Hibernate 执行普通的sql语句,并将结果封装成DTO对象

hibernate 自动映射对象有时候在用到多个表进行查询的时候根本搞不定


package com.sc.tradmaster.service.project.impl.dto;

public class ShopBusinessDTO {

    private String shopCustomerName;
    private String projectName;
    private String projectId;
    //备案状态 0 备案 1 已到访  2 成交
    private Integer applyStatus;
    private String applyTime;
    private String projectCustomerId;

    public String getShopCustomerName() {
        return shopCustomerName;
    public void setShopCustomerName(String shopCustomerName) {
        this.shopCustomerName = shopCustomerName;
    public String getProjectName() {
        return projectName;
    public void setProjectName(String projectName) {
        this.projectName = projectName;
    public String getProjectId() {
        return projectId;
    public void setProjectId(String projectId) {
        this.projectId = projectId;
    public Integer getApplyStatus() {
        return applyStatus;
    public void setApplyStatus(Integer applyStatus) {
        this.applyStatus = applyStatus;
    public String getApplyTime() {
        return applyTime;
    public void setApplyTime(String applyTime) {
        this.applyTime = applyTime;
    public String getProjectCustomerId() {
        return projectCustomerId;
    public void setProjectCustomerId(String projectCustomerId) {
        this.projectCustomerId = projectCustomerId;
    public String toString() {
        return "ShopBusinessDTO [shopCustomerName=" + shopCustomerName + ", projectName=" + projectName + ", projectId="
                + projectId + ", applyStatus=" + applyStatus + ", applyTime=" + applyTime + ", projectCustomerId="
                + projectCustomerId + "]";



* @param sql  需要查询的sql语句
* @param clazz DTO对象
* @param colums DTO对象的属性名
* @param types DTO对象的type类型
public List queryDTOBySql(String sql,Class clazz,String[] colums,String[] types) {    
        Session session = super.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession();
        SQLQuery query = session.createSQLQuery(sql);
        if(colums!=null && types!=null && colums.length==types.length){
            for(int i=0;iif(types[i].equals("Integer")){
                }else if(types[i].equals("String")){
                }else if(types[i].equals("Double")){

        List list = query.setResultTransformer(Transformers.aliasToBean(clazz)).list();
        return list;


String hql = "SELECT sc.shopCustomerName as shopCustomerName,p.projectName as projectName, "
                + " p.projectId as projectId,g.applyStatus as applyStatus,g.applyTime as applyTime, g.projectCustomerId as projectCustomerId ";
        hql += " from ";
        hql += " t_shopCustomers as sc,t_projects as p,t_guideRecords as g";
        hql += " where ";
        hql += " sc.shopCustomerId = g.shopCustomerId and (g.applyStatus = 0 or g.applyStatus = 1) and p.projectId = g.projectId ";
        hql += "and sc.shopId =" + user.getParentId();
        //hql += " and sc.shopId = 1 ";

        if(cusOrProName != null && !"".equals(cusOrProName)){
            hql += " and sc.shopCustomerName like '%" + cusOrProName + "%' ";
        if(startTime != null && !"".equals(startTime)){
            hql += " and g.applyTime >= '" + startTime + "' ";
        if(endTime != null && !"".equals(endTime)){
            hql += " and g.applyTime <= '" + endTime + "' ";

        if(status != null && !"".equals(status)){
            hql += " and g.applyStatus = " + status;
hql += " limit " + page.getStart() + "," + page.getLimit();
String[] colums ={"shopCustomerName","projectName","projectId","applyStatus","applyTime","projectCustomerId"};
String[] types = {"String","String","String","Integer","String","String"};

List list = baseDao.queryDTOBySql(hql, ShopBusinessDTO.class, colums, types);

