Name |
API_OpenSocket |
Delcaration |
SOCKET API_OpenSocket(unsigned char *ip,unsigned int port) |
Description |
Open the socket ip address and set the port for further communication with the reader. Input Parameter: ip — ip address ip[0-3] 4 Byte ip address such as ip[0] = 192 ip[1] = 168 ip[2] = 1 ip[3] = 1 port — communicate port such as 50000 Output Parameter: none |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is the socket Handle; Other else it is INVALID_SOCKET(~0). |
1.2 API_CloseSocket
Name |
API_CloseSocket |
Delcaration |
int API_CloseSocket(SOCKET s) |
Description |
Close the communication socket. The API_CloseSocket should be called to release the socket before closing the application program. Input Parameter: s — the socket handle Output Parameter: none |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is 1. |
Name |
API_ControlLED |
Delcaration |
int API_ControlLED(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress,int mode, unsigned char freq, unsigned char duration, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Control the working state of the LED(Max is 2 LED) Iutput Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 mode — how to control the LED 0: the LED is blinking in Green 1: the LED is blinking in Red freq — LED time on light(etu is 20ms, Max value is 50(hex)) 0x00—0x50 duration — number of times Led on light such as 0x0A Output Parameter: buffer buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX. |
Name |
API_ControlBuzzer |
Delcaration |
int API_ControlBuzzer(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress,unsigned char freq, unsigned char duration,unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Control the working state of the buzzer(Max is 2 LED) Iutput Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 freq — Buzzer time on ringing(etu is 20ms, Max value is 50(hex)) duration — number of times Buzzer on ringing Output Parameter: buffer buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Name |
API_GetVersionNum |
Delcaration |
int API_GetVersionNum(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, char *VersionNum) |
Description |
Get the version of the reader Iutput Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 Output Parameter: buffer succeed buffer[0] is the length of the version. buffer[1-N] is the version failed buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Name |
API_SetDataOutputR232 |
Delcaration |
int API_SetDataOutputR232(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char ControlMode, unsigned char ReadInfo, unsigned char StartAddress, unsigned char *Key, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Set the configuration of the reader, whether or not auto uploading block or byte data using Key A or Key B. whether or not auto uploading UID of the Card. Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 ControlMode — control the output data format Bit0: Request Mode. 0=Request Idle, 1 = Request All Bit1: Key Select. Select use KeyA or Key B for Authenticaiton 0=KeyA, 1=KeyB Bit2: Output format 1= Read Serial Number, 0= Read Data of Block or Byte Bit3: Read Mode, 0 = Block, 1 = Byte(when Bit2=1 then Bit3=1) Bit4: AUTO Mode, 0 = OFF, 1 = ON Note: When “ControlMode”> 0x1F and “ControlMode”^2=0 And “ReadInfo” =0XFF And “StartAddress”=0XFF. The Reader will output UID of the Card. Auto uploading UID is for Mifare and Ultralight Card Auto upload Block or Byte are only for Mifare Card ReadInfo — Information to Read If Read Mode = 0 then value is the Number of Blocks from 1 to 4 If Read Mode = 1 then the value is: Bits 4-7: Number of Bytes to Read Bits 0-3: Start Byte StartAddress —The Start Address of blocks to be read, not negative 0x00-0xXX (XX depending on the card type) Key — Key A or B of the card which is 6 bytes. Output Parameter: buffer buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX. |
Name |
API_MF_SetRequestMode |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_SetRequestMode(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char requestmode, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Set the request mode of the reader Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 requestmode 0x00: forbid auto request card 0x01: allow auto request card Output Parameter: buffer buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX . |
Name |
API_MF_Read |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_Read(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, int cardType, unsigned char mode, unsigned char blk_add, unsigned char num_blk, unsigned char *snr, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
read the appointed length data at the appointed station Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 cardType - card type 0x00 Mifare card 0x01 Ultralight card mode - reader mode 0x00: Idle mode + Key A 0x01: All mode + Key A 0x02: Idle mode + Key B 0x03: All mode + Key B blk_add — the starting address of a card to read, not negative 0x00-0xXX (XX depending on the card type) num_blk — the number of block or page to read Mifare card: 0x01-0x04 Ultralight card: restricted to 0x01 snr — Key of the card which is 6 byte Mifare card: Key to check Ultralight card: Don’t need the paramerter Output Parameter: buffer succeed Mifare card: buffer[0]: buffer data length buffer[1—(N - 16*num_blk byte)]: data of card snr buffer[(N - 16*num_blk byte)—N]: data of card(16*num_blk byte) Ultralight card: buffer[0]: buffer data length buffer[1—(4*num_blk byte)]: data of card(4*num_blk byte) buffer[(N - 4*num_blk byte)—N]: data of card snr failed buffer[0]: status words,As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX 。 Note:only read blocks in the same sector, see mifare 1 memory organisation |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX. |
