1、valarray定义了一组在两个相同长度和相同类型的valarray类对象之间的数字计算,例如xarr = cos(yarr) + sin(zarr);
2、通过重载operater[],可以返回valarray的相关信息(valarray其中某个元素的引用、特定下标的值或者其某个子集)。如果想对两个vector进行一些运算,如第一个vector的对象元素加上第二个vector的对应元素,还得写个for循环,或调用相应的库函数,比较麻烦,能不能直接v1 += v2呢?valarray就可以这样写。
apply |
Applies a specified function to each element of a valarray. |
cshift |
Cyclically shifts all the elements in a valarray by a specified number of positions. |
max |
Finds the largest element in a valarray. |
min |
Finds the smallest element in a valarray. |
resize |
Changes the number of elements in a valarray to a specified number, adding or removing elements as required. |
shift |
Shifts all the elements in a valarray by a specified number of positions. |
size |
Finds the number of elements in a valarray. |
sum |
Determines the sum of all the elements in a valarray of nonzero length. |
operator! |
A unary operator that obtains the logical NOT values of each element in a valarray. |
operator%= |
Obtains the remainder of dividing the elements of an array element-wise either by a specified valarrayor by a value of the element type. |
operator&= |
Obtains the bitwise AND of elements in an array either with the corresponding elements in a specifiedvalarray or with a value of the element type. |
operator>>= |
Right-shifts the bits for each element of a valarray operand a specified number of positions or by an element-wise amount specified by a second valarray. |
operator<<= |
Left-shifts the bits for each element of a valarray operand a specified number of positions or by an element-wise amount specified by a second valarray. |
operator*= |
Multiplies the elements of a specified valarray or a value of the element type, element-wise, to an operand valarray. |
operator+ |
A unary operator that applies a plus to each element in a valarray. |
operator+= |
Adds the elements of a specified valarray or a value of the element type, element-wise, to an operandvalarray. |
operator- |
A unary operator that applies a minus to each element in a valarray. |
operator-= |
Subtracts the elements of a specified valarray or a value of the element type, element-wise, from an operand valarray. |
operator/= |
Divides an operand valarray element-wise by the elements of a specified valarray or a value of the element type. |
operator= |
Assigns elements to a valarray whose values are specified either directly or as part of some othervalarray or by a slice_array, gslice_array, mask_array, or indirect_array. |
operator[] |
Returns a reference to an element or its value at specified index or a specified subset. |
operator^= |
Obtains the element-wise exclusive logical or operator (XOR) of an array with either a specified valarray or a value of the element type. |
operator|= |
Obtains the bitwise OR of elements in an array either with the corresponding elements in a specifiedvalarray or with a value of the element type. |
operator~ |
A unary operator that obtains the bitwise NOT values of each element in a valarray. |
vaApplied = vaR.apply( MyApplyFunc ); 就是把vaR的每个元素调用了apply参数中的函数,产生新的一个valarray,通过返回值来返回,注意vaApplied一定是有足够空间来存储结果的。
va1 = va1.cshift(4); va2 = va2.cshift(-4); 下面是一个测试结果,相当与一个移动:
The operand valarray va1 is: ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) The cyclically shifted valarray va1 is: va1.cshift (4) = ( 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3) The operand valarray va2 is: ( 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) The cyclically shifted valarray va2 is: va2.shift (-4) = ( 4 3 2 1 10 9 8 7 6 5)
va1 = va1.shift ( 4 ); va2 = va2.shift ( - 4 ); //跟上面的那个的区别是,移动后的位置填充为0
The operand valarray va1(10) is: ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ). The shifted valarray va1 is: va1.shift (4) = ( 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0 0 0 ). The operand valarray va2(10) is: ( 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ). The shifted valarray va2 is: va2.shift (-4) = ( 0 0 0 0 10 9 8 7 6 5 ).
MaxValue = vaR.max ( ); sumva = va.sum ( ); size1 = va1.size(); va1.resize(15, 10); //每个都赋值为10 val.resize(15);
valarray( );
explicit valarray(size_t _Count);
valarray( const Type& _Val, size_t _Count);
valarray( const Type* _Ptr, size_t _Count);
valarray( const slice_array
valarray( const gslice_array
valarray( const mask_array
valarray( const indirect_array
slice( );
slice( size_t _StartIndex,//截取数组的开始位置
const valarray
const valarray
int main( )
using namespace std;
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i+=1 )
va [ i ] = 2 * (i + 1 );
cout << "The operand valarray va is:\n( ";
for ( i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i++ )
cout << va [ i ] << " ";
cout << ")." << endl;
slice vaSlice ( 1 , 7 , 3 );
vaResult = va [ vaSlice ];
cout << "\nThe slice of valarray va is vaResult:"
<< "\nva[slice( 1, 7, 3)] = ( ";
for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ )
cout << vaResult [ i ] << " ";
cout << ")." << endl;
The operand valarray va is:
( 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 ).
The slice of valarray va is vaResult:
va[slice( 1, 7, 3)] = ( 4 10 16 22 28 34 40 ).
1.abs 对数组的每一个元素取绝对值
2.acos 返回每个元素的反余弦值
3.asin 返回每个元素的反正弦值
4.atan 返回每个元素的正切值
5.atan2 笛卡尔正切值
6.cos 余弦值
7.cosh 双曲线余弦值
8.exp 返回自然指数E^x
9.log 返回自然对数
10.log10 返回以10为底的返回自然对数
11.exp 返回x^y
12.sin 正弦值
13.sinh 双曲线正弦值
14.sqrt 开方
15.tan 正切值
16.tanh 反正切
vector 和valarry