Push a named route onto the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context.
The route name will be passed to that navigator's onGenerateRoute callback. The returned route will be pushed into the navigator.
The new route and the previous route (if any) are notified (see Route.didPush and Route.didChangeNext). If the Navigator has any Navigator.observers, they will be notified as well (see NavigatorObserver.didPush).
Ongoing gestures within the current route are canceled when a new route is pushed.
Returns a Future that completes to the result
value passed to pop when the pushed route is popped off the navigator.
The T
type argument is the type of the return value of the route. The provided arguments
are passed to the pushed route via RouteSettings.arguments. Any object can be passed as arguments
(e.g. a String, int, or an instance of a custom MyRouteArguments
class). Often, a Map is used to pass key-value pairs.
The arguments
may be used in Navigator.onGenerateRoute or Navigator.onUnknownRoute to construct the route.
Typical usage is as follows:
void _didPushButton() {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/settings');
The following example shows how to pass additional arguments
to the route:
void _showBerlinWeather() {
arguments: {
'city': 'Berlin',
'country': 'Germany',
The following example shows how to pass a custom Object to the route:
class WeatherRouteArguments {
WeatherRouteArguments({ this.city, this.country });
final String city;
final String country;
bool get isGermanCapital {
return country == 'Germany' && city == 'Berlin';
void _showWeather() {
arguments: WeatherRouteArguments(city: 'Berlin', country: 'Germany'),
static Future pushNamed(
BuildContext context,
String routeName, {
Object arguments,
}) {
return Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(routeName, arguments: arguments);