf("%s registry specified multiple times.", r)
		registered[serviceRegistry] = true
		log.Infof("Adding %s registry adapter", serviceRegistry)
		switch serviceRegistry {
		case serviceregistry.ConfigRegistry:
		case serviceregistry.MockRegistry:
		case serviceregistry.KubernetesRegistry:
			if err := s.createK8sServiceControllers(serviceControllers, args); err != nil {
				return err
		case serviceregistry.ConsulRegistry:
			if err := s.initConsulRegistry(serviceControllers, args); err != nil {
				return err
		case serviceregistry.MCPRegistry:
			log.Infof("no-op: get service info from MCP ServiceEntries.")
			return multierror.Prefix(nil, "Service registry "+r+" is not supported.")

    2.5.1 createK8sServiceControllers

    NewController函数创建Controller实例,创建informer机制,主要关注service endpoint node pod

// createK8sServiceControllers creates all the k8s service controllers under this pilot
func (s *Server) createK8sServiceControllers(serviceControllers *aggregate.Controller, args *PilotArgs) (err error) {
	clusterID := string(serviceregistry.KubernetesRegistry)
	log.Infof("Primary Cluster name: %s", clusterID)
	kubectl := kube.NewController(s.kubeClient, args.Config.ControllerOptions)
	s.kubeRegistry = kubectl
			Name:             serviceregistry.KubernetesRegistry,
			ClusterID:        clusterID,
			ServiceDiscovery: kubectl,
			ServiceAccounts:  kubectl,
			Controller:       kubectl,


    2.5.2 NewServiceDiscovery函数


// NewServiceDiscovery creates a new ServiceEntry discovery service
func NewServiceDiscovery(callbacks model.ConfigStoreCache, store model.IstioConfigStore) *ServiceEntryStore {
	c := &ServiceEntryStore{
		serviceHandlers:  make([]serviceHandler, 0),
		instanceHandlers: make([]instanceHandler, 0),
		store:            store,
		callbacks:        callbacks,
		ip2instance:      map[string][]*model.ServiceInstance{},
		instances:        map[string][]*model.ServiceInstance{},
		updateNeeded:     true,
	if callbacks != nil {
		callbacks.RegisterEventHandler(model.ServiceEntry.Type, func(config model.Config, event model.Event) {
			serviceEntry := config.Spec.(*networking.ServiceEntry)

			// Recomputing the index here is too expensive.
			c.lastChange = time.Now()
			c.updateNeeded = true

			services := convertServices(serviceEntry, config.CreationTimestamp)
			for _, handler := range c.serviceHandlers {
				for _, service := range services {
					go handler(service, event)

			instances := convertInstances(serviceEntry, config.CreationTimestamp)
			for _, handler := range c.instanceHandlers {
				for _, instance := range instances {
					go handler(instance, event)

	return c

    2.5.3 service controller注册service entry,启动service controller的Run方法

	// add service entry registry to aggregator by default
	serviceEntryRegistry := aggregate.Registry{
		Name:             "ServiceEntries",
		Controller:       serviceEntryStore,
		ServiceDiscovery: serviceEntryStore,
		ServiceAccounts:  serviceEntryStore,

	s.ServiceController = serviceControllers

	// Defer running of the service controllers.
	s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		go s.ServiceController.Run(stop)
		return nil

   2.6 initDiscoveryService函数

func (s *Server) initDiscoveryService(args *PilotArgs) error {
	environment := &model.Environment{
		Mesh:             s.mesh,
		IstioConfigStore: s.istioConfigStore,
		ServiceDiscovery: s.ServiceController,
		ServiceAccounts:  s.ServiceController,
		MixerSAN:         s.mixerSAN,

	// Set up discovery service
	discovery, err := envoy.NewDiscoveryService(


   2.7 initMonitor函数

// initMonitor initializes the configuration for the pilot monitoring server.
func (s *Server) initMonitor(args *PilotArgs) error {
	s.addStartFunc(func(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
		monitor, addr, err := startMonitor(args.DiscoveryOptions.MonitoringAddr, s.mux)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		s.MonitorListeningAddr = addr

		go func() {
			err := monitor.Close()
			log.Debugf("Monitoring server terminated: %v", err)
		return nil
	return nil


    2.8 initClusterRegistries函数

// initClusterRegistries starts the secret controller to watch for remote
// clusters and initialize the multicluster structures.
func (s *Server) initClusterRegistries(args *PilotArgs) (err error) {
	if hasKubeRegistry(args) {

		mc, err := clusterregistry.NewMulticluster(s.kubeClient,

		if err != nil {
			log.Info("Unable to create new Multicluster object")
			return err

		s.multicluster = mc
	return nil


3. Start函数


// Start starts all components of the Pilot discovery service on the port specified in DiscoveryServiceOptions.
// If Port == 0, a port number is automatically chosen. Content serving is started by this method,
// but is executed asynchronously. Serving can be cancelled at any time by closing the provided stop channel.
func (s *Server) Start(stop <-chan struct{}) error {
	// Now start all of the components.
	for _, fn := range s.startFuncs {
		if err := fn(stop); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil




