android WIFI相关问题集合

1.Wi-Fi hotspot cannot be used normally

android P - Settings - Network & internet - Hotspot & tethering - Wi-Fi hotspot - turn on the switch.

it will switch off automatically after a few seconds.

Logcat has been uploaded & one error has been found.

12-26 08:48:19.442 291 291 W hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd/default in either framework or device manifest.


Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/2/2020 9:59 PM)
Dear Jianjun.

it means doesn't change in the right config.xml.

there are many config.xml defined config_wifi_softap_acs_supported.

search your code to check which XML define its value as true.
Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/2/2020 9:45 PM)
i add log to print context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_wifi_softap_acs_supported)
it always true

frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml:700: <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">false</bool>
vendor/qcom/proprietary/resource-overlay/common/Frameworks/res/values/config.xml:165: <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">false</bool>

i donnot know why ?

can you find out other way to set it to true ?
Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/2/2020 8:20 PM)
it worked.

i just set
mEnableAcs = false;

however, default value is
<!-- Wifi driver supports Automatic channel selection (ACS) for softap -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">false</bool>

i don't understand.

pls check log.

logcat_20200103.txt & dmesg_20200103.txt
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/2/2020 6:48 PM)
Dear Customer,

#1 Please share the wlan driver log to check why ACS fail.

#2 the ACS flag config_wifi_softap_acs_supported already enabled from your 2 logs.

set blew to verify

public HostapdHal(Context context) {
// mEnableAcs = //context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.config_wifi_softap_acs_supported);

mEnableAcs = false;

mEnableIeee80211AC =

The funtcion @

2427 static int qsap_set_channel(s32 channel, s8 *tbuf, u32 *tlen)
2428 {
2429 u32 ulen;
2430 s8 *pcfgval;
2431 s8 schan[MAX_INT_STR+1];
2432 s8 *pcfg = pconffile;
2434 ulen = *tlen;
2436 /* Do not worry about hw_mode if intention is to use ACS (channel=0) */
2437 if (channel == 0)
2438 goto end;
Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/2/2020 5:51 PM)
Hi QC,

pls check log, ap still disable.

i set gApAutoChannelSelection=1

2.config_wifi_softap_acs_supported = true

3.argv[3] (channel=0)
i cannot find how to set channel.
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/2/2020 12:32 AM)
01-02 02:21:57.010 E/QCSDK ( 6338): Cmd: acs_exclude_dfs Argument :0
01-02 02:21:57.010 D/QCSDK ( 6338): cmd=acs_exclude_dfs, Val:0, INI:0
01-02 02:21:57.013 D/QCSDK ( 6338): Adding a new line in hostapd.conf file: [acs_exclude_dfs=0
01-02 02:21:57.013 D/QCSDK ( 6338): ]
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): CMD OUTPUT [success]
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): len :7
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338):
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): argv[2] (set)
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): argv[3] (channel=0)
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): QCCMD data ()
01-02 02:21:57.014 D/QCSDK ( 6338): CMD INPUT [ set channel=0][256]
01-02 02:21:57.016 E/QCSDK ( 6338): Cmd: channel Argument :0
01-02 02:21:57.016 D/QCSDK ( 6338): cmd=channel, Val:0, INI:0
01-02 02:21:57.017 D/QCSDK ( 6338): Updated:channel=0
01-02 02:21:57.017 D/QCSDK ( 6338):
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/2/2020 12:23 AM)

Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/2/2020 12:23 AM)
have you enable config_wifi_softap_acs_supported ?

from current log, it use ACS to set channel,but ACS nothing, so SAP failed
Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/2/2020 12:19 AM)
1. channel=6
# Channel number (IEEE 802.11)
# (default: 0, i.e., not set)
# Please note that some drivers (e.g., madwifi) do not use this value from
# hostapd and the channel will need to be configuration separately with
# iwconfig.

Now i modify it to 1.

2 & 3 default value is the same as you provide.

Is it necessary to verify the new version?
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/1/2020 11:20 PM)
log show ACS failed.

try blew.

1.hostapd.conf channel =1 WCNSS_qcom_cfg.ini , make below :
3.config_wifi_softap_acs_supported = false
<!-- Enable ACS (auto channel selection) for Wifi hotspot (SAP) -->
<bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">false</bool>

if you want to use ACS channel, try blew.

Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/1/2020 9:23 PM)
hotspot button can be switch on, but it cannot be found.

pls check log.
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/1/2020 6:52 PM)
Created By: Duan Jianjun (1/1/2020 6:32 PM)
make systemimage or full version?
Created By: Uwen Zhang (1/1/2020 6:01 PM)
add it in your manifest.xml and re-test.
Created By: Duan Jianjun (12/31/2019 12:23 AM)
i got it in /device/qcom/msm8909go_p10pi/manifest.xml

android.hardware.wifi.hostapd can not be found.
pls check attachment of manifest

how to modify?

Created By: Duan Jianjun (12/31/2019 12:18 AM)
could you provider the full path of manifest.xml ?
Created By: Uwen Zhang (12/30/2019 11:45 PM)
Try add below codes into your current prj manifest.xml,
<hal format="hidl">
Created By: Uwen Zhang (12/30/2019 11:44 PM)
Dear customer,

as the log mention, please check if android.hardware.wifi.hostapd@1.0::IHostapd

in your binary or device manifest.


Index: device/qcom/common/device/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
--- device/qcom/common/device/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml	(版本 2968)
+++ device/qcom/common/device/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml	(工作副本)
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
     <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_background_scan_support">true</bool>
    <!-- Enable ACS (auto channel selection) for Wifi hotspot (SAP) -->
-   <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">true</bool>
+   <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_acs_supported">false</bool> <!-- @ modify for BUG # -->
    <!-- Enable 802.11ac for Wifi hotspot (SAP) -->
    <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_softap_ieee80211ac_supported">true</bool>
Index: device/qcom/msm8909go_p10pi/manifest.xml
--- device/qcom/msm8909go_p10pi/manifest.xml	(版本 2968)
+++ device/qcom/msm8909go_p10pi/manifest.xml	(工作副本)
@@ -427,6 +427,24 @@
     <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>android.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHostapd</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
+        <name>vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.hostapd</name>
+        <transport>hwbinder</transport>
+        <version>1.0</version>
+        <interface>
+            <name>IHostapdVendor</name>
+            <instance>default</instance>
+        </interface>
+    </hal>
+    <hal format="hidl">
Index: packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/network_and_internet.xml
--- packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/network_and_internet.xml	(版本 2968)
+++ packages/apps/Settings/res/xml/network_and_internet.xml	(工作副本)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
             android:targetClass="" />
-    <!-- <
+    <
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
-        settings:useAdminDisabledSummary="true" /> -->
+        settings:useAdminDisabledSummary="true" />
     <!-- <
Index: packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/
--- packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/	(版本 2968)
+++ packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/	(工作副本)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
         final List<AbstractPreferenceController> controllers = new ArrayList<>();
         // @ modify for bug# {
-        // controllers.add(new TetherPreferenceController(context, lifecycle));
+        controllers.add(new TetherPreferenceController(context, lifecycle));
         controllers.add(new ProxyPreferenceController(context));
Index: packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/
--- packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/	(版本 2968)
+++ packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/network/	(工作副本)
@@ -117,12 +117,12 @@
     public boolean isAvailable() {
         //@ 20190616 -+ {
-        /*final boolean isBlocked =
+        final boolean isBlocked =
                 (!mConnectivityManager.isTetheringSupported() && !mAdminDisallowedTetherConfig)
                         || hasBaseUserRestriction(mContext, DISALLOW_CONFIG_TETHERING,
-        return !isBlocked;*/
-        return false;
+        return !isBlocked;
+        //return false;
         //@ 20190616 -+ }

2.No available channels on 5GHz band

switch ap band to 5GHz and open hotspot, it turn off automatically.

03-05 08:32:59.536 E/ApConfigUtil( 1069): No available channels on 5GHz band
03-05 08:32:59.536 E/ApConfigUtil( 1069): Failed to get available channel.
03-05 08:32:59.536 E/SoftApManager( 1069): Failed to update AP band and channel
03-05 08:32:59.537 V/WifiManager( 3577): SoftApCallbackProxy: onStateChanged: state=14, failureReason=1
03-05 08:32:59.539 E/WifiController( 1069): SoftAP start failed


Created By: Beibei Zhang (3/11/2020 11:23 PM)
Dear customer
iw reg get
wpa_cli -i wlan0 DRIVER COUNTRY US
Created By: Beibei Zhang (3/10/2020 3:53 AM)
country code 修改可以参考KBA -180706005928
<countryCode_value Index="0">67</countryCode_value>
<countryCode_value Index="1">78</countryCode_value>
<countryCode_value Index="2">73</countryCode_value>

注意<regDomain>3</regDomain> 这个决定了DUT 的domain, 不管设置哪个国家代码,必须遵循这个domain=3(world ) 下的规则

country code决定是否能用5G,默认是00,不支持5G,在插卡后会改变country code。
