NS2 教学手册(柯志亨网站资源)

NS2 教學手冊 ( NS2 Learning Guide)


My works  中文影音教學區  Q&A for my works  My Book  My Talks  Forum  Basic  ns2-installation  Tcl/Tk/Otcl  Debug  Trace Processing  awk/gawk  Gnuplot  perl  latex  Traffic Pattern  Topology Generator Transport Layer  QoS  Multimeida Transmission  SIP  Queue Management and Scheduler  wired—Routing  Multicast  Wireless  wireless—UMTS  wireless—routing  wireless—visualization tool  wireless—multi-rate  wireless—multi-channel  wireless—802.11e  wireless-cross-layer  wireless—Bluetooth  wireless—UWB  wireless—ZigBee  wireless—Mobile Network  wireless—mobility model wireless- VANETwireless—Sensor Network  wireless—energy model  wireless—wimax  Satellite Network  Optical WDM network  Security  Peer-to-Peer  ATM



NS2仿真實驗—多媒體和無線網路通信柯志亨,程榮祥,鄧德雋,電子工業出版社,ISBN: 978-7-121-08360-0 (簡體中文版) 光碟軟件下載(台灣)  另一個載點(大陸一) 另一個載點(大陸二) (讀者的一些心得:簡中)

[Note] I have to say sorry. This website will not continue to provide any new information. I will start a new website, NS2 Learning Guide version 2, at http://csie.nqu.edu.tw/smallko/ns2/ns2.htm. In this new website, I will only provide the virtualboximage for ns-allinone-2.29 and ns-allinone-2.35 simulation environment. Users just need to download the image files, do some setup, and then they can start doing the simulation work. Don't worry about any settings for cygwin or ns2 installations. All things are done. Hope my work can continuously help the interested people !!!.


1.      New NS2 BOOK (http://www.springer.com/engineering/signals/book/978-0-387-71759-3)

2.      ns-2.34, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=149743

3.     An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA (If you use my NS2 book, you can directly run the simulation.)

4.      NS2 視頻教學 (由大陸網友熱心提供,建議有興趣的讀者觀看)

5.     How to do H.264 SVC simulation?

6.     How to multicast H.264/SVC over wireless networks?

7.     How to multicast H.264/SVC over wired network?


[My works]

l   Installation。 (windows + cygwin + ns-2.27) English Video (cygwin + myNS2)。 (找不到ns的解決辦法)

l   TCL Introduction。中文。

l   Tool Introudction。(Use awk to analyze the trace file to get throughput, delay, jitter, and loss rate. Then use gnuplot to plot the data.) 中文 English。

l   Add or Modify NS2 module。中文。

l   Multimedia Communication。

1.      English(par1:Traffic Trace) 

2.      English(part2:Enhanced Evalvid)

3.      English(part3:H.264)

4.      English(part4: An example of multimedia transmission over a wireless network) (co-operated with Cheng-Han Lin)

5.      English(part5:MDC) 

6.      English 6 (H.263/H.264/MPEG4) 。

7.      Video transmission over wireless error channels。

8.      myEvalvid-NT

9.      How to adaptively adjust FEC to improve the delivered video qaulity over erroneous wireless channels? (co-operated with Cheng-Han Lin)

10.   myEvalvid-RTP (co-operated with Yu Chia-Yu)

l   TCP parameters Description。中文 (Provided by my lab member: Rung-Shiang Cheng) 。

l   How to generate Poisson traffic ? 中文。

l   How to measure the throughput, packet drop rate, and end-to-end delay for UDP-based application over wireless networks ? English (Source: Joe Naoum-Sawaya) 。

l   Examples for CBR traffic transmission over DCF-based and EDCF-based wireless networks。

l   How to vary the wireless error rate during simulation?

l   How to set the communication radius in wireless nodes?

l   Making NS2 simulate an 802.11b link

l   Hidden Terminal Problem

l   Performance Evaluation of DSDV, AODV, and DSR

l   How to run the wireless1.tcl under ~ns\ns-tutorial\examples folder?

l   An example to measure the throughput of TCP-based application over wire-cum-wireless environment

l   How to set the different operation modes (DCF or EDCF) for different mobile nodes? (2006/06/23)  (refer to the ppt files)

l   How to set the different transmission speeds to different mobile nodes? (2006/06/23)

l   How to dynamically set the link bandwidth during simulation? (2006/06/23)

l   How to get the information in different layer? (For example, routing layer wants to get some information from MAC layer.) (2006/06/23)

l   長庚大學的wimax + ns-2.29 (Install cygwin first and then download this file. Decompress it. After that, run “./configure; make clean; make depend; make)

l   How to get the system throughput without parsing the trace file? (For UDP-based application)

l   MyNS2---new version (based on 2.31, supports Evalvid_RAv1.02, TraNSv1.0, ns2voip, ns2measure, Overhaul of IEEE 802.11 modeling and simulation in NS-2. You can find some 802.11a or 802.11p examples in this version, I will provide some examples in the near future.)

