最近又把《SQL 必知必会》仔细翻了一遍,因此将基础知识整理回顾,加深印象。
假设有两张表:student(sno,name,sex,age,class,addr) ,sno为主键
select sno from student; # 检索单个列
select sno,sex,age from student; # 检索多列
select * from student; # 检索所有列 优点:能检索出名字未知的列 缺点:降低检索性能
检索唯一不同/不重复 值 : distinct
select distinct name from student;
注意:distinct 关键字,作用于所有列,而不仅仅是跟在其后的那一列。
select distinct name,addr from student;
select name from student # 检索student表中从第 3 行起的 4 行数据
limit 4 offset 2; # 第一个被检索的是第0行,所以 2 实际是检索第 3 行
limit 指定返回的行数,offset 指定从哪里开始。
二、排序(order by)
升序(默认的):ASC 降序:DESC (order by 必须是select 的最后一条子句)
select name,age feom student
order by age; # 按年龄升序排列
select name,age,class from student
order by age,class; # 先按年龄排,年龄相同再按班级排
select name,age,class from student
order by age DESC,class DESC; #若在多个列上降序,必须对每一列指定DESC关键字
三、过滤数据(where / and / or / not / is null / between / in )
where +条件
select name,age,class feom student
where age > 15; # 检索年龄大于15岁的
select name,age,class feom student
where age <= 18; # 检索年龄小于等于18的
select name,age,class feom student
where age = 14; # 检索年龄等于14的
select name,age,class feom student
where age != 12; # 检索年龄不等于12的
逻辑运算:and / or / not 优先级:( ) > not> and >or
select name,age,class feom student
where age = 10 and class = 14; # 同时满足两个条件的值 年龄=10 且 班级=14
select name,age,class feom student
where age = 15 or class = 16; # 满足其中任一条件的值 年龄=15 或者 班级=16
select name,age,class feom student
where not age = 15; # 不包含该条件的值 年龄!=15
特殊条件:is null / between / in
判断是null值:is null 判断不是null值:is not null
select name,addr from student
where addr is null; # 地址是null值
select name,addr from student
where addr is not null; # 地址不是null值
(2)范围值检索 between and / or
select name,age from student
where age between 12 and 16; # 年龄在12~16之间
select name,age from student
where age in(10,12,14,16,18); # 年龄是括号中的值的
PS: in 与 or 能完成相似的功能,但 in 更好。
(3)like 模糊检索(% ,_ , [ ])
select name from student
where name like '%mark%'; # 匹配 name 包含 mark 的
select name from student
where name like '%mark'; # 匹配 name 以 mark 结尾的
select name from student
where name like 'mark%'; # 匹配 name 以 mark 开头的
_ : 匹配单个字符(总是刚好匹配一个字符,不能多也不能少)
select name from student
where name like '_ark'; # 匹配长度为4,且后三个字符为ark的,例如 mark/lark/hark
select name from student
where name like 'mar_'; # 匹配长度为4,且前三个字符为mar的,例如 mard/marl/maef
select name from student
where name like '_ma_'; # 匹配长度为4,且中间两个字符为ma的,例如 mmaa/smad/kmaf
[ ] :匹配括号中任意一个字符,只能匹配单个字符;可以用前缀字符^来否定
select name from student
where name like '[mk]%'; # 匹配以 m 或 k 开头的,例如 mark/kind/mind/kol
select name from student
where name like '%[mn]'; # 匹配以 m 或 n 结尾的,例如 moon/han
select name from student
where name like '[^abc]%'; # 匹配不以 a 或 b 或 c 开头的,例如 doop/lamb