ffmpeg使用filter crop 裁剪视频

​ 有时候使用OBS之类的工具录制生放送视频会把多余的边框录制进去,网上有一些这样的视频,这样的视频看起来不太舒服,边框占据屏幕面积,实际的内容只有很小的部分,不方便观看,最近就碰到一个这样的例子。于是我查看ffmpeg文档找到了裁剪视频的方法。


​ 使用filter可以对视频流和音频流进行一些处理,包含了很多工具,可以实现诸如裁剪视频,给视频加水印,去色块,加字幕等功能,也有对音频处理的功能,比如可以实现双声道合并转单声道,调整音频采样率等


​ 这次我需要处理的一个视频的情况是录制niconico生放送,实际录制区域在左上角,整个视频为1920x1080大小,但是只有左上角部分是浏览器的视频内容,周边全是黑色区域。

​ 执行的ffmpeg命令如下:

ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf crop='1280:720:0:0' -acodec copy out.mp4



ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -vf crop='out_w=1280:out_h=720:x=0:y=0' -acodec copy out.mp4

-vf是 -filter:v的缩写。


  1. keep_aspect,默认是0,设置为1可以保持原视频的宽高比

  2. exact,默认为0,设置为1后裁剪的大小不会取整为最接近的值,而是准确值

  3. out_w,out_h,in_w.in_h,ow,oh,iw,ih可以在参数中使用,分别代表输入输出的宽和高。可以实现复杂一些的应用,比如crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:(in_w-out_w)/2+((in_w-out_w)/2)*sin(n/10):(in_h-out_h)/2 +((in_h-out_h)/2)*sin(n/7)

  4. 通过iw/ih或者a参数,指定宽高比

  5. sar,input sample aspect ratio,输入样本宽高比

  6. dar,input display aspect ratio, it is the same as (iw / ih) * sar,输入样本显示宽高比。

  7. n,起始帧,从0开始



Auto-detect the crop size.

It calculates the necessary cropping parameters and prints the recommended parameters via the logging system. The detected dimensions correspond to the non-black area of the input video.

It accepts the following parameters:

  • limit

    Set higher black value threshold, which can be optionally specified from nothing (0) to everything (255 for 8-bit based formats). An intensity value greater to the set value is considered non-black. It defaults to 24. You can also specify a value between 0.0 and 1.0 which will be scaled depending on the bitdepth of the pixel format.

  • round

    The value which the width/height should be divisible by. It defaults to 16. The offset is automatically adjusted to center the video. Use 2 to get only even dimensions (needed for 4:2:2 video). 16 is best when encoding to most video codecs.

  • reset_count, reset

    Set the counter that determines after how many frames cropdetect will reset the previously detected largest video area and start over to detect the current optimal crop area. Default value is 0.This can be useful when channel logos distort the video area. 0 indicates ’never reset’, and returns the largest area encountered during playback.

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