l   Wireless Simulation in NS2 without ARP (edited by 方維維)

l   Wireless Static Routing With NOAH (NO Ad-Hoc Routing Agent) (edited by 方維維)

l   Cloning a New IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol in NS2  (English, edited by Yang Yu-Sheng) Local Copy

l   Evaluation of video stream quality over IEEE 802.11e EDCF

l   An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA

l   Blocking Problem

l   Capture Effect in CSMA/CA-based Wireless Local Area Network

l   EIFS Problem

l   Unfairness Problems in wireless networks: three pair scenario  uplink and downlink scenario



l   cygwin的安裝 (柯志亨講解)

l   myNS2的安裝 (柯志亨講解)

l   匯圖軟體 origin 中文教學影片 (余佳育講解)

l   Latex製作中文教學影片 相關軟體與檔案 (高谷蘭講解)


[尚未整理(unclassified)---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   介紹TCP Global Synchronization問題。

l   wireless。 (這個部份我只是參考Jin Ding的投影片。)

l   介紹如何量測UDP packet的One Way Delay (OWD)、IP Delay Variance (IPDV),和Packet Loss數量。(新增ns2核心模組來做量測的)

l   介紹如何使用Traffic Trace,把實際網路的封包流量灌到NS2內。

l   建立Agent範例-Echo。 (作者:張瀹鐏,原本網址http://ns2.mis.must.edu.tw/ns2/BuildEcho.doc) (How to Add a New Protocol in NS2)

l   wireless-ping。

l   亂數產生器(Random Number Generator)。

l   Confidence Interval。

l   Simulation vs. Emulation。

l   Inferring Queue Sizes in Access Networks by Active Measurement。

l   Error Model。

l   一個FTP的範例,限制TCP Source傳送封包到Receiver的數量。

l   筆者自己寫了一個myred.cc和myred.h,有興趣的人可以參考看看。

l   一個簡單的802.11b ad-hoc無線網路實驗。

l   如何在NS2中安裝wireless error model ( uniform distribution and Gilbert-Elliot Model)。

l   nsBench介紹。(如果不太想寫tcl script,應該好好試一下這個軟體)

l   My ns-allinone-2.28 (已安裝:TKN 802.11e module, NOAH routing protocol, uniform and GE wireless error model, my video evaluation, MFlood, CSFQ, tcldebug, Poisson Traffic;並解決Scheduler: Event UID not valid的問題,Evalvid-RA, NIST的IEEE 802.16 module。若是下載後,進入ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28後,./configure ; make clean ; make的過程有問題,請使用我在installation篇所附的cygwin安裝軟體) (最新更新日期: 2006/03/06)

l   The source codes for Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2

l   追蹤ns-2.28中的802.11程式碼

l   如何使用GDB去debug NS (由中國大陸的season所提供)

l   由中國大陸的season所提供的一些關於NS2的資料 (簡體中文)

l   2006/05/28 Season的ns2 tutorial 相關資料 (簡體中文)  GDB使用文件

l   How to run the source routing simulations ? (for wired network) (繁體中文)

l   一個mobile ip的範例


[網友問題解答(Q&A for my works)---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   如何安裝wf2q+。

l   關於Tool Introduction中範例程式更進一步說明。

l   Q&A。(中文)

l   Q&A。(English)

l   How can you set the communication radius in wireless nodes? (source: 程榮祥)


[My Book]

l   My book, “Computer Network Experiments---Using NS2”, is now available for Taiwan readers on http://www.xbook.com.tw/book/book.php?keyword=EN550# or http://ec2.pchome.com.tw/case/000250/00025059.htm.

l   More descriptions about my book can be found at  (成大開課時,學生所做的投影片)

l   第二本書 FAQ


[My Talks]

l   2004/11/03 在郭文光老師的課堂上,做了一個小小的演講。(投影片: 1. 簡介 2. Toward realistic MPEG4 video transmission simulations)

l   因鄭瑞光老師和陳金蓮老師邀請,所以在2005/11/26日在台科大電子系做關於NS2的演講 。(投影片)

l   因陳文宇老師的邀請,所以在2005/11/28號在成大電信管理研究所做關於NS2的演講 。

l   2006/07/10-07/11:樹德科大, 07/21-07/22:台科大, 07/19-07/20:中山大學 (投影片), 8/14:台北教育大學


[關於NS與網絡模擬一書---Currently, this part is written in Chinese]

l   書的簡介與筆者評論。

l   如何使得MFLOOD可以在ns-2.27的環境下運作。

l   使用我所提供的ns2來執行mflood的模擬範例。

l   ”ns與網絡模擬” (2007/04出版)

l   “移動IP技術與NS-2” (2006/10出版)



l   百思論壇 (中國大陸NS2討論區,China)

l   Gmane(IETF)

l   NS2 Maillist

l   Ns2 FAQ for dummies

l   NS2 common questions by Jim

l   wired-wireless simulation segmentation fault with more than 32 nodes ( from nsnam discussion board)

l   http://www.cse.msu.edu/~wangbo1/ns2/

l   A trick to do multi-state errormodel with one-state errormodel

l   WPAN NS2 Simulation Module FAQs



l   NS2 Official Website

l   NS by Example (強力推薦,一定要看)

l   NS Simulator Course for Beginners (強力推薦,一定要看)

l   NsNam

l   Online Tutorial for the NS2

l   NS2 Tutorial Workshop 2002

l   NS-2 Trace Formats (可以找到一些wireless trace formats,研究wireless的人一定要用到的)

l   NS-2 Manual

l   NsNam Site Search (有關於NS和NAM的搜尋引擎,若是想瞭解別人問過的問題或解答,請多多利用這個search)

l   Using ns and nam in Education

l   NS 中文手冊 (簡體中文)



