
1 Linux系统内存管理

1.1 进程地址空间




1.2 系统层面内存分配

从操作系统角度看,进程分配内存有两种方式,分别由两个系统调用完成:brk 和 mmap (不考虑共享内存)

1)brk 是将数据段(.data)的最高地址指针 _edata 往高地址推

2)mmap 是在进程的虚拟地址空间中(堆和栈中间,称为“文件映射区域”的地方)找一块空闲的虚拟内存。


1.3 库函数malloc

1)当开辟的空间小于 128K 时,调用 brk()函数,malloc 的底层实现是系统调用函数 brk(),其主要移动指针 _enddata(此时的 _enddata 指的是 Linux 地址空间中堆段的末尾地址,不是数据段的末尾地址)

2)当开辟的空间大于 128K 时,mmap()系统调用函数来在虚拟地址空间中(堆和栈中间,称为“文件映射区域”的地方)找一块空间来开辟。


2 TCMalloc

TCMalloc全称Thread-Caching Malloc,即线程缓存的malloc,是 Google 开发的内存分配器,在不少项目中都有使用,例如在 Golang 中就使用了类似的算法进行内存分配。它具有现代化内存分配器的基本特征:对抗内存碎片、在多核处理器能够 scale。据称,它的内存分配速度是 glibc2.3 中实现的 malloc的数倍。实现了高效的多线程内存管理,用于替代glib等库的内存分配相关的函数(malloc、free,new,new[]等)。







3 golang内存管理

3.1 概述

Golang的内存分配器是基于TCMalloc实现的。Golang 的程序在启动之初,会一次性从操作系统那里申请一大块内存(初始堆内存应该是 64M 左右)作为内存池。这块内存空间会放在一个叫 mheap 的 struct 中管理,mheap 负责将这一整块内存切割成不同的区域(spans, bitmap ,areana),并将其中一部分的内存切割成合适的大小,分配给用户使用。



3.2 内存管理的几个概念

  • page 内存页,一块 8K 大小的内存空间。Go 与操作系统之间的内存申请和释放,都是以 page 为单位的。
  • mheap 堆分配器,以8192byte页进行管理
  • mspan 由mheap管理的页面
  • mcentral 所有给定大小类的mspan集合,Central组件其实也是一个缓存,但它缓存的不是小对象内存块,而是一组一组的内存page(一个page占4k大小)
  • mcache 运行时分配池,每个线程都有自己的局部内存缓存mCache,实现goroutine高并发的重要因素(分配小对象可直接从mCache中分配,不用加锁)

  • arena 区域就是heap,是供分配维护的内存池,对应区域大小是512G;
  • bitmap 区域是标识arena中那些地址保存了对象,及对象中是否包含了指针,其中1个byte(8bit)对应arena中4个指针大小的内存(即:2bit对应1个指针大小),对应大小16G;
  • span 是页管理单元,是内存分配的基本单位,其中一个指针对应arena中1个虚拟地址页大小(8kb),对应大小512M
  • sizeclass 空间规格,每个 span 都带有一个 sizeclass ,标记着该 span 中的 page 应该如何使用。使用上面的比喻,就是 sizeclass 标志着 span 是一个什么样的队伍。
  • object  对象,用来存储一个变量数据内存空间,一个 span 在初始化时,会被切割成一堆等大的 object 。假设 object 的大小是 16B , span 大小是 8K ,那么就会把 span 中的 page 就会被初始化 8K / 16B = 512 个 object 。所谓内存分配,就是分配一个 object 出去。

3.3 内存管理器初始化

在golang程序初始化时,runtime中会初始化内存管理器,调用函数 mallocinit()


func mallocinit() {
	if class_to_size[_TinySizeClass] != _TinySize {
		throw("bad TinySizeClass")


	if heapArenaBitmapBytes&(heapArenaBitmapBytes-1) != 0 {
		// heapBits expects modular arithmetic on bitmap
		// addresses to work.
		throw("heapArenaBitmapBytes not a power of 2")

	// Copy class sizes out for statistics table.
	for i := range class_to_size {
		memstats.by_size[i].size = uint32(class_to_size[i])

