1.4 C allows statements of the form
#include filenamewhich reads filename and inserts its contents in place of the include statement. Include statements may be nested; in other words, the file filename may itself contain an include statement, but, obviously, a file can't include itself in any chain. Write a program that reads in a file and outputs the file as modified by the include statements.
没太看懂, 与是找到中文版:
The general way to do this is to write a procedure with heading
void ProcessFile( const char *FileName );
which opens FileName,O does whatever processing is needed, and then closes it. If a line of the form
#include SomeFile is detected, then the call
ProcessFile( SomeFile );
is made recursively. Self-referential includes can be detected by keeping a list of files for which a call to ProcessFile has not yet terminated, and checking this list before making a new call to Process File.
程序如下, 不完备,只显示思路。
没考虑找不到文件与循环包含情况下的错误处理, 只是在理想情况下, 顺序打印出每一行, 没将其存入一个文件.
网上这道题的解答我只找到2个,没看懂(水平太低,刚学完C语法,正学data structures and algorithm analysis in c)。