l   How to install NS on Windows

l   ns-2.26安裝注意事項

l   ns-2.29_wireless_update_patch is a patch for the ns-2 network simulator, improving the original support for wireless simulations. (http://www.telematica.polito.it/fiore/)

l   A tutorial of installation notes of ns2 on GNU/Debian System

l   Install NS 2.29 under windows XP

l   Three patches for the installation of NS-2.26, NS-2.27, and NS-2.28 under gcc 4.1 (default in Fedora Core 5)

l   NS-2 Scripts - Friend Class Compiler Errors (tfrc.h) Error

l   Installing old NS2 version (ns-allinone-2.1b6a) on RedHat 8.0



l   http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Tcl/Recipe/68391 (Random Number Generator in Tcl)

l   http://users.belgacom.net/bruno.champagne/tcl.html

l   http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~raines/tkref.html

l   ftp://ftp.tns.lcs.mit.edu/pub/otcl/README.html



l   Debugging with GDB

l   NS编程与调试

l   How to debug NS2 in eclipse ?  (利用Eclipse編寫NS2程式)


[Trace Processing]

l   NS2 Visual Trace Analyzer: program

l   Jtrana: A Java-based NS2 Wireless Trace Analyze

l   ns2measure: an integrated framework for enabling effective data collection and statistical analysis with ns2



l   http://phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/94/94011/ (in Chinese)

l   The GAWK Manual



l   http://phi.sinica.edu.tw/aspac/reports/94/94002/  (in Chinese)

l   http://www.duke.edu/%7Ehpgavin/gnuplot.html

l   http://cs.ecs.baylor.edu/~donahoo/tools/gnuplot/

l   Gnuplot Central

l   Gnuplot



l   Perl Tutorial



l   LaTex教學


[Traffic Pattern]

l   Pareto On/Off Traffic Generator

l   ns-2.28-poisson.patch

l   HTTP/1.0 traffic generator for ns-2

l   Web Traffic Generation in NS-2 with PackMime-HTTP

l   NSWEB is an extension to ns-2 and provides support for persistent and pipelined HTTP connection as specified in HTTP/1.1

l   http://www-gris.det.uvigo.es/~miguel/massai/software/

l   A Perceptual Quality Model for Adaptive VoIP Applications (研究VOIP的人要看)

l   Traffic generation in NS

l   WETMO (WEb Traffic MOdule)

l   ns2voip: an extension to ns2 to carry out reliable performance evaluation studies with Voice over IP (VoIP) traffic


[Topology Generator]

·        The Network Simulator ns-2: Topology Generation

·        Georgia Tech Internetwork Topology Models

·        Inet Topology Generator

·        BRITE Topology Generator

·        nsBench (The goal of nsW project is to develop supporting tools that enable creating, analyzing and visualizing NS-2 simulation scripts and traces automatically)

·        NS2 Scenarios Generator (中文) (English) (強力推荐,真的不錯用)


[Transport Layer]

l   Enhancement to FullTcpAgent in ns2

l   BI TCP Implementation for NS2

l   BIC TCP — a TCP variant for High-speed Long Distance Networks

l   TCP Westwood: Handling Dynamic Large Leaky Pipes

l   TCP Westwood+, from Alfredo Grieco, is based on TCP Westwood.

l   TCP-J aims at solving the several problems that TCP Westwood (TCP-W) has

l   TCP Performance Simulations Using Ns2 (document)

l   Rate Adaptation Protocol

l   Wireless DCCP in NS2 version 2.28

l   SNACK Extension in NS2.27 as Specified in SCPS-TP Specifications

l   Ad-Hoc TCP

l   TCP Emulation at Receivers (TEAR)

l   Simulations for Stateful TCP Congestion Control

l   TCP simulation lab example

l   Use ns to test the [MSMO97] TCP formula (sample script: tcp-throughput.tcl)

l   Reactive TCP

l   Cross-layer Interaction of TCP and Dynamic Routing in Multi-hop 802.11 Networks

l   Performance of competing high-speed TCP flows

l   HighSpeed TCP Simulation Reports

l   SACK-TS Implementation for NS2

l   TCP, Transmission Control Protocol 對於TCP/IP的封包格式有很詳細的介紹 (RFC Sourcebook)

l   Simulations for Router Mechanisms to Support End-to-end Congestion Control

l   A Framework for the Evaluation of Partition-Aware Protocols and Applications with ns-2

l   A quick tour around TCP (很不錯的教材)

l   A Performance vs. Trust Perspective in the Design of End-Point Congestion Control Protocols

l   TCP Low Priority

l   NS2 Simulation for Reliable Blast UDP (RBUDP)

l   NS-2 for wireless TCP (值得一看的投影片)

l   David’s NS-2 patches (A TCP Pacing implementation for NS2 simulation, TCP-Linux: a Linux TCP implementation for NS2, Speed up NS2 simulation)

l   Simulations for Equation-Based Congestion Control for Unicast Applications

l   Full-TCP Bug Fixes for ns-2

l   ns2 Full-TCP and Wireless (This is a hack to allow the use of Full-TCP in wireless simulations using DSDV routing.)

l   ORMCC code for ns2

l   Using Network Simulator 2 to simulate case scenarios using SCTP and TCP protocols with FTP and HTTP traffic.

