1 术语
1.1 外设Peripherals
1.2 总线bus和桥bridges
1.3 锁相环PLL
1.4 核心时钟 Kernel clcock
1.5 RCC
1.6 单词/其他
2 输入时钟
2.1 内部震荡器
2.1.1 HSE
2.1.2 HSI
2.2 外部振荡器
2.3 锁相环
3 输出时钟[7.5.1]
3.1 核心时钟 Kernel clcock
3.2 系统时钟 SYS_CK
4 外设分配
4.1 外设分配与核心时钟
4.2 通常情况下的外设分配(CRun):
4.3 低功耗设计:CSleep模式下的外设分配
4.4 低功耗设计:CStop模式下的外设分配
5 本文未说明的功能
6 参考文件
Clocks for APB (rcc_apb_ck), AHB (rcc_ahb_ck) and AXI (rcc_axi_ck) bridges generated by the RCC.
The bus matrix clocks are the clocks provided to the different bridges (APB, AHB or AXI). These clocks are derived from the system clock (sys_ck).
The bus clocks are the bus interface clocks to which the peripherals are connected, it can be APB, AHB or AXI clocks [7.5.8]
per_ck : 为外设设立的一个方便统一调节的逻辑上的时钟。The per_ck clock could be hse_ck, hsi_ker_ck or csi_ker_ck according to CKPERSEL selection.
PLL(Phase Locked Loop): 为锁相回路或锁相环。总体上起到晶振频率倍频的作用,为系统高速率运行提高必要条件。
Sigma-Delta modulator, allowing to fine-tune the VCO frequency by steps of 11 to 0.3 ppm.The Sigma-Delta modulator can be updated on-the-fly, without generating frequency
overshoots on PLLs outputs.[7.5.5]。
VCO(voltage-controlled oscillator):PLL 是锁相环,一个标准的锁相环由 鉴相器,环路滤波器,分频器,压控振荡器(VCO),和晶体构成。VCO 是PLL 里的一个构成部件。[1]
integer mode and fractional mode : 从晶振出来后的频率会不是很准,如HSI可以通过在晶振层面进行频率修正。而为了获取更精确(频率分辨率高)且更准确(与真值的误差小)的频率,可使用小数模式(fractional mode)。与之相对应的整数模式(integer mode)则仅仅将内部或外部振荡器进行整数倍频而已,默认情况下就是这个模式。调整方式详见手册“Figure 45. PLLs Initialization Flowchart”.
Bit 12 SPI1EN: SPI1 Peripheral Clocks Enable
Set and reset by software.
0: SPI1 peripheral clocks disabled (default after reset)
1: SPI1 peripheral clocks enabled:
The peripheral clocks of the SPI1 are: the kernel clock selected by I2S123SRC and provided to
spi_ker_ck input, and the rcc_pclk2 bus interface clock.
The RCC handles the distribution of the CPU, bus interface and peripheral clocks for the system (D1, D2 and D3 domains),
latch |
锁存,数电的概念[2] |
allocation |
SCGU block |
The SCGU block (System Clock Generation Unit) contains several prescalers used to configure the CPU and bus matrix clock frequencies. |
PKSU block |
The PKSU block (Peripheral Kernel clock Selection Unit) provides several dynamic switches allowing a large choice of kernel clock distribution to peripherals. |
The PKEU (Peripheral Kernel clock Enable Unit) and SCEU (System Clock Enable Unit) blocks perform the peripheral kernel clock gating, and the bus interface/cores/bus matrix clock gating, respectively [7.5] |
High-speed external oscillator (HSE) supporting a wide range of crystals from 4 to 48 MHz frequency
Low-speed external oscillator (LSE) for the 32 kHz crystals
方式 |
设置 |
External Clock source |
1\an external clock source must be provided to OSC_IN pin. 2\ This mode is selected by setting the HSEBYP and HSEON bits of the RCC Source Control Register (RCC_CR) to ‘1’. 3\The external clock source (square, sinus or triangle) with ~50% duty cycle has to drive the OSC_IN pin. |
External crystal/ceramic resonator |
1\ The oscillator is enabled by setting the HSEBYP bit to ‘0’ and HSEON bit to ‘1’. 2\ The HSE can be used when the product requires a very accurate high-speed clock. The associated hardware configuration is shown in Figure 43: 3\ the resonator and the load capacitors have to be placed as close as possible to the oscillator pins in order to minimizeoutput distortion and startup stabilization time. 4\The loading capacitance values must beadjusted according to the selected crystal or ceramic resonator. |
it is possible to change the HSIDIV if the HSI is used directly as system clock.