	// Check physPageSize.
	if physPageSize == 0 {
		// The OS init code failed to fetch the physical page size.
		throw("failed to get system page size")
	if physPageSize < minPhysPageSize {
		print("system page size (", physPageSize, ") is smaller than minimum page size (", minPhysPageSize, ")\n")
		throw("bad system page size")
	if physPageSize&(physPageSize-1) != 0 {
		print("system page size (", physPageSize, ") must be a power of 2\n")
		throw("bad system page size")
	if physHugePageSize&(physHugePageSize-1) != 0 {
		print("system huge page size (", physHugePageSize, ") must be a power of 2\n")
		throw("bad system huge page size")
	if physHugePageSize != 0 {
		// Since physHugePageSize is a power of 2, it suffices to increase
		// physHugePageShift until 1<= 0; i-- {
			var p uintptr
			switch {
			case GOARCH == "arm64" && GOOS == "darwin":
				p = uintptr(i)<<40 | uintptrMask&(0x0013<<28)
			case GOARCH == "arm64":
				p = uintptr(i)<<40 | uintptrMask&(0x0040<<32)
			case GOOS == "aix":
				if i == 0 {
					// We don't use addresses directly after 0x0A00000000000000
					// to avoid collisions with others mmaps done by non-go programs.
				p = uintptr(i)<<40 | uintptrMask&(0xa0<<52)
			case raceenabled:
				// The TSAN runtime requires the heap
				// to be in the range [0x00c000000000,
				// 0x00e000000000).
				p = uintptr(i)<<32 | uintptrMask&(0x00c0<<32)
				if p >= uintptrMask&0x00e000000000 {
				p = uintptr(i)<<40 | uintptrMask&(0x00c0<<32)
			hint := (*arenaHint)(mheap_.arenaHintAlloc.alloc())
			hint.addr = p
			hint.next, mheap_.arenaHints = mheap_.arenaHints, hint
	} else {
		// On a 32-bit machine, we're much more concerned
		// about keeping the usable heap contiguous.
		// Hence:
		// 1. We reserve space for all heapArenas up front so
		// they don't get interleaved with the heap. They're
		// ~258MB, so this isn't too bad. (We could reserve a
		// smaller amount of space up front if this is a
		// problem.)
		// 2. We hint the heap to start right above the end of
		// the binary so we have the best chance of keeping it
		// contiguous.
		// 3. We try to stake out a reasonably large initial
		// heap reservation.

		const arenaMetaSize = (1 << arenaBits) * unsafe.Sizeof(heapArena{})
		meta := uintptr(sysReserve(nil, arenaMetaSize))
		if meta != 0 {
			mheap_.heapArenaAlloc.init(meta, arenaMetaSize)

		// We want to start the arena low, but if we're linked
		// against C code, it's possible global constructors
		// have called malloc and adjusted the process' brk.
		// Query the brk so we can avoid trying to map the
		// region over it (which will cause the kernel to put
		// the region somewhere else, likely at a high
		// address).
		procBrk := sbrk0()

		// If we ask for the end of the data segment but the
		// operating system requires a little more space
		// before we can start allocating, it will give out a
		// slightly higher pointer. Except QEMU, which is
		// buggy, as usual: it won't adjust the pointer
		// upward. So adjust it upward a little bit ourselves:
		// 1/4 MB to get away from the running binary image.
		p := firstmoduledata.end
		if p < procBrk {
			p = procBrk
		if mheap_.heapArenaAlloc.next <= p && p < mheap_.heapArenaAlloc.end {
			p = mheap_.heapArenaAlloc.end
		p = alignUp(p+(256<<10), heapArenaBytes)
		// Because we're worried about fragmentation on
		// 32-bit, we try to make a large initial reservation.
		arenaSizes := []uintptr{
			512 << 20,
			256 << 20,
			128 << 20,
		for _, arenaSize := range arenaSizes {
			a, size := sysReserveAligned(unsafe.Pointer(p), arenaSize, heapArenaBytes)
			if a != nil {
				mheap_.arena.init(uintptr(a), size)
				p = uintptr(a) + size // For hint below
		hint := (*arenaHint)(mheap_.arenaHintAlloc.alloc())
		hint.addr = p
		hint.next, mheap_.arenaHints = mheap_.arenaHints, hint


