

	 -- 创建一个数据库
       create database python_test charset=utf8;
       create database 'python-04' charset=utf8;     --当有特殊字符时 要引起来。
     use python_test;
	 select database():

	create table classes(
     id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
     name varchar(20) not null
      create table students(
   id int unsigned primary key not null auto_increment,
     name varchar(20) default '',
     age tinyint unsigned default 0,
     height decimal(5,2) default 0,
     gender enum('男','女','未知') default'未知',
     class_id int unsigned default 0,
     is_delete bit default 0
	 --向students表中插入数据 ,这里直接复制,符号请忽略。
	 mysql> insert into students values
    -> (0, '小明', 18, 180.00, 1, 1, 0),
    -> (0, '小月', 18, 170.00, 2, 1, 0 ),
    -> (0, '刘德华',59, 180.00,1,2,0),
    -> (0, '彭于晏', 30, 175.00, 1, 3, 1),
    -> (0, '周杰伦',31,175.00,1,3,0),
    -> (0, '刘亦菲', 30, 175.00, 2, 4, 0),
    -> (0, '周姐', 25, 170.00, 2,5,1);
    mysql> insert into classes values
    -> (0, 'python_01期'),(0, 'python_02'),(0, 'python_03');

-- 查询

	select * from students;
	select * from classes;
	-- 查询指定字段
	select id,name from students;
	select, from students;
	select, from students as s;
	select name as 姓名, age as 年龄 from students;
	--去重  distinct
	select distinct gender from students;
--条件查询  where 条件

			select * from students where age>18;
			select * from students where age<18;
			select * from students where age=18;
			select * from students where age!=18;
	--逻辑运算符  and or not
			select * from students where age>18 and age<28;
			select * from students where age>18 and gender=2;
			--18岁以上 或者 身高超过180(包括180)
			select * from students where age>18 or height>=180;
			--年龄不是小于或者等于18  并且是女性
			select * from students where not age<=18 and gender=2;
	--模糊查询  like rlike
			--like  %替换一个或者多个  _替换一个
					-- 查询名字中以'小'开头的
					 select name from students where name like '小%';
					 --查询名字中带  小  的
					 select name from students where name like '%小%';
					 select name from students where name like '__';  -- 两个下划线
					 select name from students wherre name like '__%';

			--rlike  正则表达式
				    --查询以  周 开始的姓名
				    select name from students where name rlike '^周.*';
					--查询以周开头 以伦结尾的 姓名
					select name from students where name rlike '^周.*伦$';
					--查询年龄为18,34 的学生的姓名
					select name from students where age in (18,34);
			--not in (1,2,3) 表示不在一个非连续的范围之内
					--查询年龄不为18,34 的学生的姓名
					select name from students where age not in (18,34);

			--between... and ...  表示在一个连续的范围之内
					-- 查询年龄在 30-35之间的学生姓名
					select name from students where age between 30 and 35;
			--not between ...and ...   表示不在一个连续的范围之内
					--查询年龄b不在 30-35之间的学生姓名
					 select name from students where age not between 30 and 35;
			--is null
					-- 查询身高为空的信息
					select * from students where height is null;
			--not is null
					select * from students where height is not  null;
