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数据简化DataSimp导读:蒂姆·伯纳·李Tim Berners-Lee爵士(简称TimBL),以独自开发Web服务器和浏览器,被公认为互联网Internet发明人,并致力于Web去中心化、让用户掌控数据而知名。本文介绍互联网之父、2016图灵奖得主、英国人蒂姆·伯纳·李 Tim Berners-Lee爵士的简历,百度百科词条内容大多译自维基百科,故而罗列中英文A、B两部分。见贤思齐焉,要想成就推进人类文明的大业,呐喊发声只是敲门砖,工程能力至关重要,秦陇纪与君共勉之。
蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士Sir Tim Berners-Lee百度百科中文简历
1 人物经历
1.1 大学时期
1.2 服务器诞生
2 个人成就
2.1 万维网的设想
2.2 第一个网站
2.3 万维网标准
2.4 免版权费
2.5 其它
3 个人荣誉
4 人物评价
4.1 万维网创始人
4.2 与盖茨的差别
5 婚姻家庭
6 荣誉
6.1 角逐诺贝尔奖
6.2 奥运会开幕式
图1 一分钟了解蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
同义词:Tim Berners-Lee一般指蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
蒂莫西·约翰·“蒂姆”·伯纳·李爵士(Sir Timothy John "Tim"Berners-Lee,1955年6月8日-),OM,KBE,FRS,FREng,FRSA,(TimBerners-Lee, abbr. TimBL),英国计算机科学家。
中文名:蒂姆·伯纳斯·李,外文名:Timothy John Berners-Lee,别名:TimBL,国籍:英国,出生地:英国伦敦,出生日期:1955(乙未年)-6-8,职业:计算机科学家,毕业院校:牛津大学,信仰:一神普救派,主要成就:万维网之父,麻省理工计算机及智能实验室主席,获得2016年度图灵奖,获得勋衔:英王功绩勋章,不列颠帝国勋章。
1 人物经历(▪大学时期▪服务器诞生)
图2 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
1955年6月8日,伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)出生于英格兰伦敦西南部。父亲是康威·伯纳斯·李,母亲是玛丽·李·伍兹。他的父母都参与了世界上第一台商业电脑,曼切斯特1型(Manchester Mark I)的建造。伯纳斯-李在辛山小学(Sheen Mount Primary School)念小学,在伦敦伊曼纽尔公学(Emanuel School)念中学。1973年,他中学毕业,进入牛津大学王后学院深造,最后以一级荣誉获得物理学士学位。2017年,他因“发明万维网、第一个浏览器和使万维网得以扩展的基本协议和算法”而获得2016年度的图灵奖。[2]
1989年12月,蒂姆为他的发明正式定名为WorldWide Web,即我们熟悉的WWW;1991年5月WWW在 Internet上首次露面,立即引起轰动,获得了极大的成功被广泛推广应用。
图3 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
Web通过一种超文本方式,把网络上不同计算机内的信息有机地结合在一起,并且可以通过超文本传输协议(HTTP)从一台Web服务器转到另一台Web服务器上检索信 息。Web服务器能发布图文并茂的信息,甚至在软件支持的情况下还可以发布音频和视频信息。此外,Internet的许多其它功能,如E-mail、Telnet、FTP、WAIS等都有可通过Web实现。
90年代以来国际互联网的发展正如蒂姆所预见的,网景与微软的浏览器之争,被称为万维网第一商战,快速膨胀的网络已有瘫痪之虞。为此在1994年,蒂姆创建了非赢利性的万维网联盟W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)[3],邀集Microsoft、Netscape、 Sun、Apple、IBM等共155家互联网上的著名公司,致力达到WWW技术标准化的协议,并进一步推动Web技术的发展。蒂姆坚持,W3C最基本的任务是维护互联网的对等性,让它保有最起码的秩序。
当1996年底美国《研究和发展杂志》授予蒂姆Scientist of the Year(年度科学家)称号时,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李认为WWW开启信息时代新纪元,不过是"偶然的因缘""水到渠成而已"。他也不后悔没有自组网络软件公司,这对他来说,只是"取与舍",并非"得与失"。回顾过去,蒂姆----这位满怀浪漫理想主义的科学家,以谦和的语气说:"Web倒是可以给梦想者一个启示--你能够拥有梦想,而且梦想能够实现。"的确,Web是蒂姆在紫丁香和实验室之间的梦想,而伟大的国际互联网正是由无数像蒂姆·伯纳斯·李这样的先驱们的无私耕耘下成长起来的。
2 个人成就(▪万维网的设想▪第一个网站▪万维网标准▪免版权费▪其它)
图4 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
伯纳斯-李的父母都是数学家,两人都在建造世界上最早的电脑之一(Manchester Mark I)的小组里工作。伯纳斯-李在汪兹沃斯上学,在牛津大学王后学院毕业。他用焊烙铁、晶体管-晶体管逻辑门、一块Motorola6800微处理器和一台旧电视机制作了一台电脑。后来他在牛津时因与一个朋友私自闯入其它电脑系统被禁止使用大学的电脑。
图5 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
3 个人荣誉
2004年4月15日,在芬兰的埃斯波市,芬兰技术奖基金会将全球最大的技术类奖“千年技术奖”授予了现年49岁的英国物理学家蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)。这位万维网(World WideWeb)的发明人在成为世界上首位“千年技术奖”得主的同时,也获得了生平最大的一笔100万欧元的奖金。当人们每天打开电脑,感叹着互联网强大的同时,很少有人想到这一切竟是由一人之力创造的。1955年6月8日,伯纳斯·李出生在英国伦敦的西南部,他的父母都是英国计算机界的名人,曾参与了英国第一台商用计算机的研制工作,他从小便耳濡目染。在牛津大学的女王学院学习期间,他就用从旧货商店花7美元买回的电视机,与M6800处理器、烙铁、电路板组装出了自己的第一台电脑。
