

经过前边 从代码了解AOSP 的学习,我们知道整个AOSP的代码的分支(revision)与远程地址信息都在.repo/manifests/default.xml文件中指定,所以初步的想法是可以将这个文件替换为指定revision的文件,然后执行repo sync



比如,我原来的分支为android-5.1.1_r15,我要切换为android-5.1.1_r26 (仍然使用中科大的镜像源):

$ repo init -u git:// -b android-5.1.1_r26
$ repo sync

-u 整个AOSP的manifest的git的地址
-b 同步完成后要切换到的分支
-g 同步指定的分组(group)



这部分内容取自 Source Code Tags and Builds,因为来回切换网络比较麻烦,所以就复制了一份在这里。

Build Branch Version Supported devices
NBD90Z android-7.0.0_r14 Nougat Nexus 6
NBD90X android-7.0.0_r13 Nougat Nexus 6P
NBD90W android-7.0.0_r12 Nougat Nexus 5X
NRD91D android-7.0.0_r7 Nougat Pixel C, Nexus Player, Nexus 9 (Wi-Fi)
NRD90U android-7.0.0_r6 Nougat Nexus 6P
NRD90T android-7.0.0_r5 Nougat Nexus 6P
NRD90S android-7.0.0_r4 Nougat Nexus 5X
NRD90R android-7.0.0_r3 Nougat Nexus 5X, Nexus 9 (volantis), Nexus Player, Pixel C
NRD90M android-7.0.0_r1 Nougat Nexus 5X, Nexus 9 (volantis), Nexus Player, Pixel C
MXC89L android-6.0.1_r63 Marshmallow Pixel C
MTC20F android-6.0.1_r62 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MOB30Y android-6.0.1_r60 Marshmallow Nexus 5
MOB30X android-6.0.1_r59 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
MOB30W android-6.0.1_r58 Marshmallow Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MMB30S android-6.0.1_r57 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb)
MMB30R android-6.0.1_r56 Marshmallow Nexus 6
MXC89K android-6.0.1_r55 Marshmallow Pixel C
MTC19Z android-6.0.1_r54 Marshmallow Nexus 5X
MTC19X android-6.0.1_r53 Marshmallow Nexus 6P
MOB30P android-6.0.1_r50 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MOB30O android-6.0.1_r49 Marshmallow Nexus 6
MMB30M android-6.0.1_r48 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb)
MMB30K android-6.0.1_r47 Marshmallow Nexus 6
MOB30M android-6.0.1_r46 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MTC19V android-6.0.1_r45 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MOB30J android-6.0.1_r43 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
MOB30I android-6.0.1_r42 Marshmallow Nexus 6
MOB30H android-6.0.1_r41 Marshmallow Nexus 5
MOB30G android-6.0.1_r40 Marshmallow Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MXC89H android-6.0.1_r33 Marshmallow Pixel C
MXC89F android-6.0.1_r32 Marshmallow Pixel C
MMB30J android-6.0.1_r28 Marshmallow Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb)
MTC19T android-6.0.1_r25 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
M5C14J android-6.0.1_r31 Marshmallow Pixel C
MOB30D android-6.0.1_r30 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MHC19Q android-6.0.1_r24 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MHC19J android-6.0.1_r22 Marshmallow Nexus 5X
MHC19I android-6.0.1_r21 Marshmallow Nexus 6P
MMB29X android-6.0.1_r20 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (volantisg)
MXC14G android-6.0.1_r18 Marshmallow Pixel C
MMB29V android-6.0.1_r17 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
MXB48T android-6.0.1_r16 Marshmallow Pixel C
MMB29U android-6.0.1_r13 Marshmallow Nexus Player
MMB29R android-6.0.1_r12 Marshmallow Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
MMB29Q android-6.0.1_r11 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 6P, Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
MMB29T android-6.0.1_r10 Marshmallow Nexus Player
MMB29S android-6.0.1_r9 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
MMB29P android-6.0.1_r8 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MMB29O android-6.0.1_r7 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
MXB48K android-6.0.1_r5 Marshmallow Pixel C
MXB48J android-6.0.1_r4 Marshmallow Pixel C
MMB29M android-6.0.1_r3 Marshmallow Nexus 6P, Nexus Player
MMB29K android-6.0.1_r1 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
MMB29N android-6.0.0_r41 Marshmallow Nexus 6P
MDB08M android-6.0.0_r26 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MDB08L android-6.0.0_r25 Marshmallow Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P
MDB08K android-6.0.0_r24 Marshmallow Nexus 6P
MDB08I android-6.0.0_r23 Marshmallow Nexus 5X
MDA89E android-6.0.0_r12 Marshmallow Nexus 5X
MDA89D android-6.0.0_r11 Marshmallow Nexus 6P
MRA59B android-6.0.0_r7 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb)
