·P2P案例:P2P文件存储、P2P VoIP语音电话、P2P 信任机制及信誉管理研究。
Searching Forward Complete Attack Graph Generation Algorithm Based on Hypergraph Partitioning
Rule-Based Security Capabilities Matching for Web Services
Reference-based importance assessment model of identity information
Architecture for secure SCADA system based on IF-MAP scheme
Multi-Policy Collaborative Access Control Model for Composite Services
GISL: A generalized Identity specification language based on XML schema
A survey of Identity Management technology
Towards a practical and scalable trusted software dissemination system
Application independent identity management
Open Problems for Privacy Preservation in Identity Management
A Consistent Hashing Based Data Redistribution Algoithm
JCLedger: A Blockchain Based Distributed Ledger for JointCloud Computing
PoPF: A Consensus Algorithm for JCLedger
A recursive construction of highly nonlinear resilient vectorial functions, Information science, 2014, 269: 388~396
Construction of highly nonlinear resilient S-boxes with given degree , Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2012.9, 64(3): 241~253
Balanced rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , IET Information Security, 2011, 5(2): 93~99
Construction of even-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , Science China Information Sciences, 2013, 56(3): 1~9
On the number of rotation symmetric functions over GF(p) , Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2012.1, 55(1-2): 142~150
Balanced 2p-variable rotation symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity , Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24(12): 2093~2096
On the number of rotation symmetric Boolean functions , SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES, 2010.3, 53(3): 537~545
Construction of Odd-Variable Resilient Boolean Functions with Optimal Degree, J. Inf. Sci. Eng, 2011.06, 27(06): 1931~1942
Enumeration of balanced symmetric functions over GF(p) , Information Processing Letters, 2010 , 110(14-15): 544~548
A Secure Algorithm for Outsourcing Matrix Multiplication Computation in the Cloud, AsiaCCS 2017 workshop (SCC), 2017.4.2-2017.4.6
Practical Privacy-Preserving Outsourcing of Large-Scale Matrix Determinant Computation in the Cloud, ICCCS 2017, 2017.6.17-2017.6.18
Generalized Construction of Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity Using Univariate Polynomial Representation , IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES, 2013.1, E96A(1): 360~362
Construction of odd-Variable Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity, IEICE Transactions, 2016.04.01, 99A: 853~855
Efficient and generalized geometric range search on encrypted spatial data in the cloud, IWQOS2017, 2017.6.14-2017.6.16
Construction of Odd-Variable Boolean Function with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , 10th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, Busan, SOUTH KOREA, 2009.8.25-2009.8.27
Construction of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions with Maximum Algebraic Immunity , 8th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Kanazawa, JAPAN, 2009.12.12-2009.12.14
Enumeration of Homogeneous Rotation Symmetric Functions over F-p , 7th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2008.12.2-2008.12.4
New constructions of q-variable 1-resilient rotation symmetric functions over F-p, Science China Information Sciences, 2016.7, 59(7)
New constructions of q-variable 1-resilient rotation symmetric functions over F_p, Science China(Information Sciences), 2016.7.1, (07): 240~242
Efficient Privacy-Preserving Content-Based Image Retrieval in the Cloud , 17th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM), Nanchang, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2016.6.3-2016.6.5
A New Attack on RSA with Known Middle Bits of the Private Key , Ieice Transactions ON Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, 2015.12, E98A(12): 2677~2685
Generalized Pattern Matching String Search on Encrypted Data in Cloud Systems , Infocom2015, Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA, 2015.4.26-2015.5.1
Securing the cloud storage audit service: defending against frame and collude attacks of third party auditor , IET Communications, 2014.8.14, 8(12): 2106~2113
Enable Data Dynamics for Algebraic Signatures Based Remote Data Possession Checking in the Cloud Storage , China Communications, 2014.11, 11(11): 114~124
Semi-bent functions with perfect three-level additive autocorrelation, IWSDA 2017, 2017.9.22-2017.9.24
A lower dimension lattice attack on NTRU, 中国科学F辑英文版, 2018.春季, 61(5): 1~3
Securely outsourcing of bilinear pairings with untrusted servers for cloud storage, TrustCom 2016, TianJing, 2016.08.23-2016.08.26
Cryptanalys is of remote data integrity checking protocol proposed by L. Chen for cloud storage , IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics Communications and Computer Sciences, 2014, E97-A(1): 418~420
Tussle between APs in a Location-dependent Pricing Game. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 11(1):338-345, 2012.
Modeling and performance analysis of information diffusion under information overload in Facebook-like social networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 27(9):1268-1288, 2014.
A model of social network formation under the impact of structural balance. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 30(9):1650051, 2016.
