1、WAP 2.0
4、BlackBerry Mobile Data Service
5、Direct TCP
6、BlackBerry Internet Service
1、Using WAP 2.0:
- Append ";ConnectionUID=xyz" with corresponding UID for WAP 2.0 Service Book(WPTCP)
需要在联网的url后面跟接";ConnectionUID=xyz",xyz为WAP2.0 (WPTCP) 绑定的UID,例如:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=true;ConnectionUID=WAP2");
2、Using WAP 1.0/1.1:
- Append ";WapGatewayIP=;WapGatewayPort=9201;WapGatewayAPN=myapn.net"
HttpConnection conn = (HttpConnection) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=true;WapGatewayIP=;WapGatewayPort=9201;WapGatewayAPN=wapsfr");
3、Using Wi-Fi:
- Append ";interface=wifi" for explicit connections
- Wi-Fi connectivity happens automatically for BlackBerry MDS and BlackBerry Internet Service-B connections
HttpConnection conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;interface=wifi");
4、Using BlackBerry MDS
- Append ";deviceside=false" for expilit connections
- Default connection is no parameters specified
Default Connection Example:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com");
Explicit MDS Connection - Automatic Service Book Selection:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=false");
Explicit MDS Connection - Manual Service Book Selection:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=false;ConnectionUID=S109234");
5、Using Direct TCP
- Requires some intelligence by the user or developer to specify APN
- Append ";deviceside=true"
- More and more carriers hardcode APN info in the branding data
a) Automatic APN Selection:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open(http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=true);
b) Manual APN Secletion:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=true;apn=internet.com");
c) Manual APN Selection with Authentication:
HttpConncetion conn = (HttpConncetion) Connector.open("http://www.blackberry.com;deviceside=true;apn=wap.cingular;TunnelAuthUsername=WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM;TunnelAuthPassword=CINGULAR1");
d) (StreamConnection) Connector.open("socket://testserver:600;deviceside=true");
6、Using BlackBerry Internet Service
Parameter |
Description |
WapGatewayIP |
IP address of the gateway. |
WapGatewayAPN |
APN for General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) networks only. For testing purposes, you can use rim.net.gprs |
WapGatewayPort |
Gateway port value. If port 9203 is specified, Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is used unless WapEnableWTLS=false is specified. |
WapSourceIP |
IP address of the source. |
WapSourcePort |
Source port value. |
TunnelAuthUsername |
User name for APN session, when Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) or Challenge Handshake Application Protocol (CHAP) authentication is used. |
TunnelAuthPassword |
Password for APN session, when PAP or CHAP authentication is used. |
WapEnableWTLS |
Explicitly turns on or turns off WTLS. If this parameter is not specified, WTLS is used by default for connections to port 9203. |