l   Network Simulator (NS2) RTO Patch

l   A Linux implementation for NS2

l   ns-2 SCTP module

l   基于NS2的TCP评价工具 An NS2 TCP Evaluation Tool

l   TCP-Friendly Multicast Congestion Control (TFMCC)



l   A Network Simulator- Differentiated Service Implementation (document)

l   Diffserv additions to ns-2

l   DiffServ Simulations Using the Network Simulator (Sergio Andreozzi)

l   QoS Simulation and Monitoring in a DiffServ network

l   MPLS modules (mns-ns-2.26.tar.gz)

l   http://tango.isti.cnr.it/software.html

l   RSVP-TE Patch for NS2 (MPLS Implementation for NS2)

l   RSVP simulatior for NS-2

l   RSVP patch

l   Egress Admission Control algorithm

l   DiffServ patch for supporting DSCP values higher than 40


[Multimeida Transmission]

l   Video Traces for Network Performance Evaluation

l   MPEG-4 and H.263 Video Traces for Network Performance Evalution

l   End Buffer Management and Congestion for Video

l   Evalvid-RA

l   Goddard Streaming Media System



l   http://www-x.antd.nist.gov/proj/iptel/

l   http://www.diiie.unisa.it/aree/telecomunicazioni/persone/collab/gdm/nsmod.htm

l   http://www.tti.unipa.it/~fasciana/materiale.htm

l   http://www.ncc.up.pt/~rprior/ns/ns-allinone-2.27-sip-v1_11.tar.gz


[Queue Management and Scheduler]

l   CSFQ

l   CIF-Q

l   Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) congestion avoidance, Virtual Queue (VQ) and Load-Based Marking (LBM)

l   Comparing RED and DropTail schemes at the switches

l   ACIRI's ns work include RIO for ns 2.1b6

l   M/M/1 queue simulation using NS2

l   Adaptive RED

l   Adaptive RIO

l   Blue and SFB

l   GREEN: A TCP Equation-Based Approach to Active Queue Management

l   Dynamic Class Based Thresholds (D-CBT)

l   MDRR: modules to simulate CISCO and Juniper's Modified Deficit Round Robin schedulers



l   Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)

l   QoSR (QoS Routing) routing in ns-2 (QoSR)

l   the Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

l   NVNS – NS with NixVector Routing

l   Learning NS Website (中文,有介紹Unicast Routing)

l   NS-BGP

l   BGP++

l   An implementation of the IS-IS Routing Protocol for ns-2.1b8a

l   Design, Analysis, and Simulation of a Distributed Multiple Criteria Network Routing Method

l   Cooperative Reinforcement Learning for Routing in Ad-hoc Networks (SWARM for NS2)



l   NORM (Nack-oriented reliable multicast) protocol implementation

l   PBM-Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

l   GenMCast – Generic Multicast Extension to NS2

l   PGM code contributed by Ryan Barnett can be downloaded from pgm-070101-2.1b8.tar.gz

l   Source specific multicast extension to NS2

l   BCAST Implementation for NS2  (includes Multicast Extensions for AODV)

l   PIM-SM Implementation for NS2



l   Tools for ns2 simulations (Evan Jones)

l   dei80211mr: a new 802.11 implementation for NS-2

l   NS-MIRACLE: Multi-InteRfAce Cross-Layer Extension library for the Network Simulator

l   802.11 implementation code (NS-2.28) commented by J. Robinson

l   Simulating 802.11b with NS-2.27 (J. Robinson)

l   NS2.27-> Scheduler: Event UID not valid

l   The Enhanced Network Simulator (TeNs) (TeNs is an attempt to address the deficiencies of ns in the modeling of IEEE 802.11 MAC layer protocol.)

l   802.11 PCF from Anders Lindgren.

l   A STAGED NETWORK SIMULATOR (SNS) (improve the scale and run time performance of wireless mobile network simulators)

l   Fast ns-2 simulator (enable simulation of large scale ad hoc wireless networks)

l   http://www.winlab.rutgers.edu/~zhibinwu/html/network_simulator_2.html

l   QoS of Voice over 802.11 using NS2 (值得看,有範例加上分析程式)

l   ns-2 中無線網路使用 Exponential 分佈產生流量

l   Performance Analysis of Mobile Agents in Wireless Internet

l   ns-2 802.11 support (ET/SNRT/BER-based PHY models; 802.11a multirate; 802.11e HCCA and EDCA) (This NS2 version can be successfully installed on cygwin with some modifications: tested by Chih-Heng, Ke)

l   HLS - Hierarchical Location Service for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

l   Value of the IEEE 802.11b parameters  (source: 程榮祥)


l   HOWTO: Display RTS/CTS Packet Type in NS2 Trace File

l   Mobile Networking in NS (中文)

l   http://ants.iis.sinica.edu.tw/members/kunimi/ns-2_frame-error_bug.htm

l   Stateless Wireless Ad hoc Networks (SWAN)

l   MW-NODE patch for NS2

l   YAVISTA (makes the debugging and the understanding of the MANET simulators much easier by providing timelines of the 802.11 MAC layer execution)

l   Design and Implementation of Network Simulator for IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure Wireless LANs (中文) (http://tmue.edu.tw/~stliang/)

l   IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure mode

l   Add a new MAC Layer control packet type based on 802.11 networks on NS-2

l   Aggregation with Fragment Retransmission for Very High-speed WLANs

l   Cognitive Radio Cognitive Network Simulator



l   Simulation of radio resource management for UMTS (codes)

l   Eurane patch file for ns-2.28

l   Enhanced UMTS Radio Access Network Extensions for NS2 (EURANE) (local backup)

l   UMTS extensions for Network Simulator, ns-2  (local backup)

l   在 win2000/ XP 環境下安裝cygwin + ns2.26 + UMTS



l   AODV+. With AODV+, ns-users are able to use AODV as an ad hoc routing protocol for simulations of wired-cum-wireless scenarios in ns-2


l   AODV-UU and Mobile IP integration for ns-2

l   Print routing table in AODV

l   DSR-UU

l   A reactive Connected Dominating Set (CDS) for enhancing Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) performance

l   Bryan's NS2 DSR FAQ

l   How to dump routing tables for DSDV/AODV? -- A problem_since_ 1998 !!!

