create tablespace db_test --表空间名
datafile 'D:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata\orcl\test.dbf' --物理文件 表空间数据文件存放路径
size 50m --大小初始值
autoextend on --自动扩展
next 50m maxsize 20480m --每次扩展50m,最大为20480m
extent management local;
f8 运行sql,成功后电脑里会出现TEST.DBF文件。
f8 运行sql,成功后电脑里会出现TEST.DBF文件。
create user testdev --创建用户名 testdev
identified by "test1234" --创建密码 test1234
default tablespace db_test --表空间 db_test
temporary tablespace TEMP --临时表空间(默认的)
profile DEFAULT --默认权限(下面给分配)
quota unlimited on db_test; --该用户在 db_test 表空间里的配额不限
grant all privileges to testdev; -- 执行该语句给 testdev 用户授权,此时 该 用户就可以登录了
select t.table_name from user_tables t;
select t.column_name from user_col_comments t;
select t.column_name from user_col_comments t where t.table_name = 'BIZ_DICT_XB';
select t.column_name, t.column_name from user_col_comments t where t.table_name = 'BIZ_DICT_XB';
select t.table_name,f.comments from user_tables t inner join user_tab_comments f on t.table_name = f.table_name;
select t.table_name from user_tables t where t.table_name like 'BIZ_DICT%';
select t.table_name,f.comments from user_tables t inner join user_tab_comments f on t.table_name = f.table_name where t.table_name like 'BIZ_DICT%';
select a.num_rows, a.TABLE_NAME, b.COMMENTS
from user_tables a, user_tab_comments b
order by TABLE_NAME;
SELECT t.tablespace_name, round(SUM(bytes / (1024 * 1024)), 0) ts_size FROM dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d WHERE t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name GROUP BY t.tablespace_name; --2、查看表空间物理文件的名称及大小
SELECT tablespace_name, file_id, file_name, round(bytes / (1024 * 1024), 0) total_space FROM dba_data_files ORDER BY tablespace_name;
SELECT segment_name, tablespace_name, r.status, (initial_extent / 1024) initialextent, (next_extent / 1024) nextextent, max_extents, v.curext curextent FROM dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v WHERE r.segment_id = v.usn(+) ORDER BY segment_name;
SELECT NAME FROM v$controlfile;
SELECT SUM(bytes) / (1024 * 1024) AS free_space, tablespace_name FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name; SELECT a.tablespace_name, a.bytes total, b.bytes used, c.bytes free, (b.bytes * 100) / a.bytes "% USED ", (c.bytes * 100) / a.bytes "% FREE " FROM sys.sm$ts_avail a, sys.sm$ts_used b, sys.sm$ts_free c WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name AND a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name;
SELECT owner, object_type, status, COUNT(*) count# FROM all_objects GROUP BY owner, object_type, status;
SELECT version FROM product_component_version WHERE substr(product, 1, 6) = 'Oracle';
SELECT created, log_mode, log_mode FROM v$database; --1G=1024MB --1M=1024KB --1K=1024Bytes --1M=11048576Bytes --1G=1024*11048576Bytes=11313741824Bytes
SELECT a.tablespace_name "表空间名", total "表空间大小", free "表空间剩余大小", (total - free) "表空间使用大小", total / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间大小(G)", free / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间剩余大小(G)", (total - free) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) "表空间使用大小(G)", round((total - free) / total, 4) * 100 "使用率 %" FROM (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) free FROM dba_free_space GROUP BY tablespace_name) a, (SELECT tablespace_name, SUM(bytes) total FROM dba_data_files GROUP BY tablespace_name) b WHERE a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name