Information diffusion in structured online social networks. Modern Physics Letters B, 29(13):1550063, 2015.
Analysis of opinion spreading in signed social networks under the impact of structural balance. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 29(13):1550079, 2015.
Estimating user influence in online social networks subject to information overload. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 28(3):1450004, 2014.
Competitive diffusion in online social networks with heterogeneous users. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 28(22):1450147, 2014.
Modeling of information diffusion in Twitter-like social networks under information overload. The Scientific World Journal, 2014:914907, 2014
Information diffusion in Facebook-like social networks under information overload. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 24(7):1350047, 2013.
Mining topical influencers based on the multirelational network in micro-blogging sites. China Communications. 2013, 10(1): 93-104.
Detecting spammers in microblogs. Journal of Internet Technology. 2013, 14(2): 289-296.
Measuring the spreadability of users in microblogs. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C, 2013, 14(9): 701-710.
Mining tribe-leaders based on the frequent pattern of propagation. In the 14th Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Kunming, China, April 2012: 143-153.
An influence strength measurement via time-aware probabilistic generative model for microblogs. In the 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference. Sydney, Australia, April 2013: 372-383.
A web service discovery method based on tag. In the 4th International Workshop on P2P, Parallel, Grid and Internet Computing. Krakow, Poland, February 2010: 404-408.
Infer the probability of read in microblogs. In the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence. Nanjing, China, October 2012: 274-277
Infer the relationship of reintroduce in microblogs. In the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence. Nanjing, China, October 2012: 270-273
A word position-related LDA model. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. 2011, 25(6): 909-925.
Exploring event evolution patterns at the atomic level. In the 3rd International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery. Beijing, China, October 2011: 40-47
Using social intelligence for new event detection in microblog stream. In the 2nd International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications. Xiangtan, China, November 2012: 434-439
Energy-Aware Geographical based Information Dissemination in Disaster Areas. Disaster Advances. May 2013. Vol 6.
Core-Based Dynamic Community Detection in Mobile Social Networks. Entropy. 2013. Vol 15.
Analyzing Community Core Evolution in Mobile Social Networks”. International Conference on Social Computing, SocialCom 2013
Efficient fine-grained shared buffer management for multiple OpenCL devices,Zhejiang Univ. - Sci. C (2013) 14: 859. https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.C1300078
P2P-based multidimensional indexing methods: A survey,JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,2011.12.01,84(12):2348~2362
Spatio-temporal keywords queries in hbase,Big Data and Information Analytics,2016.1.5,1(1):81~91
Temporal Query Processing in Social Network,Journal of Intelligent Informaiton Systems,2016.12.13
Efficient Historical Query in HBase for Spatio-Temporal Decision Support,International Journal of Computers Communications & Control,2016.10.01,11(5):613~630
Indexing Historical Spatio-Temporal Data in the Cloud,2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data,Saint Clara, CA, US,2015.10.30-2015.11.2
Which is better for kNN query processing in the cloud: Sequential or parallel,EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Conference,Bordeaux, France,2016.03.15-2016.03.18
Storing and Querying Semi-structured Spatio-Temporal Data in HBase,Web-Age Information Management 2016,Nanchang China,2016.06.03-2016.06.05
Spatio-temporal Queries in HBase,2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data,Saint Clara, CA, US,2015.10.30-2015.11.2
Temporal social network: Storage, Indexing and Query Processing,EDBT/ICDT 2016 Joint Conference,Bordeaux, France,2016.03.15-2016.03.18
Temporal Social Network: Group Query Processing,International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications 2016,Porto, Portugal,2016.09.05-2016.09.08
Historical Geo-Social Query Processing,Web Technologies and Applications: 18th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2016,Suzhou China,2016.09.23-2016.09.25
Distributed Range Querying Moving Objects in Network-Centric Warfare,Proceedings of The 15th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2013,Sydney, Australia,2013.4.4-2013.4.6
TVBRT: A Time-varying Multivariate Data Visualization Method based on Radial Tree,ITCAE 2013,Hong Kong,2013.10.28-2013.11.01
Differential Cryptanalysis on Hash Functions: Theory and Practice, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014.10, Gemany
A New Non-Merkle-Damgård Structural Hash Function with Provable Security,Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2015, LNCS 9198, pp. 661–673, 2015.8
Fast Collision Attack on MD5, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013(170), Spring 2013.
A Public Key Cryptoscheme Using the Bit-pair Method, IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2013(394), 2013.5
Construct MD5 Collisions Using Just A Single Block Of Message,IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010(643), Winter 2010.