l   NRL-OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing)


l   NO Ad-Hoc Routing Agent (NOAH)

l   Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV)

l   Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR)

l   Fisheve State Routing 4 ns2

l   Insignia ad-hoc routing extensions and micromobility extensions from Columbia.

l   DYMOUM is an implementation of the DYMO (Dynamic Manet On-demand) routing protocol

l   nsclick. In short, nsclick is the Click Modular Router embedded inside of the ns-2 network simulator

l   Ad Hoc Routing with Klangjai

l   NS-DSR-OCEAN protocol

l   PODS (Multipath On-demand Routing protocol)

l   AntNet Implementation on NS2

l   Multicast Extensions of AODV (MAODV)

l   Egraph Protocol

l   Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

l   Puma is a next-generation multicast routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks. (It outperforms MAODV and ODMRP.)


[wireless—visualization tool]

l   iNSpect

l   iNSpect - a Visualization Tool for MANET Simulations

l   Extensible Animator for Mobile Simulations (EXAMS)



l   Opportunistic Auto Rate (OAR) is an opportunistic media access protocol for multi-rate IEEE 802.11

l   Multi-band Opportunistic Auto Rate (MOAR) MAC Protocol

l   Receiver Based Auto Rate (RBAR)



l   An IEEE 802.11-based Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Network

l   Extend ns2 to support multi-channle multi-interface for wireless network

l   Multi-channel Multi-interface Simulation in NS2 (2.29) (I have prepared one ns2 version that has already included this module. Download the file from here. Decompress it and go into ns-allinone-2.29/ns-2.29 directory. Run the./configure; make clean; make depend; make to install.)

l   A new one for hyacinth for NS-2.29

l   Multichannel MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks

l   Adding Multiple Interface Support in NS-2

l   802.11 Multi-Channel, Multi-Flow and Multi-Hop in NS-2 (中文範例說明講解)



l   802.11e EDCF (INRIA)

l   Adaptive EDCF (AEDCF) for 802.11e (INRIA)

l   Adaptive Fair EDCF (AFEDCF) for 802.11e (INRIA)

l   FHCF for 802.11e (INRIA)

l   An IEEE 802.11e EDCF and CFB Simulation Model for ns-2 (TKN)

l   802.11e closed-loop scheduling

l   IEEE 802.11e HCCA simulation using the Network Simulator 2

l   Feedback-based Control for Providing Real-time Services with the 802.11e MAC

l   802.11e implementation for the ns simulator

l   IEEE 802.11e Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF) Simulation Module for ns-2



l   Cross-layer management offers superior quality-of-experience in energy-constrained embedded systems



l   Simulate 802.11b Channel within NS2

l   Link Characteristics Estimation For IEEE 802.11 DCF Based WLAN

l   Experimental Study of Hidden-node Problem in IEEE802.11 Wireless Networks

l   IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation: A Practical Approach

l   Effects of Wireless Physical Layer Modeling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks  (Strongly recommended)

l   Effects of Multi-rate in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

l   Understanding the implementation of IEEE MAC 802.11 standard in NS2 (very important article)

l   A Tutorial of 802.11 Implementation in NS-2

l   Performance Evaluation of Ad hoc Routing Protocols using NS2 simulations (recommended)

l   NS-2 Implementation and Performance Evaluation of Load Balancing Mechanisms in TORA

l   Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols (Classification) (describe many ad hoc routing protocols well)



l   UCBT - Bluetooth extension for NS2 at the University of Cincinnati

l   BlueHoc: Bluetooth Performance Evaluation Tool

l   利用NS模擬Bluetooth Network

l   FPQ implementation for Bluehoc



l   NS-2 UWB MAC and PHY simulator

l   http://www.macroangel.com/nslast.zip  (http://www.macroangel.com/howto.zip)

l   Performance of Three Routing Protocols in UWB Ad Hoc Network Deployed in an Industrial Application



l   Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (802.15.4 LR-WPAN)

l   IEEE 802.15.4 MAC implementation in NS-2


[wireless—Mobile Network]

l   MobiWan is a Mobile IPv6 extension for the NS simulator

l   MobiWan: NS-2 extensions to study mobility in Wide-Area IPv6 Networks

l   NS2 + MobiWan2的安裝

l   MobiWan的安裝 (From Wireless Netorwork Lab at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

l   Ant-like Mobile Agents - NS2 Patch

l   SUMO – Simulation of UrBan Mobility ( AN open source traffic simulation package)


[wireless – VANET]

l   Rapid Generation of Realistic Simulation for VANET

l   Realistic Vehicular Traces

l   Security of Vehicular Networks  (contain 802.11p patch)

l   MobiTools

l   Vehicular Network Simulation (Jamal Toutouh El Alamin) http://www.scivee.tv/tag/simulation?page=1

l   Some papers related VANET  Resources for VANETs

l   VanetMobiSim

l   STRAW- Street Random Waypoint – vehicular mobility model for network simulation


