2018-04-16-Ominivore's Dilemma - Week 2

Two Farm

Q1: The yeilds of corn exploded from 20 bushels to 2000 bushels per acre for two reasons:  the hybrided seeds with modified genes, and the fertilizer that rearranged nitrogen.

Q2: Some of the exceeded fertilizers evaperate into the air and contribute to the sour rain. Most of them go down into the soil and rushed to the rivers and oceans, polluting the drinking water and damaging the ecosystem.

Three The Elevator

surfeit 过度 恶心

amiss 有毛病的,有缺陷的,出差错的

sacrilegious 亵渎神明的

fungible 代替的 可取代的 代替物

metolachlor 异丙甲草胺

atrazine 莠去津(除草剂)

burlap 粗麻布 布袋

discrete 离散的,不连续的,分立元件,独立部件

panoply 华丽服饰,全套甲胄

trajectory 轨道,轨线


Four The Feedlot

unfurling 展开,公开,松开

ramrod n.推弹杆 死板的人 adj.生硬的 v.迫使

Proustian 普鲁斯特的 (n. proust)

herald 先驱,传令官,报信者 v.通报 宣布

lagoon 泄湖,环礁湖,咸水湖

chug 间歇性燃烧,嚓嘎声

bovine 牛的,牛类动物的

ranch 大农场,大牧场

calf 腓肠 小腿 小牛 小牛皮

prairie 大草原 大牧场

paddock 围场,小牧场

pathogens 病原体,致病菌

stagecoach 公共马车

perambulate 巡行,漫步

funnel 漏斗,烟囱

lush adj. 丰富的, 豪华的 v.喝酒 n. 酒鬼

semen 精液

nibble 一点点地吃

ruminant 反刍动物的 沉思的

manure 肥料 施肥

rumen 瘤胃 第一胃

overgraze 过度放牧

arid 干旱的,不毛的,荒芜的

wean 断奶

bunk 铺位床铺 逃课

jest 笑话 俏皮话

pestilential 引起稳一点

medieval 中世纪的 原始的

estrogen 雌性激素

silage 青贮

trough 水槽 低谷期 低气压

molass tangjiang 

tallow 牛脂 动物油脂 

unassailable 不容置疑的 无懈可击的

encephalopathy 脑病变

cannibal 食人者

carcass 实体 残害

cavalierly 傲慢地 像骑士般地

flout 嘲笑 轻视 愚弄

prion 朊病毒

veterinarian 兽医 宠物医生

belch 打嗝 喷出

copious 丰富的 很多的 多产的

slime 粘液 烂泥

hose 软管 长筒袜

esophagus 试管 食道

Too many new words.

And I gave up recording the vocabulary....

The most impressive part for this week is the connection between the author and his calf, that steer. I was so worried about the end of the story of them. Will it be him sending the little creature the a slaughter house? So cruel. It is such a relief that he left at the pen. 

"No attachments, human. You guys eat us. Why so emotional?"

The fast food part unexpectly gave me an eager for fast food. Yes the first luggets in my life tasted nothing similar to any other chicken before. And the burger was a big disappointment. The ads are so inducing, and I had been expecting for so long a time since I saw them on the TV in my hometown with no KFC or McDonald's. But now as a "social being" in the subway reading a book about fast food, I would like to rush into the nearest one of them to swallow a burger. Industrial food chain has changed me, a lot.

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