图6 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李
从牛津大学毕业后,伯纳斯·李先后进入了Plessey通讯公司和D.G. Nash技术公司工作,但他真正开始研究互联网是在加入日内瓦的CERN(欧洲粒子物理研究所)后。作为一名软件工程顾问,他编写了一个名为“Enquire”的信息处理工具,它就是WWW的最初概念。经过一番努力,1989年,伯纳斯·李在Enquire的基础上提出了利用Hypertext(超文本)重新构造信息系统的设想,并设计出供多人在网络中同时管理信息的超文本文件系统。1990年,他在当时的NeXTStep网络系统上开发出了世界上第一个网络服务器(Web Server)Httpd和第一个客户端浏览编辑程序World Wide Web(WWW)。同年12月,CERN首次启动了万维网并成立了全球第一个WWW网站info.cern.ch(至今仍是CERN的官方网站),第二年万维网开始得到广泛应用。在此之后,伯纳斯·李又相继制定了互联网的URIs、HTTP、HTML等技术规范,并在美国麻省理工学院成立了非盈利性互联网组织W3C,一直致力于互联网技术的研究。
即使在今天,伯纳斯·李的名字对于大众来说多少还有些陌生甚至从未听说过,但对于那些互联网公司的CEO们,他永远是他们心中的偶像。Lotus公司主席兼CEO,JeffPapows对他评价到:“伯纳斯·李是这个星球上最有资格写入互联网编年史的人物。他用自身的智慧和像父母一样的无私为这个产业创造出了另一个神话,他告诉人们网络是多么的美好多么赋有吸引力,又一个新事物在他的手中诞生了。”Novell公司CEO,Eric Schmidt在接受《时代》周刊采访时表示:“如果‘计算机和互联网’是一门传统科学的话,那么伯纳斯·李无疑将获得一枚诺贝尔奖章。”
5 婚姻家庭
北京时间2011年5月22日晚间消息,据《每日电讯报》报道,知情人士透露,被誉为“互联网之父”的蒂姆·伯纳斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)已与他的美国妻子离婚,并与女企业家罗丝玛丽·莉丝(Rosemary Leith)开始了一段新的恋情。
现年55岁的蒂姆早在1990年便与美国电脑程序员、前花样滑冰运动员南希·卡尔森(Nancy Carlson)在美国康涅狄格州结婚,婚后生有两个孩子。蒂姆经常接到记者的采访请求,但为了能尽量多地陪伴家人,他婉言谢绝了大多数采访。
莉丝现今49岁,丈夫马克·奥普佐摩尔(Mark Opzoomer)以前是一家互联网公司的CEO,他们如今与三个孩子生活在西伦敦的富勒姆区。莉丝现今是一家名为“互联网基金会”(World Wide Web Foundation)的慈善机构的负责人。
在2012伦敦奥运会开幕式上,万维网的发明者蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)爵士亮相,并打出了“This is forEveryone”字样,言外之意,互联网献给所有人。
图8 蒂姆·伯纳斯·李词条图片(8)
文:积木万维网的发明者TimBerners-Lee曾表示,互联网是一个开放的平台,任何人都能分享信息、获得机遇,并且实现跨区域的合作。但是,随着网络中立性的倒退、假新闻的盛行以及互联网的日益中心化,Tim Berners-Lee 再次表示了对互联网前景的担忧。“我仍然... 2017-11-21396
他28 年前创立万维网来打破信息集权,现在这个网络有了新用途。
图灵奖获得者,万维网创造者蒂姆·伯纳斯·李和他的 28 年万维网起落。蒂姆·伯纳斯·李拿了图灵奖。他拿到这个计算机界诺贝尔奖,最让人意外的大概是怎么这么晚。1989 年,他发明了万维网,所有以 WWW 开头的网站都是此后才出现;1991 年,他做出第一个图形界面网页浏览器;... 2017-08-0736
也许你还依稀记得2012年伦敦奥运会开幕式上,那个坐在复古的NeXT电脑前,在自己发明的万维网上发推文“This is for everyone”的老人。他就是Tim Berners-Lee(蒂姆•伯纳斯•李)。他发明了万维网、第一个网络浏览器、以及允许网络扩展的基本协议和...2017-04-3018
蒂姆·伯纳斯·李发明了 20 世纪末最伟大的东西:万维网,但他从来没想过从中捞一笔。“为什么他不如比尔·盖茨或者马克·安德森一样有钱呢?”这是在蒂姆·伯纳斯·李身后,人们窃窃私语最多的一个问题。把他和盖茨、安德森放在一起比,不是没有道理:盖茨发明了 Internet Exp... 2016-12-118
▪乔治·比德尔·艾里 |
▪迈克尔·阿蒂亚 |
▪戴维·阿滕伯勒 |
▪约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦 |
▪威廉·劳伦斯·布拉格 |
▪查尔斯·巴里 |
▪约瑟琳·贝尔·伯奈尔 |
▪查尔斯·巴贝奇 |
▪约翰·巴丁 |
▪哈罗德·巴洛 |
▪伊萨克·巴罗 |
▪贝尔 |
▪蒂姆·伯纳斯·李 |
▪永斯·雅各布·贝采利乌斯 |
▪亨利·贝塞麦 |
▪汉斯·贝特 |
▪毕晓普 |
▪伊丽莎白·布莱克本 |
▪威廉·亨利·布拉格 |
▪路易·德布罗意 |
▪温斯顿·丘吉尔 |
▪戴维·科克斯 |
▪威廉·克鲁克斯 |
▪保罗·狄拉克 |
▪乔治·达尔文 |
▪理查德·多尔 |
▪汉弗里·戴维 |
▪德金 |
▪西蒙·唐纳森 |
▪弗里曼·戴森 |
▪亚瑟·爱丁顿 |
▪罗伯特·爱德华兹 |
▪格特鲁德·B·埃利恩 |
▪亚历山大·弗莱明 |
▪法捷耶夫 |
▪华伦海特 |
▪迈克尔·法拉第 |
▪弗洛里 |
▪傅科 |
▪傅立叶 |
▪拉尔夫·福勒 |
▪本杰明·富兰克林 |
▪伊利阿斯·马格努斯·弗里斯 |
▪法兰西斯·高尔顿 |
▪安德烈·海姆 |
▪乔治·戈申 |
▪埃德蒙多·哈雷 |
▪昆汀·霍格 |
▪约翰·赫歇尔 |
▪戈弗雷·哈罗德·哈代 |
▪斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金 |
▪沃纳·海森堡 |
▪霍尔 |
▪多罗西·克劳福特·霍奇金 |
▪罗伯特·胡克 |
▪约瑟夫·道尔顿·胡克 |
▪卢克·霍华德 |
▪大卫·休伯尔 |
▪威廉·哈金斯 |
▪亚历山大·冯·洪堡 |
▪约翰·哈钦松 |
▪朱利安·赫胥黎 |
▪爱德华·詹纳 |
▪詹姆斯·普雷斯科特·焦耳 |
▪雅可比 |
▪皮埃尔·让森 |
▪安德雷·柯尔莫哥洛夫 |
▪彼得·卡皮查 |
▪威廉·汤姆森 |
▪阿龙·克卢格 |
▪哈罗德·克罗托 |
▪列夫·达维多维奇·朗道 |
▪艾尔默·伯克·兰伯特 |
▪约瑟夫·拉格朗日 |
▪欧文·兰米尔 |
▪约翰·莱瑟姆 |
▪丽塔·莱维·蒙塔尔奇尼 |
▪卡尔·林奈 |
▪约瑟夫·李斯特 |
▪詹姆斯·洛夫洛克 |
▪唐纳德·林登贝尔 |
