4.15 English class


  farmer bob

  jack’s backpack

Littile cat


Old: Cook teacher principal custodian librarian secretary


What does he/she do?

What does a cook do in school?

A cook makes lunch in the cafeteria.

What does a teacher do in school?

A teacher teaches boys and girls in the classroom.

What does a principal do in school?

A principal is a leader at school.

What does a custodian do in the school?

A custodian cleans and mops at school.

What does a secretary do in the school?

A secretary answers phone in the office.

I mop the floor with the mop.

How to translate ?

What does a librarian do in the school?

A librarian helps boys and girls find book in libray.

4. cars bees dogs fans toys

5. v words

vine vase vest volcano van

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