def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(x for x in arr if x > 0)
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return sum(x for x in arr if x > 0)
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum((x for x in arr if x > 0))
def positive_sum(arr):
return (sum(x for x in arr if x > 0))
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return sum((x for x in arr if x > 0))
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(x for x in arr if x > 0)
return 0
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return (sum(x for x in arr if x>0))
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(x for x in arr if x > 0);
return 0
def positive_sum(arr):
sum = 0
for e in arr:
if e > 0:
sum = sum + e
return sum
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
sum = 0
for e in arr:
if e > 0:
sum = sum + e
return sum
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(filter(lambda x: x > 0,arr))
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return sum(filter(lambda x: x > 0, arr))
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(filter(lambda(x):x > 0,arr))
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return sum(filter(lambda x:(x>0),arr))
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(filter( lambda x: x > 0, arr))
return 0
def positive_sum(arr):
''' I really hate these one line codes, but here I am...
trying to be cool here... and writing some'''
return sum(map(lambda x: x if x > 0 else 0, arr))
positive_sum = lambda l: sum(x for x in l if x>0)
positive_sum = lambda l: sum(x for x in l if x>=0)
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(i for i in arr if i > 0)
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(i for i in arr if i > 0)# Your code here
def positive_sum(arr):
# Your code here
return sum(i for i in arr if i > 0)
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(i for i in arr if (i > 0))
def positive_sum(arr):
return(sum(i for i in arr if i > 0))
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum (i for i in arr if (i > 0));
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum(i for i in arr if i>0)
return 0
def positive_sum(list):
answer = 0
for numbers in list:
if numbers > 0:
answer += numbers
return answer
def positive_sum(arr):
summ = 0
for temp in arr :
if temp > 0 :
summ += temp
return summ
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum( max(i, 0) for i in arr )
positive_sum = lambda a: sum(e for e in a if e > 0)
def positive_sum(arr):
return sum([i for i in arr if i==abs(i)])