Name |
API_MF_Write |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_Write(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, int cardType, unsigned char mode, unsigned char blk_add, unsigned char num_blk, unsigned char *key, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
write the appointed length data at the appointed station Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 cardType - card type 0x00 Mifare one card 0x01 Ultralight card mode – write mode 0x00: Idle mode + Key A 0x01: All mode + Key A 0x02: Idle mode + Key B 0x03: All mode + Key B blk_add — the starting address of a card to write, not negative 0x00-0xXX (XX depending on the card type) num_blk — the number of block or page to write Mifare card: 0x01-0x04 Ultralight card: restricted to 0x01 key — Key of the card which is 6 byte Mifare card: Key to check Ultralight card: Don’t need the paramerter buffer — data to write to the card Mifare card: 16*num_blk byte Ultralight card: 4*num_blk byte Output Parameter: buffer succeed buffer[0]: UID data length buffer[1-N]: UID of N byte (from Low byte to Hight byte ) failed buffer[0]: status words,As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX 。 Note:only write block in the same sector, see mifare 1 memory organisation |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX . |
Name |
API_MF_Request |
Delcaration |
API_MF_Request(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char mode, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Get the card type Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 mode 0x00: All mode 0x01: Idle mode Output Parameter: buffer succeed buffer[0-1]: card type of 2 byte failed buffer[0]: status words,see appendix。 |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX . |
Name |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_GET_SNR(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char mode,unsigned char cmd,unsigned char *flag, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Read the serial number of a card Iutput Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 mode — control how to get the serial number 0x00: All 0x01:Idle cmd — whether or not halt the card 0x00: not halt 0x01: halt command Output Parameter: flag — flag about card number 0x00: one card 0x01:more than one card buffer succeed buffer[0] is the length of the card number. buffer[1-N] is the serial number (from low byte to high byte) failed buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Name |
API_MF_PowerOn |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_PowerOn(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char mode, unsigned char cmd, unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Enter into ISO14443 protocol -4 layer, get the ATS of the CPU card Note: Must forbid auto request card first using the API_MF_SetRequestMode.After sent APDU command using API_MF_TransferCMD, please allow the auto request card using API_MF_SetRequestMode. Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 mode 0x00: All mode 0x01: Idle mode cmd whether halt after poweron 0x00: None 0x01: Halt Output Parameter: buffer succeed buffer[0] is the length of ATS Data. buffer[1-N] is the ATS Data failed buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX . |
Name |
API_MF_TransferCMD |
Delcaration |
int API_MF_TransferCMD(SOCKET socketHandle, int DeviceAddress, unsigned char mode, unsigned char cmdlength, unsigned char *cmd , unsigned char *returnlen , unsigned char *buffer) |
Description |
Send APDU data to ISO14443 Type A CPU card Note: Must Send PowerOn using API_MF_PowerOn first, then send this command. Input Parameter: socketHandle - the socket handle DeviceAddress - Reader Address Range of Reader Address is from 0 to 255 mode 0x00: Not CRC 0x01: Include CRC cmdlength length of the APDU command in byte cmd context of command Output Parameter: returnlen return length of the data buffer succeed buffer[0-N] is the Data of the card failed buffer[0] value is status words.As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX |
Return value |
If function run successfully, then return value is 0;Other else it is not 0, As for the exact meaning, please refere to the APPENDIX . |
Return |
Description |
0x00 |
Command OK. ( success) |
0x02 |
checksum error |
0x03 |
Send error |
0x04 |
time out reply |
0x05 |
Reader Address mismath |
0x06 |
Connection gracefully closed |
0x07 |
check sum error |
0x08 |
0x0A |
the parameter value out of range |
Status |
Description |
0x00 |
Command OK. ( success) |
0x01 |
Command FAILURE(see error code) |
0x80 |
0x81 |
0x82 |
Reader reply time out error |
0x83 |
the card do not exist |
0x84 |
the data is error |
0x85 |
the authentication failure |
0x86 |
Unknown Internal Error |
0x87 |
Unknown error |
0x89 |
The parameter of the command or the Format of the command Erro |
0x8A |
Error in the initial |
0x8B |
Error UID in the Anticoll |
0x8C |
Passwords error |
0x8f |
Reader received unknown command |
0x90 |
card could not support this command |
0x91 |
command format have a mistake |
0x92 |
command could not support OPTION form |
0x93 |
inputed block is inexistence. |
0x94 |
inputed block had been locked |
0x95 |
ocked the block is not successful |
0x96 |
write card operation is not successful |
0x89 |
Flag error in the ISO14443 TypeA |