▪玛莉·里昂 |
▪约翰·洛克 |
▪莫特 |
▪德米特里·门捷列夫 |
▪托马斯·派克 |
▪万巴德 |
▪詹姆斯·克拉克·麦克斯韦 |
▪彼得·曼斯菲尔德 |
▪曼特尔 |
▪恩斯特·迈尔 |
▪色萨·米尔斯坦 |
▪艾萨克·牛顿 |
▪厄温·内尔 |
▪伊万·巴甫洛夫 |
▪珀金 |
▪斯坦尼斯瓦夫二世 |
▪乔治·波特 |
▪弗兰克·舍伍德·罗兰 |
▪欧文·理查森 |
▪约翰·蓝道尔 |
▪萨尔曼·鲁西迪 |
▪欧内斯特·卢瑟福 |
▪伯特兰·罗素 |
▪奥托·斯特鲁维 |
▪拉希德·苏尼亚耶夫 |
▪瓦西里·雅可夫列维奇·斯特鲁维 |
▪莱曼·史匹哲 |
▪伯特·萨克曼 |
▪本格特·萨米尔松 |
▪弗雷德里克·桑格 |
▪亚当·斯密 |
▪乔治·加布里埃尔·斯托克斯 |
▪约翰·威廉·斯特拉特 |
▪泰勒 |
▪玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔 |
▪约瑟夫·约翰·汤姆逊 |
▪亚历山大·罗伯兹·托德 |
▪莱斯利·瓦利安特 |
▪哈罗德·瓦慕斯 |
▪莫里斯·威尔克斯 |
▪莫里斯·威尔金斯 |
▪詹姆斯·哈迪·威尔金森 |
▪亚历山大·威廉·威廉姆逊 |
▪哈罗德·威尔逊 |
▪约翰·图佐·威尔逊 |
▪爱德华·威滕 |
▪克里斯多佛·雷恩 |
▪雅可夫·泽尔多维奇 |
▪亨利·弗雷德里克·贝克 |
▪塞缪尔·皮普斯 |
▪穆雷·巴尔 |
▪约瑟夫·拉弗森 |
蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士Sir Tim Berners-Lee维基百科英文简历
1 Early life and education
2 Career
3 Recent work
4 Personal life
5 Distinctions
6 See also
7 References
8 Further reading
9 External links
Notes: The contents below comesfrom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee
From Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia
Berners-Lee in 2014 |
Born |
Timothy John Berners-Lee 8 June 1955 (age 63)[1] London, England |
Other names |
Education |
Emanuel School |
Alma mater |
The Queen's College, Oxford |
Occupation |
Professor of Computer Science |
Spouse(s) |
Nancy Carlson (m. 1990; div. 2011) Rosemary Leith (m. 2014) |
Children |
2 |
Parent(s) |
Conway Berners-Lee Mary Lee Woods |
Awards |
Turing Award (2016) Queen Elizabeth Prize (2013) OM (2007) KBE (2004) FRS (2001)[2] FREng (2001) FRSA (2001) DFBCS (1995) See full list of honours |
Scientific career |
Institutions |
World Wide Web Consortium University of Oxford University of Southampton Plessey MIT |
Website |
www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee |
Sir Timothy JohnBerners-Lee OMKBEFRSFREngFRSAFBCS (born 8 June 1955),[1] also known as TimBL, is an English engineer and computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He is currently a professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford and at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).[3][4] He made a proposalfor an information management system in March 1989,[5] and he implementedthe first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) client and server via the internet in mid-November thesame year.[6][7][8][9][10]
Berners-Lee is the director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which oversees the continued development of the Web. Heis also the founder of the World Wide WebFoundation and is a seniorresearcher and holder of the 3Com founders chair at the MIT Computer Scienceand Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).[11] He is a director of the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI),[12] and a member of theadvisory board of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.[13][14] In 2011, he was namedas a member of the board of trustees of theFord Foundation.[15] He is a founder andpresident of the Open Data Institute.
