// syncer is responsible for periodically synchronising with the network, both
// downloading hashes and blocks as well as handling the announcement handler.
func (pm *ProtocolManager) syncer() {
// Start and ensure cleanup of sync mechanisms
defer pm.fetcher.Stop()
defer pm.downloader.Terminate()
// forceSyncCycle = 10s
// Wait for different events to fire synchronisation operations
forceSync := time.NewTicker(forceSyncCycle)
defer forceSync.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-pm.newPeerCh:
// Make sure we have peers to select from, then sync
if pm.peers.Len() < minDesiredPeerCount {
go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())
case <-forceSync.C:
// Force a sync even if not enough peers are present
go pm.synchronise(pm.peers.BestPeer())
case <-pm.noMorePeers:
// synchronise tries to sync up our local block chain with a remote peer.
func (pm *ProtocolManager) synchronise(peer *peer) {
// Short circuit if no peers are available
if peer == nil {
// Make sure the peer's TD is higher than our own
currentBlock := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
td := pm.blockchain.GetTd(currentBlock.Hash(), currentBlock.NumberU64())
pHead, pTd := peer.Head()
if pTd.Cmp(td) <= 0 {
// Otherwise try to sync with the downloader
mode := downloader.FullSync
if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.fastSync) == 1 {
// Fast sync was explicitly requested, and explicitly granted
mode = downloader.FastSync
} else if currentBlock.NumberU64() == 0 && pm.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
// The database seems empty as the current block is the genesis. Yet the fast
// block is ahead, so fast sync was enabled for this node at a certain point.
// The only scenario where this can happen is if the user manually (or via a
// bad block) rolled back a fast sync node below the sync point. In this case
// however it's safe to reenable fast sync.
atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.fastSync, 1)
mode = downloader.FastSync
// 如果快速同步模式下,本地链快速区块的难度值大于远程节点,那么直接返回
if mode == downloader.FastSync {
// Make sure the peer's total difficulty we are synchronizing is higher.
if pm.blockchain.GetTdByHash(pm.blockchain.CurrentFastBlock().Hash()).Cmp(pTd) >= 0 {
// Run the sync cycle, and disable fast sync if we've went past the pivot block
if err := pm.downloader.Synchronise(, pHead, pTd, mode); err != nil {
if atomic.LoadUint32(&pm.fastSync) == 1 {
log.Info("Fast sync complete, auto disabling")
atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.fastSync, 0)
atomic.StoreUint32(&pm.acceptTxs, 1) // Mark initial sync done
if head := pm.blockchain.CurrentBlock(); head.NumberU64() > 0 {
// We've completed a sync cycle, notify all peers of new state. This path is
// essential in star-topology networks where a gateway node needs to notify
// all its out-of-date peers of the availability of a new block. This failure
// scenario will most often crop up in private and hackathon networks with
// degenerate connectivity, but it should be healthy for the mainnet too to
// more reliably update peers or the local TD state.
go pm.BroadcastBlock(head, false)
方法获取本地区块链的td值,若大于远程节点则本方法简单返回,若小于则说明远程节点数据比本地节点数据更新,则确定同步方式以后调用 pm.downloader.Synchronise(, pHead, pTd, mode)
// Synchronise tries to sync up our local block chain with a remote peer, both
// adding various sanity checks as well as wrapping it with various log entries.
