Life is too short so we might as well take some risks

Today I saw a video.The content in the vedio is very impressive.So I write it down.

Are you afraid to die?

Do you have the fear of death?

Are you wondering about that moment where this might all end?

What happens when you are gone?

What happens when this is all over?

And Is it worth it to work really hard、to try your best and to go after your dream and your goal?

Is there any point in any of this because at the end it seems like it all disappears?

Once you are dead,all the things that you bulid up there such as the money,the relationships and the accomplishments is all gone.

And all this work,all this time,all this dedication that you are pouring in.

Is it really worthwhile?

You can ask yourself the question.Maybe you already have.

Should I actually try my best or is it hopeless because at the end there is nothing.

Well here it is the thing.

Instead of living with the fear of death.You could live with the death of fear.

You could get rid of this feeling once and for all by asking a simple question.

What was it like before you were ever born?

What was that experience all about ?

How does it feel to not be born yet?

That is a hard question to answer.

And how are you really going to explain that.

Maybe death is a hot like.Maybe you go to some perfect place.

But reagrdless of your belief.No matter what religion spirituality,you really stand behind.

What is important is that you make the most

 out of this experience and this opportunity that you are given.

You are a human being with a lot of potential.

And every moment you wasted thinging about 

how it might go away is another moment wasted.

Live your life.

What do you want?

Go after dots.

Because if life is too short,you might as well take some risks.

At the end it is all gone anyway.

你可能感兴趣的:(Life is too short so we might as well take some risks)