Private Blockchains Could Be Compatible with EU Privacy Rules
根据伦敦玛丽女王大学和英国剑桥大学的研究,私有链(如旨在共享客户信息的银行间的区块链)符合欧盟的隐私保护法条款。该研究是通过欧盟的通用数据保护条例(GDPR)对区块链及其节点进行审视的。该研究将继续探索区块链即服务 (BaaS),也即第三方为用户提供支持个人储存及数据管理的基础设施网络。
Private blockchains, such as interbanking platforms set to share information on customers, could be compatible with new E.U. privacy rules, according to research conducted by Queen Mary University of London and the University of Cambridge, U.K. The study views blockchain and its nodes through the length of GDPR. The study continues mostly applicable for Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) offerings, where a third party provides the supporting infrastructure for the network while users store their data and control it personally.
The Constantinople To Launch On January 16th
Developers are eyeing January 16th as the date on which Constantinople, ethereum's upcoming network hard fork, could launch. The upgrade was originally targeted for November. Yet the November launch window was ultimately due to unanticipated problems with the test release, necessitating a longer development period. While the Jan. 16 date was reached by way of a non-binding verbal agreement, it's not fixed or final. Developers said that Constantinople could be postponed further should additional problems arise.
EOS 区块链终于上线第一个稳定币
The First Stablecoin Launched on EOS
Carbon 公司刚刚在 EOS 上线 CarbonUSD 稳定币,该稳定币成为第一个上线 EOS 平台的稳定币。据该公司称,CarbonUSD 已上线以太坊达两个月了,现在可以转移到EOS 区块链上,使得用户可以享受比以太坊“费用更低、结算更快的交易”。
Carbon have just launched the EOS-based verson of CarbonUSD as the first stablecoin on the EOS platform. CarbonUSD, which has been live on ethereum for two months, can now be transferred onto the EOS blockchain, giving users "even lower fees and faster settlement than on ethereum," according to the firm.
Bitcoin Accepted Here: Major US Museum Now Takes Crypto Payments
11月12日ccn消息,位于俄亥俄州克利夫兰市中心的大湖科学中心(Great Lakes Science Center)是一家大型博物馆和教育机构,它将从11月13日开始接受比特币支付。大湖科学中心的首席执行官 Kirsten Ellenbogen 说,为了促进当地区块链生态系统的发展,该机构决定接受加密货币。据悉,该博物馆是美国第三家接受加密货币作为支付方式的博物馆。
Great Lakes Science Center, a large museum and educational facility in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, will begin accepting Bitcoin as a payment method beginning November 13.Kirsten Ellenbogen, the CEO of Great Lakes Science Center, said that the institution decided to accept crypto to facilitate the growth of the local blockchain ecosystem. Great Lakes Science Center is officially the third museum in the US to accept cryptocurrencies as a payment method.
韩国交易所 Upbit 将在泰国和印尼开办新交易所
South Korea’s Upbit to Launch Exchanges in Thailand and Indonesia
11月12日消息,韩国加密交易所 Upbit 开始准备在泰国和印度尼西亚开办新的交易所, 作为其全球扩张计划的一部分。该公司前不久刚在新加坡开办了新交易所。据网站描述,两个新交易所将提供超过130种代币和240种配对交易。
South Korean cryptocurrency exchange Upbit has reportedly started marketing new crypto exchanges in Thailand and Indonesia as part of its global expansion plans. The company recently launched an exchange in Singapore. Over 130 coins and 240 trading pairs will be offered on both of the new Upbit exchanges, according to their websites.
Stefan George
Gnosis 技术总监
DAOs are the most important application of blockchain.
Only through DAOs we will be able to develop, launch and maintain the decentralized infrastructure we want to create.
They replace the last central point: Us.
They are coming.
Preethi Kasireddy
TruStory 创始人兼CEO
Some people get their sense of accomplishment from trying to stop others.
Yet, they never done anything constructive themselves. Instead, they try to fight you and tell you you're wrong.
These are the worst kind of people. Don't waste your energy on them.
Eric Conner
The crypto market is extremely young and therefore it’s rampant with speculation, emotion and greed.
Anyone claiming something is over or under valued has no clue what they are taking about.
As the market matures, valuations will become more clear, but we are many years away.
Jihan Wu
BCH(比特币现金)社区需要吃一次惨痛的教训。好好跟其他竞争币相处,师之长技,让自己更更加优秀。不要憎恨,也不要诅咒竞争币出什么差错,要做的,只是全身心投入到让 BCH 变得更好的事业中。
BCH community needs to learn a hard lesson. Be friend with other competing coins, learn from them, and make BCH better. Don't play hatred, don't wish competing coins ill. Just wish and try to make BCH better.
Blockgeeks 联合创始人
Next year is going to be a competitive one for ethereum.
The big question is. How will these platforms create an organic community like Ethereum?
It's going to be an uphill battle.
But competition is good!
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