func (d *Downloader) Synchronise(id string, head common.Hash, td *big.Int, mode SyncMode) error {
err := d.synchronise(id, head, td, mode)
// synchronise will select the peer and use it for synchronising. If an empty string is given
// it will use the best peer possible and synchronize if its TD is higher than our own. If any of the
// checks fail an error will be returned. This method is synchronous
func (d *Downloader) synchronise(id string, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int, mode SyncMode) error {
// Mock out the synchronisation if testing
if d.synchroniseMock != nil {
return d.synchroniseMock(id, hash)
// Make sure only one goroutine is ever allowed past this point at once
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&d.synchronising, 0, 1) {
return errBusy
defer atomic.StoreInt32(&d.synchronising, 0)
// Post a user notification of the sync (only once per session)
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&d.notified, 0, 1) {
log.Info("Block synchronisation started")
// Reset the queue, peer set and wake channels to clean any internal leftover state
// 遍历peerSet逐个调用peer.set()
// 清空相关通道数据--------------------------------------
for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {
select {
case <-ch:
for _, ch := range []chan dataPack{d.headerCh, d.bodyCh, d.receiptCh} {
for empty := false; !empty; {
select {
case <-ch:
empty = true
for empty := false; !empty; {
select {
case <-d.headerProcCh:
empty = true
// 清空相关通道数据--------------------------------------
// Create cancel channel for aborting mid-flight and mark the master peer
d.cancelCh = make(chan struct{})
d.cancelPeer = id
defer d.Cancel() // No matter what, we can't leave the cancel channel open
// Set the requested sync mode, unless it's forbidden
d.mode = mode
// Retrieve the origin peer and initiate the downloading process
p := d.peers.Peer(id)
if p == nil {
return errUnknownPeer
return d.syncWithPeer(p, hash, td)
1、修改同步状态,确保只有一个同步线程在运行atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&d.synchronising, 0, 1)
3、最后调用d.syncWithPeer(p, hash, td)
// syncWithPeer starts a block synchronization based on the hash chain from the
// specified peer and head hash.
func (d *Downloader) syncWithPeer(p *peerConnection, hash common.Hash, td *big.Int) (err error) {
// 发出同步开始事件,通知相关模块停止工作(如挖矿模块)
defer func() {
// reset on error
if err != nil {
} else {
if p.version < 62 {
return errTooOld
log.Debug("Synchronising with the network", "peer",, "eth", p.version, "head", hash, "td", td, "mode", d.mode)
defer func(start time.Time) {
log.Debug("Synchronisation terminated", "elapsed", time.Since(start))
// 向远程节点发送请求返回对方最新区块的区块头消息
// Look up the sync boundaries: the common ancestor and the target block
latest, err := d.fetchHeight(p)
if err != nil {
return err
// 对方peer区块高度
height := latest.Number.Uint64()
// 寻找公共祖先
origin, err := d.findAncestor(p, latest)
if err != nil {
return err
if d.syncStatsChainHeight <= origin || d.syncStatsChainOrigin > origin {
d.syncStatsChainOrigin = origin
d.syncStatsChainHeight = height
// Ensure our origin point is below any fast sync pivot point
// fsMinFullBlocks = 64
pivot := uint64(0)
if d.mode == FastSync {
if height <= uint64(fsMinFullBlocks) {
origin = 0
} else {
pivot = height - uint64(fsMinFullBlocks)
if pivot <= origin {
origin = pivot - 1
d.committed = 1
if d.mode == FastSync && pivot != 0 {
d.committed = 0
// Initiate the sync using a concurrent header and content retrieval algorithm
d.queue.Prepare(origin+1, d.mode)
if d.syncInitHook != nil {
d.syncInitHook(origin, height)
fetchers := []func() error{
func() error { return d.fetchHeaders(p, origin+1, pivot) }, // Headers are always retrieved
func() error { return d.fetchBodies(origin + 1) }, // Bodies are retrieved during normal and fast sync
func() error { return d.fetchReceipts(origin + 1) }, // Receipts are retrieved during fast sync
func() error { return d.processHeaders(origin+1, pivot, td) },
if d.mode == FastSync {
fetchers = append(fetchers, func() error { return d.processFastSyncContent(latest) })
} else if d.mode == FullSync {
fetchers = append(fetchers, d.processFullSyncContent)
return d.spawnSync(fetchers)
2、调用d.findAncestor(p, latest)
3、开始逐个执行 [d.fetchHeaders(p, origin+1, pivot),d.fetchBodies(origin + 1),d.fetchReceipts(origin + 1),d.processHeaders(origin+1, pivot, td)]+d.processFastSyncContent(latest) or d.processFullSyncContent 方法,方法流转图如下:
