How-to: resolve "Unapproved licenses:" issue during building with mvn+rat

This issue happened during building flume, but this has nothing to do with flume.

mvn verbose output will mention about what files is marked "Unapproved license" from target/rat.txt. Like:

      Apache Licensed: 12
      Generated Documents: 0

      JavaDocs are generated and so license header is optional
      Generated files do not required license headers

      1 Unknown Licenses


      Unapproved licenses:

Solution to this problem is to remove such files (list of problematic files is available in target/rat.txt, like upper or run build with parameter "-Drat.numUnapprovedLicenses=100". 

你可能感兴趣的:(How-to: resolve "Unapproved licenses:" issue during building with mvn+rat)