In 2004, Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his pioneering work.[16][17] In April 2009, he waselected a foreign associate of the United States National Academy ofSciences.[18][19] Named in Time magazine's list ofthe 100 Most Important People of the 20th century, Berners-Lee has received a number of other accolades for his invention.[20] He was honoured asthe "Inventor of the World Wide Web" during the 2012 Summer Olympicsopening ceremony, in which he appearedin person, working with a vintage NeXT Computer at the London Olympic Stadium.[21] He tweeted "This is foreveryone",[22] which instantly wasspelled out in LCD lights attached tothe chairs of the 80,000 people in the audience.[21] Berners-Lee receivedthe 2016 Turing Award "for inventing the World WideWeb, the first web browser, and the fundamental protocols and algorithmsallowing the Web to scale".[23]
1 Early life and education
Berners-Lee was born in London, England, United Kingdom,[24] one of four childrenborn to Mary Lee Woods and Conway Berners-Lee. His parents worked on the first commercially builtcomputer, the Ferranti Mark 1. He attended Sheen Mount Primary School, and then went on to attend southwest London's Emanuel School from 1969 to 1973, at the time a direct grant grammarschool, which became an independent school in 1975.[1][16] A keen trainspotter as a child, he learnt about electronics from tinkering with a modelrailway.[25] He studied at The Queen's College,Oxford, from 1973 to 1976,where he received a first-classbachelor of arts degree in physics.[1][24] While he was atcollege, Berners-Lee made a computer out of an old television set, which he bought from a repair shop.[26]
2 Career
After graduation, Berners-Lee worked as an engineer atthe telecommunications company Plessey in Poole, Dorset.[24] In 1978, he joined D.G. Nash in Ferndown, Dorset, where hehelped create type-setting software for printers.[24]
Berners-Lee worked as an independent contractor at CERN from June to December1980. While in Geneva, he proposed aproject based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers.[27] To demonstrate it, hebuilt a prototype system named ENQUIRE.[28]
After leaving CERN in late 1980, he went to work at JohnPoole's Image Computer Systems, Ltd, in Bournemouth, Dorset.[29] He ran the company'stechnical side for three years.[30] The project he workedon was a "real-timeremote procedure call" which gave him experience in computer networking.[29] In 1984, he returnedto CERN as a fellow.[28]
In 1989, CERN was the largest internet node in Europe,and Berners-Lee saw an opportunity to join hypertext with the internet:
I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it tothe Transmission ControlProtocol and domain name system ideas and—ta-da!—the World Wide Web[31] ... Creating the webwas really an act of desperation, because the situation without it was verydifficult when I was working at CERN later. Most of the technology involved inthe web, like the hypertext, like the internet, multifont text objects, had allbeen designed already. I just had to put them together. It was a step ofgeneralising, going to a higher level of abstraction, thinking about all thedocumentation systems out there as being possibly part of a larger imaginarydocumentation system.[32]
ThisNeXT Computerwas used by Berners-Lee at CERN and became the world's first web server
Berners-Lee wrote his proposal in March 1989 and, in1990, redistributed it. It then was accepted by his manager, Mike Sendall.[33] He used similar ideasto those underlying the ENQUIRE system to create the World Wide Web, for whichhe designed and built the first Web browser. His software also functioned as an editor (called WorldWideWeb, running on the NeXTSTEP operating system),and the first Web server, CERN HTTPd (short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol daemon).