Could The 1-MSB Input Difference Be The Fastest Collision Attack For MD5? EUROCRYPT 2009, LNCS5479(2009),Summer 2009.
How to find weak input differences for MD5 collision attack. Cryptology ePrint Archive (2009/223), http://eprint.iacr.org/
A New Collision Differential For MD5 With Its Full Differential Path, Cryptology ePrint Archive (2008/230), http://eprint.iacr.org/.
On the Security of H2-MAC, International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol. 7(No.2),pp 139-148, Autumn 2013.7.
Fast password recovery attack: application to APOP,Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing., 25 (2) :251-261, Spring 2014.
Equivalent Key Recovery Attack to H2-MAC,International Journal of Security and Its Applications, Vol.6(No.2), pp 397-402, Summner 2012.
On the Security of Digest Access Authentication,CSE 2011 and 11th Int. Symp. on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks, SPAN(2011), pp 427-434, 2011.
On the Security of PPPoE Network, Security and Communication Networks, 5(10), pp 1159-1168, 2012/10/01.
Equivalent Inner Key Recovery Attack to NMAC,5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, CISIS 2012, 5/9/2012-7/9/2012, 4/9/2012.
How to Break EAP-MD5, 6th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice, WISTP 2012, 20/6/2012-22/6/2012, 21/6/2012, Oral Presentation.
On the security of PPPoE network,SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Vol.5(No.10), pp 1159-1168, 2012.
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Magic Squares. In 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation[C], Canberra, Australia, Dec., 2003, 2:906-913
A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Host-Based Intrusion Detection Using Sequences of System Calls, ICIC 2005, Part I, LNCS 3644, pp. 995~1003,2005.10
Problem decomposition-based scalable macro-evolutionary algorithms. In 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation[C], Seoul, Korea, April, 2001, 1:200-210
Entropy based-selection of optimal parameters in fault diagnosis of liquid rocket engine using genetic algorithms. 49th IAC(International Astronautical Congress), 1998.
Reliability-based modeling of typhoon induced wind vulnerability for residential building in Japan. Journal of wind engineering and industrial aerodynamics. 124(2014): 68-81.
Climate model-based probabilistic assessment of wind risk of residential buildings under projected future climate. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. 31(2): 98-110.
A Probabilistic-based Model for the Simulation of Typhoon Hazard, Proceedings of The 4th Academic Conference of Civil Engineering and Research, Xi’an City, Nov.24-25, 2017.
Statistics-based investigation on typhoon transition modeling, Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications, September 2-6, 2012, Shanghai, China.
A scalable and reliable matching service for content-based publish/subscribe systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2015, 3(1): 1-13.
Scalable and Elastic Event Matching for Attribute-based Publish/Subscribe Systems [J]. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014, 36:102-119.
A General Scalable and Elastic Matching Service for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3200.
Feverfew: A Scalable Coverage-based Hybrid Overlay for Internet-scale Pub/Sub Networks. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2014, 57(5):1-14.
Scalable and elastic total order in content-based publish/subscribe systems[J]. Computer Networks, 2015, 83: 297-314
A cloud‐assisted publish/subscribe service for time‐critical dissemination of bulk content[J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2017, 29(8)
Two-view underwater 3D reconstruction for cameras with unknown poses under flat refractive interfaces. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 69(9): pp. 251-269.
GCPOF: a novel optical flow estimation algorithm leveraged by sparse ground control points. Journal of Modern Optics, 2016, 63(16): 1592-1599.
Rectification of curved document images based on single view three-dimensional reconstruction. Journal of the Optical Society of America A,2016, 33(10): pp. 2089-2098.
Refocusing images and videos with a conventional compact camera. Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(3), 033104
Theory of multi-level refractive geometry. Electronics Letters, 2015, 51(9): 688-689.
A Highly Accurate Dense Approach for Homography Estimation using Modified Differential Evolution. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014, 31(S1): pp. 68-77.
Robust Multi-view L2 Triangulation via Optimal Inlier Selection and 3D Structure Refinement. Pattern Recognition, 2014, 47(9): pp. 2974-2992.
Practical Structure and Motion Recovery from Two Uncalibrated Images using ε Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution. Pattern Recognition, 2013, 46(5): pp. 1466-1484.
A Novel Unsupervised Approach for Multilevel Image Clustering from Unordered Image Collection. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2013, 7(1): pp. 69-82.
Two-view Underwater Structure and Motion for Cameras under Flat Refractive Interfaces. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV’12), 2012, pp. 303-316.
Experimental Study of the Influence of Refraction on Underwater Three-dimensional Reconstruction using the SVP Camera Model. Applied Optics, 2012, 51(31): pp. 7591-7603.
