


“Seek Thermal在年初的CES 2018上便展出了其首款应用于汽车后装市场的高分辨率红外热成像摄像头,拥有320 x 240 像素高分辨率热成像传感器和24度视场角,搭载了双元素硫系镜头,能够非常方便地与现有车载娱乐系统集成,售价预计将低于999美元。”


基于红外热成像的行人检测方法 方法来自于《Thermal-Infrared Pedestrian ROI Extraction through Thermal andMotion Information Fusion》
基于卷积神经网络的近红外夜间道路行人识别 near infrared nighttime road pedestrians recognition based on convolutional neural network

深度学习方法实现红外图片中人物动作识别 deep learning approach for human action recognition in infrared images

红外动作识别数据集:不同季节红外动作识别的研究 InfAR dataset Infrared action recognition at different times

兄弟文章:A New Dataset and Evaluation for infrared action recognition(重庆邮电大学 高陈强)



  • 一款开源机器学习热数据集汇集了10,000多个白天和夜间场景的注释热图像
  • CBSR近红外人脸数据集
  • 人脸活体检测、红外人脸数据集整理
  • 红外动作识别数据集:不同季节红外动作识别的研究 InfAR dataset Infrared action recognition at different times—不能下载,重庆邮电大学 高陈强
  • PM-GANs: Discriminative Representation Learning for Action Recognition Using Partial-modalities
Lan Wang, Chenqiang Gao, Luyu Yang, Yue Zhao, Wangmeng Zuo, 
and Deyu MengECCV 2018[ If you want to download the dataset, 
please contact:  gaocq@cqupt.edu.cn.  
You are required to provide necessary information, including: your name, group, affiliation, usage purpose, etc. 
If you have any questions on technical details, please contact: sofellsune@yeah.net ]
  • LSI Far Infrared Pedestrian Dataset
(The dataset is divided in two: 
(i) Classification dataset: positives and randomly sampled negatives with a fixed height-width ratio of (1/2) and rescaled to 64x32 pixels, 
(ii) Detection Dataset: Original positive and negative images with annotations.)
  • Terravic Weapon IR Database—红外武器数据库

  • OTCBVS—俄亥俄大学红外人体数据集

  • KAIST行人数据集
    KAIST: Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Benchmark
    对应的论文:cvpr2015-Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline

    We developed imaging hardware consisting of a color camera, a thermal camera and a beam splitter 
    to capture the aligned multispectral (RGB color + Thermal) images. With this hardware,
     we captured various regular traffic scenes at day and night time to consider changes in light conditions.
    The KAIST Multispectral Pedestrian Dataset consists of 95k color-thermal pairs (640x480, 20Hz) taken
     from a vehicle. All the pairs are manually annotated (person, people, cyclist) for the total 
     of 103,128 dense annotations and 1,182 unique pedestrians. The annotation includes temporal 
     correspondence between bounding boxes like Caltech Pedestrian Dataset. More infomation can 
     be found in our CVPR 2015 paper.(Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline)

**KAIST行人数据集: 博客,介绍了该数据集上的清洗工作,以及数据集的github主页,以及在github上的下载链接, 还有另一个地址
** 关于KAIST数据集-(xys-无法打开图像问题的解决)

  • SCUT_FIR_Pedestrian_Dataset : 华南理工,2019,下载地址, 论文:Benchmarking a large-scale FIR dataset for on-road pedestrian detection

  • Cats: A color and thermal stereo bench marks l论文中提供了下载链接

  • CATS 2数据集,可见光+红外+深度 论文: CATS 2: Color And Thermal Stereo Scenes with Semantic Labels ,2019

  • 论文:2019 RGB-T object tracking- Benchmark and baseline,下载地址, 安徽大学,兄弟论文:Fast RGB-T Tracking via Cross-Modal Correlation Filters