Mike Sendall buys a NeXT cube for evaluation, and givesit to Tim [Berners-Lee]. Tim's prototype implementation on NeXTStep is made inthe space of a few months, thanks to the qualities of the NeXTStep softwaredevelopment system. This prototype offers WYSIWYG browsing/authoring! Current Web browsers used in'surfing the internet' are mere passive windows, depriving the user of thepossibility to contribute. During some sessions in the CERN cafeteria, Tim andI try to find a catching name for the system. I was determined that the nameshould not yet again be taken from Greek mythology..... Tim proposes'World-Wide Web'. I like this very much, except that it is difficult topronounce in French... by Robert Cailliau, 2 November 1995.[34]
The first website was built at CERN. Despite this beingan international organisation hosted by Switzerland, the office thatBerners-Lee used was just across the border in France.[35] The website was putonline on 6 August 1991 for the first time:[36]
info.cern.ch was the address of the world's first-everweb site and web server, running on a NeXT computer at CERN. The first web pageaddress was http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html, which centred on information regarding the WWW project.Visitors could learn more about hypertext, technical details for creating theirown webpage, and even an explanation on how to search the Web for information.There are no screenshots of this original page and, in any case, changes weremade daily to the information available on the page as the WWW projectdeveloped. You may find a later copy (1992) on the World Wide Web Consortium website.[37]
It provided an explanation of what the World Wide Webwas, and how one could use a browser and set up a web server, as well as how toget started with your own website.[38][39][40][41][42] In a list of 80cultural moments that shaped the world, chosen by a panel of 25 eminentscientists, academics, writers, and world leaders, the invention of the WorldWide Web was ranked number one, with the entry stating, "The fastestgrowing communications medium of all time, the internet has changed the shapeof modern life forever. We can connect with each other instantly, all over theworld".[43]
In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the W3C at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology. It comprised variouscompanies that were willing to create standards and recommendations to improvethe quality of the Web. Berners-Lee made his idea available freely, with nopatent and no royalties due. The WorldWide Web Consortium decided that its standards should be based onroyalty-free technology, so that they easily could be adopted by anyone.[44]
In 2001, Berners-Lee became a patron of the East DorsetHeritage Trust, having previously lived in Colehill in Wimborne, East Dorset.[45] In December 2004, heaccepted a chair in computer science at the School of Electronics and ComputerScience, University ofSouthampton, Hampshire, to workon the Semantic Web.[46][47]
In a Times article in October2009, Berners-Lee admitted that the initial pair of slashes ("//") in a web address were"unnecessary". He told the newspaper that he easily could havedesigned web addresses without the slashes. "There you go, it seemed likea good idea at the time", he said in his lighthearted apology.[48]
3 Recent work
Tim Berners-Lee at the Home Office, London, on 11March 2010
In June 2009, then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced Berners-Lee would work with the UK government to help make data more open and accessible on the Web, building on thework of the Power of Information Task Force.[49] Berners-Lee andProfessor Nigel Shadbolt are the two key figures behind data.gov.uk, a UK government project to open up almost all dataacquired for official purposes for free re-use. Commenting on the opening up ofOrdnance Survey data in April 2010, Berners-Lee said that: "The changes signal awider cultural change in government based on an assumption that informationshould be in the public domain unless there is a good reason not to—not theother way around." He went on to say: "Greater openness,accountability and transparency in Government will give people greater choiceand make it easier for individuals to get more directly involved in issues thatmatter to them."[50]
Berners-Leespeaking at the launch of the World Wide Web Foundation
In November 2009, Berners-Lee launched the World Wide Web Foundation in order to "advance the Web to empower humanity bylaunching transformative programs that build local capacity to leverage the Webas a medium for positive change."[51]
Berners-Lee is one of the pioneer voices in favour of net neutrality,[52] and has expressed theview that ISPs should supply"connectivity with no strings attached", and should neither controlnor monitor the browsing activities of customers without their expressedconsent.[53][54] He advocates the ideathat net neutrality is a kind of human network right: "Threats to theinternet, such as companies or governments that interfere with or snoop oninternet traffic, compromise basic human network rights."[55] Berners-Leeparticipated in an open letter to the USFederal Communications Commission (FCC). He and 20 other Internet pioneersurged the FCC to cancel a vote on 14 December 2017 to uphold net neutrality.The letter was addressed to Senator Roger Wicker, Senator Brian Schatz,Representative Marsha Blackburn and Representative Michael F. Doyle.[56]
Berners-Lee'stweet, "This is for everyone",[22] at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London
Berners-Lee joined the board of advisors of start-up State.com, based in London.[57] As of May 2012,Berners-Lee is president of the Open Data Institute,[58] which he co-foundedwith Nigel Shadbolt in 2012.
The Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI) was launched in October 2013 and Berners-Lee is leadingthe coalition of public and private organisations that includes Google, Facebook, Intel, and Microsoft. The A4AI seeks to make internet access more affordable so that access isbroadened in the developing world, where only 31% of people are online.Berners-Lee will work with those aiming to decrease internet access prices sothat they fall below the UN Broadband Commission's worldwide target of 5% of monthly income.[59]
Berners-Lee holds the founders chair in Computer Scienceat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he heads the Decentralized Information Group andis leading Solid, a joint project with the Qatar Computing Research Institute that aims to radically change the way Web applicationswork today, resulting in true data ownership as well as improved privacy.[60] In October 2016, hejoined the Department of ComputerScience at Oxford University as a professorial research fellow[61] and as a fellow of Christ Church, one of the Oxford colleges.[62]
On September 30, 2018, Berners-Lee announced a newapplication made by open-source startup Inrupt called Solid, which aims to give users more control over theirpersonal data and lets users choose where the data goes, who's allowed to seecertain elements and which apps are allowed to see that data.[63]
4 Personal life
Berners-Lee married NancyCarlson, an American computer programmer, in 1990; she was also working inSwitzerland, at the World HealthOrganisation.[64] They had two childrenand divorced in 2011.
He formed a relationship with Rosemary Leith, a Canadianinternet and banking entrepreneur. Leith studied business at Queen’s University, then moved to Britain to pursue a career in investmentand analysis.[65] She worked in the City of London as a principal investor prior to 2000.[66] She was married to Mark Opzoomer, later the CEO of Rambler Media; the couple had three children, after which she left the financialsector, co-founding a start-up during the dot-com bubble. Management Today described her webzine (as it was calledthen) as "the first web site devoted entirely to those women struggling tostrike a healthy balance between work and home life".[67] More recent projectsspan both finance and internet. In 2011 she chaired the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council for the Future of InternetSecurity[68] and from 2015 she hasbeen on the board of YouGov.[69] She is on theadvisory board for funding platform AllBright, to support "female entrepreneurs from start-ups toestablished businesses"[70], and provided fundingto Netwealth InvestmentsLtd[71]. Leith is a fellow atHarvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society[72]
In 2014 Berners-Lee and Leith married at the Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace in London.[73] The couplecollaborate on projects such as venture capital to support artificialintelligence companies[74]. Leith is a foundingdirector of the World Wide WebFoundation[75], a non-profitBerners-Lee launched.
