Clover is a later revision of Tianocore. Both are ‘firmware in RAM’ replacements for UEFI firmware. It allows you to boot in MBR\CSM mode and then run Clover which acts as a ‘pseudo-UEFI boot manager’, allowing you to boot to a UEFI OS from an MBR\CSM boot.2015-10-16 Rev 3289 新增 Skylake CPU 及 核显 及 SMBIOS 支持。而且,clover更强大有更先进的gui wizard,高于mbrpatch指定的Clover r4514+ boot 10.14 fine的版本选择也多,clover下也有直接把log保存在第一个分区的功能(而变色龙仅能得到bdmdg,Bdmsg其实是仅直到变色龙启动完就停止的。/var/log/system.log下有kernel启动的log)。不妨再添加一个boot同时测试?
尝试再添加一个boot为四叶草,直接从下载以wowpc.iso同样的方式启动。我们知道clover同时支持引导bios和uefi,也可以在实机或qemu(+pc-i440fx)下启动,一般地,我们使用grub2+memdisk+clover.iso这种干净的老方案(网上还有把clover做成dmg,或grub chainloader boot0ss文件或chainloader pbr文件的方案),然而最新的clover.iso在qemu(+pc-i440fx+hd or virtio)时,会在引导clover时进入一个头部带有上述dmidecode部分信息的图形化虚拟UEFI BIOS 启动界面(这实际上是没有发现盘,因此无法加载EFI文件夹,因此无法加载/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi这个bios启动文件,在图形化efi界面文件浏览,你也根本看不到盘符),这实际上跟clover iso版本采用的boot也有关系(clover iso有一个cdboot,这相当于clover install较旧版本的默认boot,clover install较新版本没有默认boot,只有多选方案,但也只有二个,一个boot6,一个boot7,Clover ISO cdboot集成的默认是boot6,boot6,7启动效果不同),跟盘性质也有关系(一般clover更好支持bios+gpt+普通ide+fat32,当然它也承诺支持bios+mbr+hfs+),跟你的硬件/qemu也有关系(除非你编译qemu2.1时加了CONFIG_VIRTIO_BLK_DATA_PLANE,否则virtio在bios下是无法识别的,grub2 insmod hfs hfsplus part_apple ->memdisk>clover.iso也不能把这种效果传递给clover。)
sudo ip tuntap add dev tap0 mode tap
sudo ip link set tap0 up promisc on
sudo brctl addif virbr0 tap0(这句跟xml中bridge chunk中的target作用重复,如果不删掉你每次都需要sudo brctl delif virbr0 tap0,PD一旦休眠或暂停,tap0会自动消失因此这个绑定作用失效需要重新执行然后把virbr0停止再开一下,所以测试过程中要把pd中deepin设为永不休眠,否则qemu tcpe网络不稳定)
10.13支持的是Command Line Tools (macOS 10.13) for Xcode 9.2.dmg,它也没有10.11 command tools下不支持c99 vsscanf等函数发生“ld vsscanf : symbol(s) not found for architecture i386”等的问题:
sys.c long GetFileInfo,可以得到文件名,用于hfs.c中提取更简单的文件名,你也可以在hfs.c中用vsscanf正规提取*.kext的部分,-v最后出现的加载drive,只要在启动时命令行中同时指定UseKernelCache=No才出现,变色龙默认使用prelinkedkernel,也就是usekernelcache=yes(-f=Yes),此时不加载s/l/e,一定要指定usekernelcache=no才加载
Why Penryn is recommanded before
After digging a lot of code, I have some conclusions why they recommanded Penryn as prefered CPU Model:
Penryn is classic, and it missing some features compared to newer generation, which lead to a similar situation with VM.
Penryn do not have a msr 0x00000198 leaf to read the perfstatus (like bus ratio, cpu frequency) which the same as a VM.
Penryn do not have a msr 0x35 leaf to read topology structure, which also most hypervisors haven’t implemented yet.Instead, the MacOS will try to get the topology from acpi when it detect a Penryn process, which the same as a VM.
Some bootloaders do have some compatibility issues when using a newer generation in a VM, some causing dividing by zero errors(They can’t get correct frequency from acpi or msr, so they may be zero).
Some articles have outdated so long from now.
It don’t have some cpuid features like avx/avx2/bmi/fma so MacOS won’t recognized those features even thought you just passed through.
osx下的cat /proc/cpuinfo:sysctl machdep.cpu,sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu,sysctl -a | grep hw.optional
algrey - commpage_populate -remove rdmsralgrey - cpu_topology_sort -disable _x86_validate_topology (10.14.4+)algrey - cpuid_set_generic_info - disable check to allow leaf7algrey - cpuid_set_cpufamily - force CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYNxlnc - cpuid_set_cpufamily - force CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYNalgrey - i386_init - remove rdmsr (x3)algrey - tsc_init - remove Penryn check to execute default casealgrey - tsc_init - grab DID and VID from MSRxlnc - tsc_init - grab DID and VID from MSRalgrey - tsc_init - skip test and go get FSBFrequencyxlnc - tsc_init - skip test and go get FSBFrequencyalgrey - lapic_init - remove version check and panicalgrey - lapic_interrupt - skip checks and prevent panicxlnc - lapic_interrupt - skip checks and prevent panicalgrey - mtrr_update_action - fix PAT (x2) (10.14.4+)
//关键字的使用探讨/*访问关键词private 只能在本类中访问public 只能在本工程中访问protected 只能在包中和子类中访问默认的 只能在包中访问*//*final 类 方法 变量 final 类 不能被继承 final 方法 不能被子类覆盖,但可以继承 final 变量 只能有一次赋值,赋值后不能改变 final 不能用来修饰构造方法*///this()
What’s new in Zabbix 2.0?
去年开始使用Zabbix的时候,是1.8.X的版本,今年Zabbix已经跨入了2.0的时代。看了2.0的release notes,和performance相关的有下面几个:
:: Performance improvements::Trigger related da
<!-- The ports-default bindings are obtained by taking the base bindin
@echo off
rem 指定待删除文件的存放路径
set SrcDir=C:/Test/BatHome
rem 指定天数
set DaysAgo=1
HTML5的video和audio标签是用来在网页中加入视频和音频的标签,在支持html5的浏览器中不需要预先加载Adobe Flash浏览器插件就能轻松快速的播放视频和音频文件。而html5media.js可以在不支持html5的浏览器上使video和audio标签生效。 How to enable <video> and <audio> tags in