本文翻译自:Check if a key exists inside a json object
amt: "10.00"
email: "[email protected]"
merchant_id: "sam"
mobileNo: "9874563210"
orderID: "123456"
passkey: "1234"
The above is the JSON object I'm dealing with. 上面是我正在处理的JSON对象。 I want to check if the 'merchant_id' key exists. 我想检查'merchant_id'密钥是否存在。 I tried the below code, but it's not working. 我尝试了以下代码,但无法正常工作。 Any way to achieve it? 有办法实现吗?
您可以尝试if(typeof object !== 'undefined')
Try this, 尝试这个,
the JS Object thisSession
should be like JS对象thisSession
amt: "10.00",
email: "[email protected]",
merchant_id: "sam",
mobileNo: "9874563210",
orderID: "123456",
passkey: "1234"
you can find the details here 您可以在这里找到详细信息
There's several ways to do it, depending on your intent. 有多种方法可以完成此操作,具体取决于您的意图。
will tell you if thisSession has that key itself (ie not something it inherits from elsewhere) 会告诉您thisSession是否具有该密钥本身(即不是它从其他地方继承来的)
"merchant_id" in thisSession
will tell you if thisSession has the key at all, regardless of where it got it. "merchant_id" in thisSession
will return false if the key does not exist, or if its value evaluates to false for any reason (eg if it's a literal false
or the integer 0 and so on). 如果键不存在,或者键的值由于任何原因(例如,它是字面值false
Type check also works : 类型检查也可以:
if(typeof Obj.property == "undefined"){
// Assign value to the property here
Obj.property = someValue;
(I wanted to point this out even though I'm late to the party) (即使我迟到,我也想指出这一点)
The original question you were trying to find a 'Not IN' essentially. 您试图从本质上查找“ Not IN”的原始问题。 It looks like is not supported from the research (2 links below) that I was doing. 我正在做的研究似乎不支持(下面2个链接)。
So if you wanted to do a 'Not In': 因此,如果您想执行“不参加”活动:
("merchant_id" in x)
("merchant_id_NotInObject" in x)
I'd recommend just setting that expression == to what you're looking for 我建议只将表达式==设置为您要查找的内容
if (("merchant_id" in thisSession)==false)
// do nothing.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/in http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_operators.asp https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/in http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_operators.asp