Berners-Lee was raised as an Anglican, but in his youth, heturned away from religion. After he became a parent, he became a Unitarian Universalist (UU).[76] He has stated:"Like many people, I had a religious upbringing which I rejected as ateenager... Like many people, I came back to religion when we had children".[77] He and his wifewanted to teach spirituality to their children, and after hearing a Unitarianminister and visiting the UU Church, they opted for it.[78] He is an activemember of that church,[79] to which he adheresbecause he perceives it as a tolerant and liberal belief. He has said: "Ibelieve that much of the philosophy of life associated with many religions ismuch more sound than the dogma which comes along with it. So I do respectthem."[77]
5 Distinctions
Main article: List of awards andhonours received by Tim Berners-Lee
"He wove the World Wide Web and created a massmedium for the 21st century. The World Wide Web is Berners-Lee's alone. Hedesigned it. He loosed it on the world. And he more than anyone else has foughtto keep it open, nonproprietary and free."
—Tim Berners-Lee's entry in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century, March 1999.[20]
Berners-Lee has received many awards and honours. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in the 2004 New Year Honours "for services to the global development of theinternet", and was invested formally on 16 July 2004.[16][17]
On 13 June 2007, he was appointed to the Order of Merit (OM), an order restricted to 24 (living) members.[80] Bestowing membershipof the Order of Merit is within the personal purview of the Queen, and does notrequire recommendation by ministers or the Prime Minister. He was elected a Fellow of theRoyal Society (FRS) in 2001.[2] He has been conferredhonorary degrees from a number of Universities around the world, including Manchester (his parents worked on the Manchester Mark 1 in the 1940s), Harvard and Yale.[81][82][83]
In 2012, Berners-Lee was among the British cultural icons selected by artist Sir Peter Blake to appear in a new version of his most famous artwork –the Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's LonelyHearts Club Band album cover – tocelebrate the British cultural figures of his life that he most admires to markhis 80th birthday.[84][85]
In 2013, he was awarded the inaugural Queen Elizabeth Prizefor Engineering.[86] On 4 April 2017, hereceived the 2016 ACM Turing Award "for inventing the World Wide Web, the first webbrowser, and the fundamental protocols and algorithms allowing the Web toscale".[23]
6 See also
Vannevar Bush
Douglas Engelbart
Ted Nelson
Ian Ritchie
Eelco van Asperen
History of the WorldWide Web
Kevin Hughes
List of pioneers incomputer science
Network neutrality
Paul Otlet
Bob Taylor
Nicola Pellow
7 References
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"Fellowship of the RoyalSociety 1660–2015".London: Royal Society. Archived from the original on 15 July 2015.
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee joinsOxford's Department of Computer Science". University of Oxford.
"Tim Berners-Lee | MIT CSAIL". www.csail.mit.edu.
"info.cern.ch– Tim Berners-Lee's proposal". Info.cern.ch. Retrieved 21 December 2011.
Tim Berners Lee's own reference.The exact date is unknown.
Berners-Lee, Tim; MarkFischetti (1999). Weaving the Web: The OriginalDesign and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by its inventor. Britain: Orion Business. ISBN 978-0-7528-2090-3.
Berners-Lee, T. (2010)."Long Live the Web". ScientificAmerican. 303(6): 80–85. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1210-80. PMID 21141362.
Shadbolt, N.; Berners-Lee, T. (2008)."Web science emerges". Scientific American. 299 (4): 76–81. doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1008-76. PMID 18847088.
Berners-Lee, T.; Hall, W.; Hendler, J.; Shadbolt, N.; Weitzner, D. (2006). "ComputerScience: Enhanced: Creating a Science of the Web". Science. 313 (5788): 769–771. doi:10.1126/science.1126902. PMID 16902115.
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"72 New Members Chosen ByAcademy"(Press release). United States National Academy of Sciences. 28 April 2009.Retrieved 17 January 2011.
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Friar, Karen (28 July 2012). "Sir Tim Berners-Lee starsin Olympics opening ceremony". ZDNet. Retrieved 28 July 2012.
Berners-Lee, Tim (27 July2012). "This is for everyone". Twitter. Retrieved 28 July2012.
"A. M. Turing Award". Association for ComputingMachinery. 2016. Retrieved 4 April 2017.
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"Lunch with the FT: TimBerners-Lee".Financial Times.
"He caught us all in theWeb!". TheHindu. 2018-09-01. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 2018-09-02.
"Berners-Lee's original proposal to CERN". World Wide Web Consortium.March 1989. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
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Berners-Lee, Tim. "Frequently asked questions". World Wide Web Consortium.Retrieved 22 July 2010.
Grossman, Wendy (15 July 1996)."All you never knew about the Net ...". The Independent.
Berners-Lee, Tim. "Answers for Young People". World Wide Web Consortium.Retrieved 25 May 2008.
"Biography and VideoInterview of Timothy Berners-Lee at Academy of Achievement". Achievement.org. Archived from the original on 1 January 2012. Retrieved 21December 2011.
"Ten Years Public Domain forthe Original Web Software". CERN. Retrieved 21 July 2010.
Gromov, Gregory, Roads and Crossroads of InternetHistory,Chapter 4: Birth of the Web > 1990.
