python利用 WMI 库操作windows

python利用 WMI 库操作windows



1 什么是WMI

具体请看微软官网对WMI的介绍。这里简单说明下,WMI的全称是Windows Management Instrumentation,即Windows管理规范。它是Windows操作系统上管理数据和操作的基础设施。我们可以使用WMI脚本或者应用自动化管理任务等。

从Using WMI可以知道WMI支持如下语言:

Application language Topic
Scripts written in Microsoft ActiveX script hosting, including Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) and Perl Scripting API for WMI.


Start with Creating a WMI Script.

For script code examples, see WMI Tasks for Scripts and Applications and the TechNet ScriptCenterScript Repository.

Windows PowerShell Getting Started with Windows PowerShell


WMI PowerShell Cmdlets, such as Get-WmiObject.

Visual Basic applications Scripting API for WMI.
Active Server Pages Scripting API for WMI.


Start with Creating Active Server Pages for WMI.

C++ applications COM API for WMI.


Start with Creating a WMI Application Using C++ and WMI C++ Application Examples (contains examples).

.NET Framework applications written in C#, Visual Basic .NET, or J# Classes in the Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure namespace. (The System.Management namespace is no longer supported). For more information, see WMI .NET Overview.



2 使用WMI

2.1 使用wmi库操作WMI


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