下面逐个介绍[d.fetchHeaders(p, origin+1, pivot),d.fetchBodies(origin + 1),d.fetchReceipts(origin + 1),d.processHeaders(origin+1, pivot, td)]+d.processFastSyncContent(latest) or d.processFullSyncContent 方法
getHeaders := func(from uint64) {
request = time.Now()
ttl = d.requestTTL()
if skeleton {
p.log.Trace("Fetching skeleton headers", "count", MaxHeaderFetch, "from", from)
// MaxSkeletonSize = 128 MaxHeaderFetch = 192
go p.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(from+uint64(MaxHeaderFetch)-1, MaxSkeletonSize, MaxHeaderFetch-1, false)
} else {
p.log.Trace("Fetching full headers", "count", MaxHeaderFetch, "from", from)
go p.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(from, MaxHeaderFetch, 0, false)
// Start pulling the header chain skeleton until all is done
for {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderFetch
case packet := <-d.headerCh:
// Make sure the active peer is giving us the skeleton headers
if packet.PeerId() != {
log.Debug("Received skeleton from incorrect peer", "peer", packet.PeerId())
// If the skeleton's finished, pull any remaining head headers directly from the origin
if packet.Items() == 0 && skeleton {
skeleton = false
// If no more headers are inbound, notify the content fetchers and return
if packet.Items() == 0 {
// Don't abort header fetches while the pivot is downloading
if atomic.LoadInt32(&d.committed) == 0 && pivot <= from {
p.log.Debug("No headers, waiting for pivot commit")
select {
//fsHeaderContCheck = 3 * time.Second
case <-time.After(fsHeaderContCheck):
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderFetch
// Pivot done (or not in fast sync) and no more headers, terminate the process
p.log.Debug("No more headers available")
select {
case d.headerProcCh <- nil:
return nil
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderFetch
headers := packet.(*headerPack).headers
// If we received a skeleton batch, resolve internals concurrently
if skeleton {
filled, proced, err := d.fillHeaderSkeleton(from, headers)
if err != nil {
p.log.Debug("Skeleton chain invalid", "err", err)
return errInvalidChain
headers = filled[proced:]
from += uint64(proced)
// Insert all the new headers and fetch the next batch
if len(headers) > 0 {
p.log.Trace("Scheduling new headers", "count", len(headers), "from", from)
select {
case d.headerProcCh <- headers:
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderFetch
from += uint64(len(headers))
1、首先如果packet.Items() == 0,则表明skeleton已经完成,将skeleton设置为false,将剩余的headers按顺序获取;
2、如果收到了一个skeleton,则调用d.fillHeaderSkeleton(from, headers)从其他节点下载headers进行填充;
3、填充完毕后,将headers写入channel headerProcCh(下面的处理headers中处理),同时把from赋值为新的from,然后进行下一批headers的获取。
func (d *Downloader) processHeaders(origin uint64, pivot uint64, td *big.Int) error {
case headers := <-d.headerProcCh:
// Terminate header processing if we synced up
if len(headers) == 0 {
// Notify everyone that headers are fully processed
for _, ch := range []chan bool{d.bodyWakeCh, d.receiptWakeCh} {
select {
case ch <- false:
case <-d.cancelCh:
// If no headers were retrieved at all, the peer violated(违反) its TD promise that it had a
// better chain compared to ours. The only exception is if its promised blocks were
// already imported by other means (e.g. fetcher):
// R , L : Both at block 10
// R: Mine block 11, and propagate it to L
// L: Queue block 11 for import
// L: Notice that R's head and TD increased compared to ours, start sync
// L: Import of block 11 finishes
// L: Sync begins, and finds common ancestor at 11
// L: Request new headers up from 11 (R's TD was higher, it must have something)
// R: Nothing to give
if d.mode != LightSync {
head := d.blockchain.CurrentBlock()
if !gotHeaders && td.Cmp(d.blockchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.NumberU64())) > 0 {
return errStallingPeer
// If fast or light syncing, ensure promised headers are indeed delivered. This is
// needed to detect scenarios where an attacker feeds a bad pivot and then bails out
// of delivering the post-pivot blocks that would flag the invalid content.
// This check cannot be executed "as is" for full imports, since blocks may still be
// queued for processing when the header download completes. However, as long as the
// peer gave us something useful, we're already happy/progressed (above check).