MRA58X android-6.0.0_r6 Marshmallow Nexus 6
MRA58V android-6.0.0_r5 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
MRA58U android-6.0.0_r4 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo)
MRA58N android-6.0.0_r2 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
MRA58K android-6.0.0_r1 Marshmallow Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo/deb), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus Player
LMY49M android-5.1.1_r38 Lollipop Nexus 10
LMY49J android-5.1.1_r37 Lollipop Nexus 10
LMY49I android-5.1.1_r36 Lollipop Nexus 10
LMY49H android-5.1.1_r35 Lollipop Nexus 10
LMY49G android-5.1.1_r34 Lollipop Nexus 10
LMY49F android-5.1.1_r33 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantisg), Nexus 10
LMY48Z android-5.1.1_r30 Lollipop Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (volantisg), Nexus 10
LYZ28N android-5.1.1_r28 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY48Y android-5.1.1_r26 Lollipop Nexus 6
LMY48X android-5.1.1_r25 Lollipop Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (deb), Nexus 9 (volantisg), Nexus 10
LMY48W android-5.1.1_r24 Lollipop Nexus 6
LVY48H android-5.1.1_r23 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For Project Fi ONLY)
LYZ28M android-5.1.1_r22 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY48U android-5.1.1_r20 Lollipop Nexus 7 (deb)
LMY48T android-5.1.1_r19 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10
LVY48F android-5.1.1_r18 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For Project Fi ONLY)
LYZ28K android-5.1.1_r17 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY48P android-5.1.1_r16 Lollipop Nexus 7 (deb)
LMY48N android-5.1.1_r15 Lollipop Nexus Player
LMY48M android-5.1.1_r14 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10
LVY48E android-5.1.1_r13 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For Project Fi ONLY)
LYZ28J android-5.1.1_r12 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY48J android-5.1.1_r10 Lollipop Nexus Player
LMY48I android-5.1.1_r9 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10
LVY48C android-5.1.1_r8 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For Project Fi ONLY)
LMY48G android-5.1.1_r6 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo)
LYZ28E android-5.1.1_r5 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY47Z android-5.1.1_r4 Lollipop Nexus 6 (All carriers except T-Mobile US)
LMY48B android-5.1.1_r3 Lollipop Nexus 5
LMY47X android-5.1.1_r2 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
LMY47V android-5.1.1_r1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/grouper), Nexus 10, Nexus Player
LMY47O android-5.1.0_r5 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
LMY47M android-5.1.0_r4 Lollipop Nexus 6 (For T-Mobile ONLY)
LMY47I android-5.1.0_r3 Lollipop Nexus 5, Nexus 6
LMY47E android-5.1.0_r2 Lollipop Nexus 6
LMY47D android-5.1.0_r1 Lollipop Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia), Nexus 10, Nexus Player
LRX22L android-5.0.2_r3 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
LRX22G android-5.0.2_r1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia), Nexus 10
LRX22C android-5.0.1_r1 Lollipop Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6 (shamu), Nexus 7 (flo), Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg), Nexus 10
LRX21V android-5.0.0_r7.0.1 Lollipop Nexus Player (fugu)
LRX21T android-5.0.0_r6.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 4
LRX21R android-5.0.0_r5.1.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
LRX21Q android-5.0.0_r5.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
LRX21P android-5.0.0_r4.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/grouper), Nexus 10
LRX21O android-5.0.0_r3.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 5 (hammerhead), Nexus 6 (shamu)
LRX21M android-5.0.0_r2.0.1 Lollipop Nexus Player (fugu)
LRX21L android-5.0.0_r1.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)

这个表格的数据太多,我是通过一个在线的工具 - Markdown Tables Generator 完成转换的。

P.S. 5.0版本之前的被我删掉了,实在太多了。


  1. 从代码了解AOSP
  2. switch between different android repo tags
  3. getting specified tag by using repo
  4. Source Code Tags and Builds
  5. Markdown Tables Generator
