

入手黑莓开发 ,第一步肯定是搭建环境了,黑莓提供了自己的JDE开发工具,但是个人以为十分之不方便,还是选择eclipse插件比较好,黑莓官网的服务器在加拿大 ,访问速度慢如蜗牛,这里我给迅雷下载地址:



安装好了之后 ,按照开发习惯,先写一个helloWorld小例子,打开eclipse,点击File-new,选择project,然后选择blackberry project ,工程名HelloWorld,建好之后就可以编辑代码了

public class MyApp extends UiApplication { /** * Entry point for application * * @param args * Command line arguments (not used) */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a new instance of the application and make the currently // running thread the application's event dispatch thread. MyApp theApp = new MyApp(); theApp.enterEventDispatcher(); } /** * Creates a new MyApp object */ public MyApp() { // Push a screen onto the UI stack for rendering. pushScreen(new HelloWorldScreen()); //new MenuCanvas(); } } final class HelloWorldScreen extends MainScreen { public HelloWorldScreen(){ super(); LabelField title = new LabelField("HelloWorld", LabelField.ELLIPSIS); setTitle(title); add(new ButtonField("Submit")); } public boolean onClose() { //Status.show("Hello World!"); Dialog.ask(Dialog.D_OK_CANCEL, "are you sure?", Dialog.NO); System.exit(0); return true; } } 