"Tim Berners-Lee. ConfirmingThe Exact Location Where the Web Was Invented". davidgalbraith.org. 8 July2010.
"He caught us all in theWeb!". TheHindu. 2018-09-01. ISSN 0971-751X. Retrieved 2018-09-02.
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Klooster, John W., (2009), Icons of Invention: the makers ofthe modern world from Gutenberg to Gates, ABC-CLIO, p. 611.
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"Berners-Lee 'sorry' forslashes".BBC. 14 October 2009. Retrieved 14 October 2009.
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Ghosh, Pallab (15 September2008). "Web creator rejects nettracking".BBC. Retrieved 15 September 2008. Warning sounded on web's future.
Cellan-Jones, Rory (March2008). "Web creator rejects nettracking".BBC. Retrieved 25 May 2008. Sir Tim rejects net tracking like Phorm.
Adams, Stephen (March 2008). "Web inventor's warning onspy software". TheDaily Telegraph. London. Retrieved 25 May 2008. Sir Tim rejects net trackinglike Phorm.
Berners, Tim (December 2010). "Long Live the Web: A Callfor Continued Open Standards and Neutrality". Scientific American. Retrieved21 December 2011.
"Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee,and 19 other technologists pen letter asking FCC to save net neutrality". VB News. Retrieved 14 December2017
"State.com/about/people". Archived from theoriginal on 4March 2016. Retrieved 9 September 2013.
Computing, Government (23 May2012). "Government commits £10m toOpen Data Institute". The Guardian.
Gibbs, Samuel (7 October 2013)."Sir Tim Berners-Lee andGoogle lead coalition for cheaper internet". The Guardian. Retrieved 8October 2013.
Weinberger, David, "How the father of the WorldWide Web plans to reclaim it from Facebook and Google". Digital Trends, 10 August 2016.Retrieved 31 October 2016.
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee joinsOxford's Department of Computer Science". UK: Universityof Oxford. 27October 2016.
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee joinsOxford's Department of Computer Science and Christ Church". UK: ChristChurch, Oxford. 27October 2016. Retrieved 14 November 2016.
"Tim Berners-Lee projectgives you more control over web data". Engadget. Retrieved 2018-09-30.
"Nancy Carlson Is Wed toTimothy Berners-Lee".Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"WEB WISE WOMEN: Thefounders of Flametree - a webzine, interactive forum and source of informationfor working women - know all about the daily work/life struggle. They're livingit themselves, from concept to start-up. Rob Brown reports". Retrieved 23 June 2018.
Eden, Richard (22 May 2011). "Internet pioneer Sir TimBerners-Lee casts a web of intrigue with his love life". Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"WEB WISE WOMEN: Thefounders of Flametree - a webzine, interactive forum and source of informationfor working women - know all about the daily work/life struggle. They're livingit themselves, from concept to start-up. Rob Brown reports". Retrieved 23 June 2018.
"Rosemary Leith LeadsDiscussions on Internet Security at the World Economic Forum GlobalSummit".World Wide Web Foundation. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"YouGov strengthens itsboard",Interactive Investor, 21 January 2015.
"AllBright launches to fundfemale-led companies in UK - Talking New MediaTalking New Media | The digitalpublishing website".www.talkingnewmedia.com. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"High profile investorsinject £10m into Netwealth". Wealth Manager. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"RosemaryLeith | Berkman Klein Center". cyber.harvard.edu. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"“Ms Rosemary Leith and SirTim Berners-Lee are delighted to announce that they celebrated their marriageon 20 June 2014...."World Wide Web Foundation.
"VC firm Glasswing namesJibo, John Hancock execs to advisory board". www.bizjournals.com. 8 May2018. Retrieved 22 June 2018.
"Rosemary Leith". World Wide Web Foundation.Retrieved 23 June 2018.
"Faces of the week".
Berners-Lee, Tim. 1998. The World Wide Web and the "Web of Life".
Stephanie Sammartino McPherson.2009. Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web. Twenty-First CenturyBooks, p. 83: "A Church Like The Web".
Eden, Richard. 22 May 2011. "Internet pioneer Sir TimBerners-Lee casts a web of intrigue with his love life", The Telegraph.
"Web inventor gets Queen'shonour".BBC. 13 June 2007. Retrieved 25 May 2008.
"Scientific pioneershonoured by The University of Manchester". manchester.ac.uk. 2 December2008. Retrieved 28 May 2016.
"Yale awards 12 honorarydegrees at 2014 graduation". Yale News, 19 May 2014. Retrieved 28 May 2016.
"Harvard awards 9 honorarydegrees",Harvard Gazette, 26 May 2011. Retrieved 28 May 2016.
Davies, Caroline (5 October2016). "New faces on Sgt Pepperalbum cover for artist Peter Blake's 80th birthday". The Guardian.
"Sir Peter Blake's newBeatles' Sgt Pepper's album cover". BBC. 9 November 2016.
"Sir Tim Berners-Lee ReceivesInaugural Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, 2013". Web foundation.org.