if d.mode == FastSync || d.mode == LightSync {
head := d.lightchain.CurrentHeader()
if td.Cmp(d.lightchain.GetTd(head.Hash(), head.Number.Uint64())) > 0 {
return errStallingPeer
// Disable any rollback and return
rollback = nil
return nil
// Otherwise split the chunk of headers into batches and process them
gotHeaders = true
for len(headers) > 0 {
// Terminate if something failed in between processing chunks
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderProcessing
// Select the next chunk of headers to import
limit := maxHeadersProcess
if limit > len(headers) {
limit = len(headers)
chunk := headers[:limit]
// In case of header only syncing, validate the chunk immediately
if d.mode == FastSync || d.mode == LightSync {
// Collect the yet unknown headers to mark them as uncertain
unknown := make([]*types.Header, 0, len(headers))
for _, header := range chunk {
if !d.lightchain.HasHeader(header.Hash(), header.Number.Uint64()) {
unknown = append(unknown, header)
// If we're importing pure headers, verify based on their recentness
frequency := fsHeaderCheckFrequency
if chunk[len(chunk)-1].Number.Uint64()+uint64(fsHeaderForceVerify) > pivot {
frequency = 1
if n, err := d.lightchain.InsertHeaderChain(chunk, frequency); err != nil {
// If some headers were inserted, add them too to the rollback list
if n > 0 {
rollback = append(rollback, chunk[:n]...)
log.Debug("Invalid header encountered", "number", chunk[n].Number, "hash", chunk[n].Hash(), "err", err)
return errInvalidChain
// All verifications passed, store newly found uncertain headers
rollback = append(rollback, unknown...)
if len(rollback) > fsHeaderSafetyNet {
rollback = append(rollback[:0], rollback[len(rollback)-fsHeaderSafetyNet:]...)
// Unless we're doing light chains, schedule the headers for associated content retrieval
if d.mode == FullSync || d.mode == FastSync {
// If we've reached the allowed number of pending headers, stall a bit
for d.queue.PendingBlocks() >= maxQueuedHeaders || d.queue.PendingReceipts() >= maxQueuedHeaders {
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return errCancelHeaderProcessing
case <-time.After(time.Second):
// Otherwise insert the headers for content retrieval
inserts := d.queue.Schedule(chunk, origin)
if len(inserts) != len(chunk) {
log.Debug("Stale headers")
return errBadPeer
headers = headers[limit:]
origin += uint64(limit)
channel headerProcCh通道的另一端在processHeaders()中,processHeaders()从通道中取出一部分headers进行处理。
1、如果是fast或者light sync,每1K个header处理,调用lightchain.InsertHeaderChain()写入header到leveldb数据库
2、然后如果当前是fast或者full sync模式后,d.queue.Schedule(chunk, origin)赋值blockTaskPool/blockTaskQueue和receiptTaskPool/receiptTaskQueue(only fast 模式下),供后续同步body和同步receipt使用;
// fetchBodies iteratively downloads the scheduled block bodies, taking any
// available peers, reserving a chunk(块) of blocks for each, waiting for delivery
// and also periodically checking for timeouts.
func (d *Downloader) fetchBodies(from uint64) error {
log.Debug("Downloading block bodies", "origin", from)
var (
deliver = func(packet dataPack) (int, error) {
pack := packet.(*bodyPack)
return d.queue.DeliverBodies(pack.peerID, pack.transactions, pack.uncles)
expire = func() map[string]int { return d.queue.ExpireBodies(d.requestTTL()) }
fetch = func(p *peerConnection, req *fetchRequest) error { return p.FetchBodies(req) }
capacity = func(p *peerConnection) int { return p.BlockCapacity(d.requestRTT()) }
setIdle = func(p *peerConnection, accepted int) { p.SetBodiesIdle(accepted) }
err := d.fetchParts(errCancelBodyFetch, d.bodyCh, deliver, d.bodyWakeCh, expire,
d.queue.PendingBlocks, d.queue.InFlightBlocks, d.queue.ShouldThrottleBlocks, d.queue.ReserveBodies,
d.bodyFetchHook, fetch, d.queue.CancelBodies, capacity, d.peers.BodyIdlePeers, setIdle, "bodies")
log.Debug("Block body download terminated", "err", err)
return err
3、对端节点处理完成后发回消息BlockBodiesMsg,写入channel bodyCh;
4、收到channel bodyCh的数据后,调用deliver函数,将Transactions和Uncles写入resultCache。
// fetchReceipts iteratively downloads the scheduled block receipts, taking any
// available peers, reserving a chunk of receipts for each, waiting for delivery
// and also periodically checking for timeouts.
