Maximum number of find results exceeded


现在的情况是 ad 负荷值为1w左右,生产AD数据马上就要超10000 ,超过后sapad的同步就会发生错误,ldap里面无法查询1万条以上的数据,问题复现如下



参考:1823253 - Maximum number of find results exceeded

584121 - User master synchronization with Microsoft Active Directory

807846 - LDAP Connector: Support for "Paged Search Control"

The new search method is not used in the default values and must be activated using the command line parameter


of the LDAP Connector. In this case, is the page size to be used, while the normal search uses 0.

Select the page size so that it is smaller than the upper limit for search results in the directory. SAP will use a default value of 200 for future versions.


当前的 默认是 0 sap 未来的版本默认设定为 200 ,我们可以先设定为 200 ,如果还是不行可以往上加,但是不能超过 AD 里面的 MaxPageSize 的大小, MaxPageSize 也可以调整(;en-us;315071

调整完成之后,最好重启一下 LDAP connector,退出一下GUI,然后重新登录查询


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