Routing Algorithms

The main function of the network layer is routing packets from the source machine to the destination machine. And the routing algorithm is that part of the network layer software responsible for deciding which output line an incoming packet should be transmitted on.
      The idea is to build a graph of the network, with each node of the graph representing a router and each edge of the graph representing a communication line, or link. To choose a route between a given pair of routers, the algorithm just finds the shortest path between them on the graph. For this, Dijkstra's algorithm based on the idea of greedy algorithms is given below.
const int MAX_NODES = 1024; 	    // maximum number of nodes
const int INFINITY = 1000000000; 	// a number larger than every maximum path
int n, dist[MAX_NODES][MAX_NODES];  // dist[i][j] is the distance from i to j
void shortest_path(int s, int t, int path[])	// the shortest path from t to s
		struct state { 				// the path being worked on
				int predecessor; 	// previous node
				int length; 			// length from source to this node
				enum {permanent, tentative} label; 		// label state of a priority queue
		} state[MAX_NODES];
		int i, k, min;
		struct state *p;
		for (p = &state[0]; p < &state[n]; p++) { // initialize state
				p->predecessor = -1;
				p->length = INFINITY;
				p->label = tentative;
		state[t].length = 0; state[t].label = permanent;
		k = t; 	// k is the initial working node
		do { 		// Is there a better path from k?
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++) 							// this graph has n nodes
						if (dist[k][i] != 0 && state[i].label == tentative) {
								if (state[k].length + dist[k][i] < state[i].length) {
										state[i].predecessor = k;
										state[i].length = state[k].length + dist[k][i];
				// Find the tentatively labeled node with the smallest label.
				k = 0; min = INFINITY;
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
						if (state[i].label == tentative && state[i].length < min) {
								min = state[i].length;
								k = i;
				state[k].label = permanent;						// update the priority queue
		} while (k != s);
		// Copy the path into the output array.
		i = 0; k = s;
		do {
				path[i++] = k; k = state[k].predecessor; 
		} while (k >= 0);
      And an example is presented below to illustrate the algorithm.

Routing Algorithms_第1张图片