[wireless—mobility model]

l   A mobility scenario generation and analysis tool (BonnMotion)

l   An evaluation framework to study the "Impact of Mobility Patterns On RouTing in Ad-hoc NeTworks" (在這個網站有提供random waypoint、group mobility、freeway mobility三種模式的移動方法)

l   The Random Trip Mobility Model

l   The Obstacle Mobility Model

l   GFMM: Group Force Mobility Model

l   Pedro Vale Estrela - NS2 IP Mobility Page

l   Beta: Generic Mobility Simulation Framework (GMSF)

l   CANU Mobility Simulation Environment (CanuMobiSim)

l   Udel Models for simulation of urban mobile wireless Networks


[wireless—Sensor Network]

l   NRL's Products

l   NRL’s Sensor Network Extension to NS-2

l   SensorSim for sensor networks

l   Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Robust Communication Paradigm for Sensor Networks

l   NAB is a network simulator targeted at wireless ad hoc and sensor networks

l   SENSE: Sensor Network Simulator and Emulator

l   EYES WSN Simulation Framework

l   Howto Simulate Sensor Networks in NS-2

l   NS2 Leach Implementation

l   GEAR in the main distribution of ns-2 is a simplified version of GEAR(w/o energy aware and use flooding as opposed to recursive forwarding for forwarding packets inside the target region)

l   atemu - Sensor Network Emulator / Simulator / Debugger

l   Selfdeploy and Self-reorganize in Mobile Sensor Network

l   AFECCC (Adaptive Forwarding Error Correction Code Control) Algorithm Implementation

l   S-MAC Software: Information and Source Code

l   Running Real-World Software on Simulated Wireless Sensor Nodes

l   GRAB Project

l   http://hi.baidu.com/vvfang/blog/category/Ns2%20Related (中文)

l   Mannasim is a Wireless Sensor Networks simulation environment

l   Simulation - ScatterWeb on ns-2

l   NS2-MIUN


[wireless—energy model]

l   Energy Model update in NS2

l   802.11 and Bounded Slowdown (BSD) Power-Saving Mode (PSM) Model for ns-2



l   Wimax Forum – White papers and presentations

l   IEEE 802.16 module for ns2 Doxygen (NIST, USA)

l   NS2-Simulator for IEEE 802.16 MAC (Korea)

l   IEEE 802.16a Simulator (The simulator is developed using LabView)

l   ns2mesh80216 ( IEEE 802.16 Wireless Mesh Networks in ns-2) 

l   The ns-2 WiMAX System Model (version 2.6)

l   WiMAX module for the ns-2 simulator


[Underwater Acoustic Networking]

l   NS2 UAN Simulator

l   Underwater Channel, PHY and MAC for NS-MIRACLE


[Satellite Network]

l   SaTPEP: Satellite TCP Performance Enhancing Proxy

l   Satellite Toolkit ns script generator from Case Western

l   Transport Protocols in Satellite IP Networks

l   tdmadama


[Optical WDM network]

l   Optical WDM network simulator (OWns)

l   Owns extensions for optical burst switched networks

l   OIRC OBS-ns Simulator (Tutorial for Optical Burst Switch Networks in NS2)



l   Security for Ad-Hoc Networks, UCLA

l   Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks/tools

l   Low-Rate TCP-Targeted Denial of Service Attacks

l   Byzantine attack module (This module provides the capability to simulate the black hole, Byzantine wormhole, and Byzantine overlay network wormhole attacks without modifying the routing protocol.)



l   Packet-level Peer-to-Peer Simulation Framework and GnutellaSim

l   P2PSim

l   Agentj provides the ability to simulate real-world JAVA applications with NS2.

l   Peer-to-Peer Simplified (P2PS) Protocol

l   iGridMedia (iGM)

l   Simulation of BitTorrent Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks in ns-2



l   ATM on NS

l   SIM is a slotted-time simulator for ATM switches, written in ANSI C


[Ring Network]

l   Distributed Virtual-time Scheduling in Rings (DVSR) is a dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for packet ring networks



l   Comparing OPNET and NS-2

l   An Overview of IEEE 1394 Simulation in ns2

l   On Shortcomings of the ns-2 Random Number Generator

l   How to create and use a patch in Linux



l   Per-Flow Delay and Loss in NS-2 with DelayBox

l   NS-2 Emulation Extensions

l   Extend NS’s Capability with MFC

l   NS FEC (Forward Error Correction)

l   Matlab in NS2

l   PDNS (Parallel/Distributed NS)

l   AutoPart: Simulation Partitioning Tool For PDNS

l   Network Simulation Cradle (NSC) (a framework which allows real world TCP/IP network stacks to be used inside a network simulator) (GOOD, toward more realistic simulation)

l   The Akaroa/ns interface allows ns to work with the Akaroa project

l   Networked Control Systems and Internet Robotics

l   http://www-rst.int-evry.fr/~gauthier/ns2.html (有M/M/1, M/M/1/K, LAN, DiffServ, ad hoc, and satellite network的examples)

l   Tips and statistical data for running large simulations in ns

l   The society for modeling and simulation international.