HSIDIV cannot be changed if the HSI is selected as reference clock for at least one enabled PLL (PLLxON bit set to ‘1’). In that case the hardware does not update the HSIDIV with the new value.
High-speed internal oscillator (HSI)
48 MHz RC oscillator (HSI48)
Low-power Internal oscillator (CSI)
Low-speed internal oscillator (LSI)
1、动态调整(tune on-the-fly):只可能在小数模式下调整
When the PLLxRDY goes to ‘1’, it means that the difference between the PLLx output frequency and the target value is lower than ±2%.
外设时钟 Peripheral clocks
CPU时钟 |
The CPU clock is the clock provided to the CPU. It is derived from the system clock (sys_ck). |
总线矩阵时钟 |
The bus matrix clocks are the clocks provided to the different bridges (APB, AHB or AXI). These clocks are derived from the system clock (sys_ck) |
1 默认(即系统复位后)内核时钟源:
I2C123SEL- rcc_pclk1
2 内核时钟选择依据:
• The PLL1 when the amount of active PLLs has to be reduced
• The PLL2 or 3 for optimal flexibility in frequency generation.PLL2 or PLL3 if better flexibility is required. As an example, this solution allows changing the frequency bus via PLL1 without affecting the speed of some serial interfaces.
• HSE, HSI or CSI for use-cases where the current consumption is critical. HSI or CSI for low-power use-cases or when the peripheral has to quickly wake up from Stop mode (i.e. UART, I2C...).UARTs also need the LSE clock when high baud rates are not required.
• I2S_CKIN when an external clock reference need to be used.
3 内核时钟设计的外设:
Peripherals dedicated to audio applications |
SAIs : Serial Audio Interface DFSDM :数字滤波 |
Peripherals dedicated to control and data transfer |
such as SPIs, I2Cs, UARTs SDMMC:Secure digital input/output MultiMediaCard ;接SD卡 QUADSPI:速率比SPI快,可接片外flash FMC:Flexible memory controller;用于扩展片外SDRAM USB:接USB Ethernet:接因特网 ADCs:数模转换 SWPMI:Single Wire Protocol Master Interface Introduction RNG :True random nuber generator FDCAN :高速工业总线 LPTIMs:低功耗定时器 HDMI-CEC:HDMI(High-Definition Multimedia Interface,高清多媒体接口);CEC(Consumer Electronics Control)是一套完整的单总线协议[3] |
RTC/AWU clock |
RTC: Real-Time Clock实时时钟,用于低功耗设计;主要用于STOP模式下的时间更新 AWU: Auto-Wakeup Unit;主要用于STOP下的唤醒 |
Watchdog clocks |
看门狗,程序跑飞时复位 |
All the dividers shown in the block diagram can be changed on-the-fly without generating timing violations. This feature is a very simply solution to adapt the busses frequencies to the application needs, thus optimizing the power consumption.
The FLASH, AXISRAM, ITCM, DTCM1, DTCM2, SRAM4, IWGD1, IWGD2, PWR, EXTI and RCC are common resources and are implicitly allocated to the CPU. [7.5.9]
在CPU_state == CSleep模式下,所有的外设都可以通过设置PERxLREN bits位来保持时钟。虽然CPU不能直接参与外设控制,但可以通到DMA方式来控制外设。(在Csleep模式下,CPU功耗可将为原来的1/2至1/3)
The Autonomous mode allows providing the peripheral clocks to peripherals located in D3, even if the CPU is in CStop mode. When peripheral is enabled, and has its autonomous bit enabled, it receives its peripheral clocks according to D3 domain state, if the CPU is in CStop mode.
Stop模式虽然可以把功耗降到毫安级,但只有部分“L”字号的外设可以通过RCC的自动模式和BDMA来保持超低功耗和数据采集。在RCC D3 Autonomous mode Register (RCC_D3AMR)寄存器上的PERxAMEN位为自动模式(Autonomous mode)使能位,而且这样的Stop模式下的低功耗设置只有STM32L系列和STM32H系列有。
[1] https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1829732128904939420.html
[2] https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%94%81%E5%AD%98%E5%99%A8/10801965?fr=aladdin
[3] https://blog.csdn.net/ftswsfb/article/details/100183640
[4] https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/1638188465207962380.html
[x.x.x] STM32H743编程手册(文件编号RM0433)的具体章节,下载链接: https://www.st.com/content/st_com/zh/products/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32-32-bit-arm-cortex-mcus/stm32-high-performance-mcus/stm32h7-series/stm32h743-753.html#resource