




# ActionChains can be used in a chain pattern:链式写法

menu = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".nav")
hidden_submenu = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".nav #submenu1")


# Or actions can be queued up one by one, then performed.:分步写法

menu = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".nav")
hidden_submenu = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(".nav #submenu1")

actions = ActionChains(driver)


    def __init__(self, driver):
        Creates a new ActionChains.

         - driver: The WebDriver instance which performs user actions.
        self._driver = driver
        self._actions = []  # 列表,用于存放操作,调用的操作会追加到这个list中
        if self._driver.w3c:
            self.w3c_actions = ActionBuilder(driver)
    def perform(self):
        Performs all stored actions.
        if self._driver.w3c:
            for action in self._actions:  # 依次执行队列中的操作
    def click(self, on_element=None):
        Clicks an element.

         - on_element: The element to click.
           If None, clicks on current mouse position.
        if on_element:
        if self._driver.w3c:
            self._actions.append(lambda: self._driver.execute(  # 将操作放到self._actions队列中,其他操作方法相同
                                 Command.CLICK, {'button': 0}))
        return self  #返回self实例本身


ActionChains类中的操作方法 解析
click(on_element=None) 点击鼠标左键
click_and_hold(on_element=None) 点击鼠标左键不松开
context_click(on_element=None) 点击鼠标右键
double_click(on_element=None) 双击鼠标左键
drag_and_drop(source, target) 拖拽指定元素source,到指定target,并松开
drag_and_drop_by_offset(source, xoffset, yoffset) 拖拽指定元素source到指定的x,y坐标,并松开
key_down(value, element=None) 按下某个键盘上的键
key_up(value, element=None) 松开某个键
move_by_offset(xoffset, yoffset) 鼠标从当前位置移动到某个坐标
move_to_element(to_element) 鼠标移动到指定元素的中间
move_to_element_with_offset(to_element, xoffset, yoffset) 鼠标移动到距离指定元素x,y坐标的位置
pause(seconds) 在指定时间内暂停所有的输入
perform() 执行链中的所有动作
release(on_element=None) 在某个元素位置松开鼠标左键
reset_actions() 清除本地和远程端上已经存储的操作
send_keys(*keys_to_send) 发送某些键到当前焦点的元素
send_keys_to_element (element, *keys_to_send) 发送某些键到指定元素


Clicks an element.
Args :	
on_element: The element to click. If None, clicks on current mouse position.

Holds down the left mouse button on an element.
Args :	
on_element: The element to mouse down. If None, clicks on current mouse position.

Performs a context-click (right click) on an element.
Args :	
on_element: The element to context-click. If None, clicks on current mouse position.

double_click(on_element=None) 双击鼠标左键
Double-clicks an element.
Args :	
on_element: The element to double-click. If None, clicks on current mouse position.

drag_and_drop(source, target) 拖拽指定元素source,到指定target,并松开
Holds down the left mouse button on the source element,
then moves to the target element and releases the mouse button.
Args :	
source: The element to mouse down.
target: The element to mouse up.

drag_and_drop_by_offset(source, xoffset, yoffset) 拖拽指定元素source到指定的x,y坐标,并松开
Holds down the left mouse button on the source element,
then moves to the target offset and releases the mouse button.
Args :	
source: The element to mouse down.
xoffset: X offset to move to.
yoffset: Y offset to move to.

key_down(value, element=None) 按下某个键盘上的键
Sends a key press only, without releasing it.
Should only be used with modifier keys (Control, Alt and Shift).
Args :	
value: The modifier key to send. Values are defined in Keys class.
element: The element to send keys. If None, sends a key to current focused element.

Example, pressing ctrl+c: 举例按下ctrl+c

key_up(value, element=None)  松开某个键
Releases a modifier key.
Args :	
value: The modifier key to send. Values are defined in Keys class.
element: The element to send keys. If None, sends a key to current focused element.

move_by_offset(xoffset, yoffset)  鼠标从当前位置移动到某个坐标
Moving the mouse to an offset from current mouse position.
Args :	
xoffset: X offset to move to, as a positive or negative integer.
yoffset: Y offset to move to, as a positive or negative integer.

move_to_element(to_element) 鼠标移动到指定元素的中间
Moving the mouse to the middle of an element.
Args :	
to_element: The WebElement to move to.

move_to_element_with_offset(to_element, xoffset, yoffset) 鼠标移动到距离指定元素x,y坐标的位置
Move the mouse by an offset of the specified element.
Offsets are relative to the top-left corner of the element.
Args :	
to_element: The WebElement to move to.
xoffset: X offset to move to.
yoffset: Y offset to move to.

pause(seconds)  在指定时间内暂停所有的输入
Pause all inputs for the specified duration in seconds

perform() 执行链中的所有动作
Performs all stored actions.

release(on_element=None) 在某个元素位置松开鼠标左键
Releasing a held mouse button on an element.
Args :	
on_element: The element to mouse up. If None, releases on current mouse position.

reset_actions() 清除本地和远程端上已经存储的操作
Clears actions that are already stored locally and on the remote end

send_keys(*keys_to_send) 发送某些键到当前焦点的元素
Sends keys to current focused element.
Args :	
keys_to_send: The keys to send. Modifier keys constants can be found in the ‘Keys’ class.

send_keys_to_element(element, *keys_to_send) 发送某些键到指定元素
Sends keys to an element.
Args :	
element: The element to send keys.
keys_to_send: The keys to send. Modifier keys constants can be found in the ‘Keys’ class.