8 Further reading
Tim Berners-Lee's publications
Tim Berners-Lee and the Development of the World Wide Web(Unlocking the Secrets of Science) (Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2001), ISBN 1-58415-096-3
Tim Berners-Lee: Inventor of the World Wide Web(Ferguson's Career Biographies), Melissa Stewart (Ferguson Publishing Company,2001), ISBN 0-89434-367-X children's biography
How the Web was Born: The Story of the World Wide Web,Robert Cailliau, James Gillies, R. Cailliau (Oxford University Press, 2000), ISBN 0-19-286207-3
Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destinyof the World Wide Web by Its Inventor, Tim Berners-Lee, Mark Fischetti (PawPrints, 2008)
"Man Who Invented the World Wide Web Gives it NewDefinition", Compute Magazine, 11February 2011
BBC2 Newsnight – Transcript of video interview ofBerners-Lee on the read/write Web
Technology Review interview
Brooker, Katrina (August 2018). ""I Was Devastated": Tim Berners-Lee, theMan Who Created the World Wide Web, Has Some Regrets". Vanity Fair.
9 External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tim Berners-Lee.
Wikiquote has quotations related to: Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee on Twitter
Tim Berners-Lee at TED
Tim Berners-Lee on IMDb
Works by or about Tim Berners-Lee in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
Tim Berners-Lee on the W3C site
First World Wide Web page
Interview with Tim Berners Lee
Tim Berners-Lee: "The next Web of open, linked data" – presentedhis Semantic Web ideas about Linked Data (2009), Ted Talks. on YouTube
Appearances on C-SPAN
Preceded by First recipient |
Millennium Technology Prize winner 2004 (for the World Wide Web) |
Succeeded by Shuji Nakamura |
vte, Telecommunications |
vte, Internet Hall of Fame |
vte, Fellows of the Royal Society elected in 2001 |
vte, A. M. Turing Award laureates |
Authoritycontrol : WorldCat Identities, ACMDL: 81100026375, BIBSYS: 792, BNE: XX1503528, BNF: cb16588000f(data), CiNii: DA12374620, DBLP: b/TimBernersLee, GND: 121649091, ISNI: 00000000 7866 6209, LCCN: no99010609, LNB: 000198835, NDL: 00854777, NKC: xx0000870, ORCID: 0000-0003-1279-3709, SELIBR: 317488, SNAC: w66t1hk5, SUDOC: 074709267, VIAF: 85312226.
Categories: 1955births | Livingpeople | Peoplefrom Barnes, London | People educated at Emanuel School | Alumni of The Queen's College, Oxford | Academics of the University ofSouthampton | Fellows of Christ Church, Oxford | Members of the Department ofComputer Science, University of Oxford | Peopleassociated with CERN | Englishcomputer scientists | English expatriates in the UnitedStates | Englishinventors | EnglishUnitarians | Fellows of the American Academyof Arts and Sciences | Fellows of the British ComputerSociety | Fellows of The Queen's College, Oxford | Fellows of the Royal Academy ofEngineering | Fellowsof the Royal Society | HypertextTransfer Protocol | Internetpioneers | Knights Commander of the Order ofthe British Empire | MacArthurFellows | Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology staff | Membersof the Order of Merit | Members of the United StatesNational Academy of Engineering | TuringAward laureates | Members of the United StatesNational Academy of Sciences | RoyalMedal winners | SemanticWeb people | UNESCO Niels Bohr Medal recipients | UnitarianUniversalists | FormerAnglicans | WebbyAward winners | WorldWide Web Consortium | Freemen of the City ofLondon.
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1.ACM A.M. Turing Award.Inventorof World Wide Web Receives ACM A.M. Turing Award -- Sir Tim Berners-LeeDesigned Integrated Architecture and Technologies that Underpin the Web.[EB/OL];ACM,https://awards.acm.org/about/2016-turing,引用日期2017-04-04,访问日期2018-10-05.
8.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.TimBerners-Lee.[EB/OL];Wikipedia,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee,3October 2018,2018-10-03.
万维网WWW发明人图灵奖得主Sir Tim Berners-Lee蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士简历(公号回复“TimBL”或“蒂姆·伯纳·李”下载PDF经典收藏版彩标资料)
简介:万维网WWW发明人图灵奖得主Sir Tim Berners-Lee蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士简历。(公号回复“TimBL”或“蒂姆·伯纳·李”,文末“阅读原文”可下载17图3表41k字23页PDF报告)蓝色链接“数据简化DataSimp”关注后下方菜单有文章分类页。作者:秦陇纪。来源:蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士Sir Tim Berners-Lee维基百科、百度百科、数据简化社区秦陇纪微信群聊公众号,引文出处附参考文献。主编译者:秦陇纪,数据简化、科学Sciences、知识简化新媒体创立者,数据简化社区创始人OS架构师/C/Java/Python/Prolog程序员,IT教师。每天大量中英文阅读/设计开发调试/文章汇译编简化,时间精力人力有限,欢迎转发/赞赏/加入支持社区。版权声明:科普文章仅供学习研究,公开资料©版权归原作者,请勿用于商业非法目的。秦陇纪2018数据简化DataSimp综合汇译编,投稿合作、转载授权、侵权错误(包括原文错误)等请联系[email protected]沟通。欢迎转发:“数据简化DataSimp、科学Sciences、知识简化”新媒体聚集专业领域一线研究员;研究技术时也传播知识、专业视角解释和普及科学现象和原理,展现自然社会生活之科学面。秦陇纪发起期待您参与各领域~~ 强烈谴责超市银行、学校医院、政府公司肆意收集、滥用、倒卖公民姓名、身份证号手机号、单位家庭住址、生物信息等隐私数据!
万维网WWW发明人图灵奖得主Sir Tim Berners-Lee蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士简历(38118字)
万维网WWW发明人图灵奖得主SirTim Berners-Lee蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士简历(38118字)
A蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士SirTim Berners-Lee百度百科中文简历(10848字)
B蒂姆·伯纳·李爵士SirTim Berners-Lee维基百科英文简历(26980字)
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