一场灯光色影炫酷的TEDx party演讲者的dream 和love!-创业自high 57


听过我演讲的人都说我是一个出色的演讲家,但u always have dogs。所以瑜伽后我回到家里,在TEDx下午演讲前练习了两遍。


主题是Paradigm Shift! 我们都在各种交错的转变中,不只是Tech,还有生命,如何寻求生命中的快乐,活出极致,也是这一代人的shift!

一场灯光色影炫酷的TEDx party演讲者的dream 和love!-创业自high 57_第1张图片


我很喜欢是一个乌克兰dancer Irina,TED其实应该有更多的entertainment,She is pretty dancer。一见面我就说“u are so pretty!" Irina说“ u are smart I am pretty!"  Well..........

通过她的讲解,我知道Vogue dance for gay, drag balls event, vogue community white and Latin。我一直想她是否gay,直接问了,她很惊奇“ I am a woman can not be gay, u should ask if I am lesbian? What u want? I have boy friend!" 我有些腼腆“ Woman can be gay, U are sexy but I say it in a good way not sexually!" 她一直提防着我,其实我只是欣赏美,尤其是晚上speaker dinner,她的舞蹈在360度影像中有力而淫惑,男女都会爱!


第一个Speaker是很好的朋友Alvin,我们一见面,我就问“Any fixed girl friend yet?”虽然TED talk, tech有问题,不得不使用麦克风,我早上练习的姿势没有用上!Alvin很有经验的speaker,一年无数场,之后我们谈到每个人的dream,他说自己是影响100million people。


我其实迫不及待等待happy hour,TEDx结束立马靠在吧台边再不离开,和熟悉朋友初次见面都很真诚的胡扯,听TEDx全球council Michael讲TED历史和现在全球发展,Vancouver是TED全球中心大会所在地,每年4月份大会很多总统,政客和嬉皮士,设计师一起演讲,期待去一次体验一下。


晚上我们被蒙着眼睛,体验一下神秘的La maison夜来香360度VCR的神秘晚宴,主题是dream,love, broken heart和reborn,就此主题我们开始分享自己的dream和love,记录如下:

- Influence 100 millions people

-Grow the business of Indian enterprise to 10,000 employees

-Be more prettier inside, more elegant, more happy...........

-Have a great event like TEDx, the party like the night we are

-Be a leader in art field

-Start the new venture in Shanghai and want to spend more time with family back home in New York.

-Broadcast education, purity China water and soil, live 120 years with VIVA La Vida!

-Have own enterprise and be successful.

-Make a change in her 50's.





Never give up!

How to viva la vida to 120 years old?

VIVA la vida is a latin world; means to live the life to its fullness everyday! With today science we know we supposed to live to 120 years old, but very few did, not Chinese even.

U might have heard that a woman lives longer than man, a woman with family and kids normally live longer!  The people easily satisfied with their life live longer.

I have managed to know how! It is meaning of my life to let more people to viva la vida to 120 years!the experience and knowledge I shared here is not following all these rules.

It is good to have a happy marriage and husband, but I have none, tks GOD no more husband!

It is amazing to have children, I love children  but I have none, since I am very little I decided not to bring another life to this world.

dear friends, u might ask: How u can be living your life to its fullness, why u even want to live so long, 120 years old?My god, u would be all alone, all your friends all gone!

I come from a very troubled family that money alcohol, gambling and physical abusive happening, that I do not trust man, do not want to have my own family or kids; but tks for my parents to give me my life, that I can do something more to this world! which is to make more  people to know the secret of viva la vida: nutrition, fitness and mindfulness, if we follow this golden triangle rules we all can live our life to its fullness for 120 years.

There are a few triggers: i born as Vegan even at that time we do not know this word, I am lactose intolerant and only eat veggies and fruits! I was very slim, only 25kg to school but I love to run, due to run away from family troubles in childhood but my body has not enough nutrition to support all these exercise; quite often I passed out then stood up after hours exercise; when I went to Roch vitamins in Switzerland, i only 45 kg doctor has to do a test before allowing me to work!I got test that I lack of micronutrients to a very dangerous level; if not my brain holding up I would have many healthy issues or later on in my life severe danger of all kinds of disease;  after replenishing it with good nutrition products for a while,  I realize a life of real healthy how wonderful: I did marathon 3.33 hours still feel fully energized then went to dancing whole night, went to many mountains including Kilimanjaro with professional hikers, did many other challenges all over the world, still in my 43 years old with daily 2 hours exercise, demanding workload feeling high like this everyday!

With the experience and knowledge working in nutrition field for 23 years all over the world, I know if we can change the nutrition status of 1000 days woman and kids, which means pregnant woman and new born up to 3 years old, we can:

-decide their future health and happiness, not having all these chronic diseases

-develop much strong brain power to go to Harvard Qinghua then get a decent job

-improve country GDP 3%

What I mean Fitness?

my grandparents, sick on bed for 15 years from Parkinson and Alzheimer, they live in a very bad quality of life; come to my mom when she had heart and three high issues. we decided to fight back together, defend our life quality and change our destiny. we have worked out good nutrition and fitness program, she is doing exercise 2-3 hours with good nutrition intake, so she is living healthy up to now even with the drama of 10 years ago she need heart surgery;

myself I have been doing yoga and running for all my life, to support my workload and pressure, we have encouraged many people around us to do sports and regular exercise to improve their health, life quality and happiness; if we are not fit in body we can not fit in mind! Fitness is about both but start from physical exercise; if u can not go to gym or yoga studio or running for a hour, u can at least do walk for 10,000 steps or push up for 15 minutes, myself and my VIVA team is doing many on line program and off line to promote and teach beginners how to maintain the fitness.

Mindnessfull: I came to my middle life crisis, after working in top 500 companies for 22 years in different countries; I achieved all the goals I set up for my life due to continue challenging myself and never satisfied.  Trigger is a talk with my boss in New York when I asked for more challenges he said: from where u come from u should be so happy where u are; I was corporate executive to live in New York apartment and having all the expatriate advantages; my boss is also my mentor who knows my childhood and all the challenges, he thinks I should be grateful and satisfied; but I realized this is not what I want, I want to make a better world, I want to prove a woman can live a life to its fullness even without husband and kids, I want to have a meaning to life by helping others become healthier and happier ; I decided to stat up VIVA nutritioniom, broadcast nutrition, fitness and mindfulness and provide best nutritious products to the people in need, particular the pregnant woman and kids.

For me mindfullness is not only about yoga and meditation and go to India Yantra, charity work; it is about be aware who u are and what life is good for u; the full potential of ourselves, to reveal that not everyone has to follow the rules to get married, to have kids, but we need a meaning of our life; to make a world a better place and make ourselves and others a better human being.

In summary, viva la vida is about nutrition, fitness and mindfulness, three pillars, just like a mountain climber, u need always three points on surface to stay stable; like a house u need three walla to stand strong; they support each other in one.

we all can live our life to 120 years old, which is scientific approved, if we can follow these three pillars we will all see each other when u guys are 100 years old, which I would be 120 still with this energy this passion and being alone, but with u guys, hopefully not lonely.

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