func (d *Downloader) fetchReceipts(from uint64) error {
log.Debug("Downloading transaction receipts", "origin", from)
var (
deliver = func(packet dataPack) (int, error) {
pack := packet.(*receiptPack)
return d.queue.DeliverReceipts(pack.peerID, pack.receipts)
expire = func() map[string]int { return d.queue.ExpireReceipts(d.requestTTL()) }
fetch = func(p *peerConnection, req *fetchRequest) error { return p.FetchReceipts(req) }
capacity = func(p *peerConnection) int { return p.ReceiptCapacity(d.requestRTT()) }
setIdle = func(p *peerConnection, accepted int) { p.SetReceiptsIdle(accepted) }
err := d.fetchParts(errCancelReceiptFetch, d.receiptCh, deliver, d.receiptWakeCh, expire,
d.queue.PendingReceipts, d.queue.InFlightReceipts, d.queue.ShouldThrottleReceipts, d.queue.ReserveReceipts,d.receiptFetchHook, fetch, d.queue.CancelReceipts, capacity, d.peers.ReceiptIdlePeers, setIdle, "receipts")
log.Debug("Transaction receipt download terminated", "err", err)
return err
3、对端节点处理完成后发回消息ReceiptsMsg,写入channel receiptCh;
4、收到channel receiptCh的数据后,调用deliver函数,将Receipts写入resultCache。
func (d *Downloader) processFullSyncContent() error {
for {
results := d.queue.Results(true)
if len(results) == 0 {
return nil
if d.chainInsertHook != nil {
if err := d.importBlockResults(results); err != nil {
return err
func (d *Downloader) processFastSyncContent(latest *types.Header) error {
// Start syncing state of the reported head block. This should get us most of
// the state of the pivot block.
stateSync := d.syncState(latest.Root)
defer stateSync.Cancel()
go func() {
if err := stateSync.Wait(); err != nil && err != errCancelStateFetch {
d.queue.Close() // wake up Results
// Figure out the ideal pivot block. Note, that this goalpost may move if the
// sync takes long enough for the chain head to move significantly.
pivot := uint64(0)
if height := latest.Number.Uint64(); height > uint64(fsMinFullBlocks) {
pivot = height - uint64(fsMinFullBlocks)
// To cater for moving pivot points, track the pivot block and subsequently
// accumulated download results separately.
var (
oldPivot *fetchResult // Locked in pivot block, might change eventually
oldTail []*fetchResult // Downloaded content after the pivot
for {
// Wait for the next batch of downloaded data to be available, and if the pivot
// block became stale, move the goalpost
results := d.queue.Results(oldPivot == nil) // Block if we're not monitoring pivot staleness
if len(results) == 0 {
// If pivot sync is done, stop
if oldPivot == nil {
return stateSync.Cancel()
// If sync failed, stop
select {
case <-d.cancelCh:
return stateSync.Cancel()
if d.chainInsertHook != nil {
if oldPivot != nil {
results = append(append([]*fetchResult{oldPivot}, oldTail...), results...)
// Split around the pivot block and process the two sides via fast/full sync
if atomic.LoadInt32(&d.committed) == 0 {
latest = results[len(results)-1].Header
if height := latest.Number.Uint64(); height > pivot+2*uint64(fsMinFullBlocks) {
log.Warn("Pivot became stale, moving", "old", pivot, "new", height-uint64(fsMinFullBlocks))
pivot = height - uint64(fsMinFullBlocks)
P, beforeP, afterP := splitAroundPivot(pivot, results)
if err := d.commitFastSyncData(beforeP, stateSync); err != nil {
return err
if P != nil {
// If new pivot block found, cancel old state retrieval and restart
if oldPivot != P {
stateSync = d.syncState(P.Header.Root)
defer stateSync.Cancel()
go func() {
if err := stateSync.Wait(); err != nil && err != errCancelStateFetch {
d.queue.Close() // wake up Results
oldPivot = P
// Wait for completion, occasionally checking for pivot staleness
select {
case <-stateSync.done:
if stateSync.err != nil {
return stateSync.err
if err := d.commitPivotBlock(P); err != nil {
return err
oldPivot = nil
case <-time.After(time.Second):
oldTail = afterP
// Fast sync done, pivot commit done, full import
if err := d.importBlockResults(afterP); err != nil {
return err
3、这只pivot为latestHeight - 64,调用splitAroundPivot()方法以pivot为中心,将results分为三个部分:beforeP,P,afterP;
5、对P的部分更新状态信息为P block的状态,把P对应的result(包含body和receipt)调用commitPivotBlock插入本地区块链中,并调用FastSyncCommitHead记录这个pivot的hash值,存在downloader中,标记为快速同步的最后一个区块hash值;