3.4 内存分配过程




type mheap struct {
   lock      mutex
   spans []*mspan

   // Malloc stats.
   largealloc  uint64                  // bytes allocated for large objects
   nlargealloc uint64                  // number of large object allocations
   largefree   uint64                  // bytes freed for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
   nlargefree  uint64                  // number of frees for large objects (>maxsmallsize)
   // range of addresses we might see in the heap
   bitmap        uintptr // Points to one byte past the end of the bitmap
   bitmap_mapped uintptr

   arena_start uintptr
   arena_used  uintptr // Set with setArenaUsed.

   arena_alloc uintptr
   arena_end   uintptr

   arena_reserved bool

   central [numSpanClasses]struct {
      mcentral mcentral
      pad      [sys.CacheLineSize - unsafe.Sizeof(mcentral{})%sys.CacheLineSize]byte



  • 将申请的内存大小,向上取整成对应的size class;并且从P的mcache中找对应的mspan。
  • 如果mspan有空闲slot,就分配。这个过程不需要lock,因为只有一个G会向P申请。
  • 如果mspan没有空闲slot,就从mcentral获取新的mspan。这个过程需要lock,因为会有多个G同时申请。
  • 如果mcentral没有mspan,就从mheap申请。
  • 如果mheap空间不足,就想OS申请一组page,最少1MB。


  • 大对象都是直接操作mheap,跳过mcache和mcentral


2.2 调试分析


package main
func main() {
	aa := 1


	i := getObj()


	ii := getHeapObj()


func getObj() int{
	i := 2
	return i
func getHeapObj() *int{
	i := 3
	return &i


gdb newobj
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.0.1
Copyright (C) 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
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There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
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Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from newobj...done.
Loading Go Runtime support.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /opt/newobj 
[New Thread 0x2603 of process 93045]
warning: unhandled dyld version (15)
0xc0000aa020 3
[Inferior 1 (process 93045) exited normally]
(gdb) b main.main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1094770: file /opt/newobj.go, line 7.
(gdb) n
The program is not being run.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /opt/newobj 
[New Thread 0x1b03 of process 93047]
warning: unhandled dyld version (15)
[New Thread 0x190b of process 93047]
[New Thread 0x1c03 of process 93047]
[New Thread 0x1d03 of process 93047]
[New Thread 0x2303 of process 93047]
[New Thread 0x2403 of process 93047]

Thread 2 hit Breakpoint 1, main.main () at /opt/newobj.go:7
7	func main() {
(gdb) n
8		aa := 1
(gdb) s
10		fmt.Println(aa)
(gdb) n
12		i := getObj()
(gdb) s
main.getObj (~r0=824634101464) at /opt/newobj.go:22
22	func getObj() int{
23		i := 2
(gdb) s
25		return i
(gdb) s
1	: No such file or directory.
(gdb) n
main.main () at /opt/newobj.go:14
14		fmt.Println(i)
(gdb) n
16		ii := getHeapObj()
(gdb) s
main.getHeapObj (~r0=0xc00005ced8) at /opt/newobj.go:28
28	func getHeapObj() *int{
(gdb) s
29		i := 3
(gdb) s
runtime.newobject (typ=0x10a1e60 , ~r1=) at /opt/code/go/src/runtime/malloc.go:1150
1150	func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer {
(gdb) n
1151		return mallocgc(typ.size, typ, true)
(gdb) n
main.getHeapObj (~r0=0x0) at /opt/newobj.go:31
31		return &i
(gdb) n
main.main () at /opt/newobj.go:18
18		fmt.Println(ii,*ii)
(gdb) n
0xc0000a6020 3
20	}
(gdb) n
runtime.main () at /opt/code/go/src/runtime/proc.go:212
212		if atomic.Load(&runningPanicDefers) != 0 {
(gdb) n
221		if atomic.Load(&panicking) != 0 {
(gdb) n
225		exit(0)
(gdb) n
[Inferior 1 (process 93047) exited normally]


3 内存回收过程



  malloc 底层实现及原理

  图解 TCMalloc


【golang 源码分析】内存分配与管理

【Golang源码探索】(三) GC的实现原理