l   Simulation Tools

l   Research Tools

l   ns2measure---an Integrated Framework for Enabling Effective Data Collection and Statistical Analysis with ns2

l   The real time network simulator (integration of NS-2 and RTSim (Real Time Operating System SIMulator))

l   Good website (Traffic Generator for ns-2: Gives capability to generate self-similar traffic and application-specific traffic in ns-2; Tcl Tools to generate graphs with NS-2; Distributed Dynamic Capacity Contracting and Smart Market PricingERMCC: Explicit Rate Mutlicast Congestion Control)

l   Misc. simulation codes (ns-2 code for TCP-ELFN, ns-2 code for DSCR , ns-2 code for MMAC, ns-2 code for handling MAC Layer Misbehavior)

l   INSIGNIAhttp://comet.columbia.edu/insignia/overview.html

l   把 NAM 模擬結果作成動畫


[Personal webpage]

l   Introducing NS2 (Lloyd Wood’s Homepage)

l   Pedro Vale Estrela - NS2 Page (強力推薦)

l   Yuan Yuan’s Homepage (有一些不錯的links)

l   Dazhi Chen's Resources (有一些不錯的links)

l   網路節點模擬研究日誌

l   Khpoo’s Homepage

l   Yang Chen's Personal Homepage

l   Zhibin Wu’s Homepage (有介紹Routing, Mac Layer, Physical Layer)

l   Nuk’s LAB Log (fixing ns2 installation problem)

l   http://ns-2.blogspot.com/ (TCP Evaluation, 802.16 Mesh, NS-MIRACLE, GPSR)

l   Ke Liu's NS2 Code (How to scale your simulation to more nodes (500 nodes) and speed up it?)

l   Dr. Jenn Wei Lin’a webpage

l   Anant Utgikar’s webpage

l   season的網頁 (有tcl-debug和gdb的安裝說明)

l   greenw的blog (有Extend ns2 to support multi-channle multi-interface for wireless network)

l   國立政治大學資訊科學系 連耀南老師的NS2網頁

l   創新智慧資訊系統實驗室

l   NS2 blog

l   NS2 for wireless (推薦)

l   通信人生 (推薦)

l   劉健’s IT Blog (推薦)

l   http://shannon.kuas.edu.tw/NS2/ (very good, 中文)

l   NS2中RTP的简单应用



l   Communication lab: NS2 Number:0512-4491

l   SC250: Computer Networking I

l   Quality of Service in Internet

l   http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/~db3jma/

l   Communication lab: NS2

l   EEC 687/787 - Mobile Computing (Spring 2007) (There are some not bad NS Labs)

l   Large Scale Deeply Embedded Networks

l   Mobile Computing in Wireless Networks CPTS 559 Spring 2004 (有一些不錯的教學投影片)

l   NS2 Tutorial 2005

l   Wireless Networking: ns2 Laboratory Exercises (建議想要學習如何做無線網路實驗的人一定要看)

l   朱鴻棋老師的97年網通所暑期『NS2』課程 (有介紹NIST的wimax)

l   正交分頻多重進接技術研究所教學課程(含實驗課程)

l   九十四年度種子教師培訓課程---[無線區域網路]

l   Channel Coding (Instructor: 魏哲和 教授)

l   Channel Coding (Instructor: Asst. Prof. 顧孟愷)

l   行動網路技術 (陳哲儀老師)

l   逢甲大學—先進行動通訊實驗室 (Dr. 賴辰彥) (see教材大綱:通訊系統概論, 數位通訊系統, 消息理論與編碼等課程)


[Technical Information]

l   Convolutional code (From Wikipedia)

l   Phase-shift keying (From Wikipedia)

l   802.11a  White Paper

l   Overhaul of IEEE 802.11 Modeling and Simulation in NS-2  (source code ,比較好的802.11 model, support 802.11a/b/g, 易擴充)

l   When Is 54 Not Equal to 54? A Look at 802.11a, b, and g Throughput

l   Ad hoc Networking Links

l   IPv6 (The new protocol for Internet and Intranets)

l   Ad-Hoc Routing Protocols (Characteristics)


[Other network related simulators]

l   Yet Another Network Simulator (yans)

l   Extensible and High-Fidelity TCP/IP Network Simulators

l   The cnet network simulator

l   NCTUns

l   QualNet


l   OMNET++

l   NS3 Project


[How to ask questions the smart way]


[工作日誌 Working Journal]

2004/06/29 寫完安裝篇。

2004/07/12 寫完簡單工具介紹。

2004/07/16 寫完新增或修改NS2核心模組。

2004/07/17 寫完TCP Global Synchronization問題。

2004/07/18 寫完wireless (一)。

2004/07/19 寫完介紹如何量測UDP packet的One Way Delay (OWD)、IP Delay Variance (IPDV),和Packet Loss數量。

2004/07/19 寫完介紹如何使用Traffic Trace,把實際網路的封包流量灌到NS2內。

2004/07/23 把BuildEcho加入。

2004/07/25 寫完Confidence Interval。

2004/07/26 寫完亂數產生器。

2004/08/01 寫完Multimedia Communication。

2004/08/01 解答”如何安裝wf2q+” 和 ”為何不能執行startxwin.bat”。

2004/08/18 加入” 新手學習ns2,建議觀看文章次序” 和 ”筆者的話”。

2004/08/18 在”Confidence Interval”篇中加入一個完整計算範例。

2004/08/19 加入”How to evaluate MPEG video transmission using the NS2 simulator?”。

2004/08/21 加入”Simulation vs. Emulation”。

2004/08/23 加入”Inferring Queue Sizes in Access Networks by Active Measurement”。

2004/08/25 加入”Error Model”。

2004/08/29 加入”關於NS與網絡模擬一書”。

2004/09/12 加入”TCL簡介”。

2004/10/25 修改”How to evaluate MPEG video transmission using the NS2 simulator?”,使得程式可以在Linux環境下也可以運作。

