20190220阅读笔记 from ABC NEWS

China said Wednesday it backs Tanzania's sentencing of a Chinese woman labeled the "ivory queen" to 15 years in jail for smuggling elephant tusks, and reaffirmed its opposition to trading in endangered species.


label 标记 |  Ivory 象牙  |  jail 牢狱  |  tusks 长牙

China has cracked down on smuggling in recent years and a total ban on all trade in ivory products came into effect last year. The ban does not cover the semiautonomous port and financial center of Hong Kong, which remains a major transit point for endangered species products and other contraband but is now working toward a complete ban on the local ivory trade to take effect by 2021.


cracked down 打击|  semiautonomous 半自主 |  contraband 走私品

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