github 使用之project 创建

Introduction of github,details can be find at

1.Create a Repository(yourself  pro code)   or   fork some interesting  project (other pro code)

(master branch will be built and can be treated as backup original code---publish发布版代码库 version code)

2. Create a new Branch: 

(you will change this ,it can be treated as working dir,you can modifing codes,pull,merge,etc )

3. Open an Issue for README edits:(on your new branch ...)

 (for marking  the target of this  branch and constructing the disscusion with others)

4.modify codes on your new branch,anyway and then test,at last,merge into master branch

(working on new branch)


            1).modify your code

            2)  .when the modifing is tested and confirmed,it will be commited and merged into master branch)

               Make a commit      

               Open a Pull Request

               Merge your Pull Request  (into master branch ---publish发布版代码库 version code)