2005/01/29 加入撰寫” 計算機網路實驗-以NS2模擬工具實作”工作進度。

2005/04/11 完成書籍中所有資料並交給學貫出版設準備出版。

2005/04/18 加入” 一個簡單的802.11b ad-hoc無線網路實驗”。

2005/04/27 加入” 如何在NS2中安裝wireless error model”。

2005/05/26 解答讀者來信。

2005/06/15 完成”H.264 evaluation framework”。

2005/06/20 完成”nsBench介紹”。

2005/06/24 完成”ns2安裝英文說明版”。(若安裝還有問題的話,可以在這個網頁上下載所需要的軟體)

2005/07/14 完成” How to measure packet loss rate, jitter, and end-to-end delay for UDP-based applications?”

2005/07/18 完成”安裝版:影片介紹”和 “Multimedia Communication English(part2)中的安裝影片”。

2005/08/13 加入程榮祥的TCP參數說明。

2005/08/19 加入林政翰所寫的”An example of multimedia transmission over a wireless network” 。

2005/09/05 加入”Q&A”。

2005/09/19 在Q&A回答了” 無線節點如何獲取當前的佇列長度?” 。

2005/10/08 加入了source codes for Implementing a New Manet Unicast Routing Protocol in NS2和英文版的Q&A。

2005/10/24 加入”NS2線上教學服務” 。

2005/10/24 加入”第二本繁體中文NS2實驗手冊”資訊。

2005/10/25 使用我網站的cygwin,成功安裝ns-2.29版本。2005/11/02 更新my ns2.28,加入了tcldebug和CSFQ模組。

2005/11/09 加入”追蹤mac-802_11.[cc,h]” 。

2005/11/13 加入”How to generate Poisson traffic?”中文版。

2005/12/04 加入MDC。

2005/12/22 加入了” How to evaluate H.263/H.264/MPEG4 video transmission using the NS2 simulator?” 。

2006/02/13 加入了” How to measure the throughput, packet drop rate, and end-to-end delay for UDP-based application over wireless networks ?” 。

2006/03/03 加入了cygwin + myNS2的安裝,,如何執行mflood的範例程式。

2006/03/03 加入了” Examples for CBR traffic transmission over DCF-based and EDCF-based wireless networks”。

2006/03/03 加入了” Video transmission over wireless error channels” 。

2006/03/06 加入了 “myEvalvid_NT” 。

2006/04/07 加入了付費文章區。

2006/04/21 加入了”how to vary the wireless error rate during simulation?”

2006/04/25 加入了”Making NS2 simulate an 802.11b link”

2006/05/11 加入了”hidden terminal problem”

2006/05/26 加入了”Performance Evaluation of DSDV, AODV, and DSR”

2006/05/30 加入了” How to run the source routing simulations ?”

2006/05/30 加入了”How to run the wireless1.tcl under ~ns\ns-tutorial\examples folder?”

2006/06/12 加入了” An example to measure the throughput of TCP-based application over wire-cum-wireless environment”

2006/06/23 加入了”一個mobile ip的範例”

2006/10/27 在myNS2中加入了”Evalvid-RA和IEEE 802.16 module for NS2 (From NIST)”

2007/01/06 加入了匯圖軟體 origin 中文教學影片

2007/01/06 加入了Latex製作中文教學影片

2007/03/31 加入了myEvalvid-RTP

2007/04/24 加入了”彰師大NS2演講影片”

2007/04/27 加入了”第二本書的FAQ”

2007/04/29 加入了ns-allinone-2.29_multichan.rar

2007/04/29 加入了中文影音教學 (cygwin與myNS2的安裝)

2007/06/15 加入了How to get the system throughput without parsing the trace file? (For UDP-based application)

2007/06/27 加入了快速連結區

2008/10/03 加入MyNS2 (ns-2.31 version)

2008/04/25 加入了Evaluation of video stream quality over IEEE 802.11e EDCF

2008/04/27 加入了An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA

2009/07/03 加入了Blocking Problem

2009/07/04 加入了Capture Effect in CSMA/CA-based Wireless Local Area Network

2009/07/06 加入了EIFS Problem

2009/07/08 加入了Unfairness problem in wireless network: three pair scenario

2009/07/09 加入了uplink and downlink scenario

2010/10/17 增修了An Adaptive Cross-layer Mapping Algorithm for MPEG-4 Video Transmission over IEEE 802.11e EDCA

2011/06/10 增加了How to do H.264/SVC transmission simulations?

2011/11/26 增加了How to multicast H.264/SVC video over wireless networks?

2011/11/27 增加了How to multicast H.264/SVC video over wired networks?


Last Modified Date:2011/11/27


Contact Information:

1.柯志亨(Chih-Heng Ke) 

Email:[email protected]

助理教授 (Assistant Professor)

金門大學資訊工程學系 (Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Quemoy University, Taiwan)


2.謝錫堃(Ce-Kuen Shieh)

Email: [email protected]


國立成功大學電機工程學系(Department of Eelectrical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