A Prediction-based Energy-conserving Approximate Storage and Query Processing Schema in Object-Tracking Sensor Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2011, 5(5): 909-937. (SCI: UT ISI 000291360000003,排名第一)
Rethinking of the Uncertainty: A Fault-Tolerant Target-Tracking Strategy Based on Unreliable Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2012, 6(6): 1496-1521. (SCI,排名第一)
A Novel Target Tracking Approach Under Uncertaity based on Non-ideal Binary Proximity Sensing in WSNs, IEEE Sensor Jounal, Special issue on Flexible Sensors and Sensing Systems. (SCI,排名第一)
P-EASE: A Prediction-based Energy-conserving Approximate Storage and Query Processing Schema in Object-Tracking Sensor Networks, in the Proceedings of IEEE CASE 2011, June 10-12, 2011: 117-125. (EI: 20113414258553,排名第一)
A Fault-Tolerant Target-Tracking Strategy Based on Unreliable Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks, in the Proceedings of IEEE IPDPS 2012, pp.2116-2125, May 21-25, 2012. (EI: 20124215581209,排名第一)
Divisional Perimeter Routing for GPSR Based on Left and Right Hand Rules. IEEE ICCSNT, 2011: 726-729. (EI: 20121915002546,排名第二)
Target Tracking with Pairwise Uncertainty in Wireless Sensor Networks: Qualitatively and Quantitatively. in the Proceedings of IEEE Cluser 2012 Workshop, September 24-28, 2012. (EI,排名第二)
An Adaptive Grid Division Algorithm for Target Location in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE ICISS, 2011: 826-831. (EI,排名第二)
A New Approach of Double-level Grid-Based Target Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensor 2012. (EI,排名第二)
Energy-Aware Geo-Routing for Delay Tolerant Networks in Disaster Areas, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. (SCI,排名第三)
Analysis of the Variance Reduction in SVRG and a New Acceleration Method. IEEE Access 6: 16165-16175 (2018)
Network Intrusion Detection through Stacking Dilated Convolutional Autoencoders. Security and Communication Networks 2017: 4184196:1-4184196:10 (2017)
SVRG with adaptive epoch size. IJCNN 2017: 2935-2942
Session-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using a Deep Learning Architecture. MDAI 2017: 144-155
Machine Learning Combining with Visualization for Intrusion Detection: A Survey. MDAI 2016: 239-249
On Radius-Incorporated Multiple Kernel Learning. MDAI 2014: 227-240
Technologies for Decision Making and AI Applications. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 28(6): 523 (2013)
Active Learning to Defend Poisoning Attack against Semi-Supervised Intrusion Detection Classifier. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 19(Supplement-1): 93-106 (2011)
Grey Synthetic Clustering Method for DoS Attack Effectiveness Evaluation. MDAI 2011: 139-149
A Novel Method for Multibiometric Fusion Based on FAR and FRR. MDAI 2009: 194-204
Dynamic Neighborhood Selection for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. MDAI 2009: 327-337
Active Learning with Misclassification Sampling Based on Committee. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16(Supplement-1): 55-70 (2008)
Graph-Based Active Learning Based on Label Propagation. MDAI 2008: 179-190
一种处理复杂变更事务的过程变更日志清洗算法,计算机应用研究,2009, 26(3): 893-896。(排名第一)
一种基于左右手法则的GPSR分区边界转发路由协议. 计算机应用研究, 2011, 28(3): 1109-1101. (排名第二)
一种基于双层栅格划分的无线传感器网络目标定位方法. 计算机科学, 2012, 39(6): 25-29. (排名第三)
一种基于随机幻方构造的区块链工作量证明方法, 发明专利(2018)
幻方数码防伪方法及其防伪系统,发明专利号:03124841.1 (登记号590780)
一种用于身份真伪鉴别的幻方签名方法,发明专利号:200410046922.2 (登记号695757)
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基于函数分解的可伸缩宏进化算法. 自然科学进展,2001,11(6):661-667
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TVBRT:一种基于Radial Tree的具有度量属性的多变元时态数据可视化方法,计算机科学,2014.6.15,(06):5~11+17
共享存储可重构计算机软硬件通信的优化实现. 计算机研究与发展, 2013, 50(8): 1637-1646.
垃圾评论自动过滤方法研究 国防科技大学学报,2012.10:491-496.
一种面向涌现的比较性话题模型. 国防科技大学学报,2012.
一种面向多文本集的部分比较性LDA模型. 计算机研究与发展,2009,26(2): 534-536.
一种跨文本集的比较性混合模型. 湖南大学学报,2013.
网络节点重要度的快速评估方法. 系统工程理论与实践,2013.6.