
原理:FS段寄存器作为选择子指向当前的TEB结构,在TEB偏移0x30处是PEB指针。而在PEB偏移的0x0c处是指向PEB_LDR_DATA结构的指针,位于         PEB_LDR_DATA结构偏移0x1c处,是一个叫InInitialzationOrderModuleList的成员,他是指向LDR_MODULE链表结构中,相应的双向链表头部        的指针(汗死,绕口令),该链表加载的DLL的顺序是ntdll.dll,kernel32.dll(偶找了N多资料,都只介绍这个DLL,如果你知道其他的请告诉偶)
typedef struct _PEB { // Size: 0x1D8
/*000*/ UCHAR InheritedAddressSpace;
/*001*/ UCHAR ReadImageFileExecOptions;
/*002*/ UCHAR BeingDebugged;
/*003*/ UCHAR SpareBool; // Allocation size
/*004*/ HANDLE Mutant;
/*008*/ HINSTANCE ImageBaseAddress; // Instance
/*00C*/ VOID *DllList;
/*010*/ PPROCESS_PARAMETERS *ProcessParameters;
/*014*/ ULONG SubSystemData;
/*018*/ HANDLE DefaultHeap;
/*01C*/ KSPIN_LOCK FastPebLock;
/*020*/ ULONG FastPebLockRoutine;
/*024*/ ULONG FastPebUnlockRoutine;
/*028*/ ULONG EnvironmentUpdateCount;
/*02C*/ ULONG KernelCallbackTable;
/*030*/ LARGE_INTEGER SystemReserved;
/*038*/ ULONG FreeList;
/*03C*/ ULONG TlsExpansionCounter;
/*040*/ ULONG TlsBitmap;
/*044*/ LARGE_INTEGER TlsBitmapBits;
/*04C*/ ULONG ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase;
/*050*/ ULONG ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap;
/*054*/ ULONG ReadOnlyStaticServerData;
/*058*/ ULONG AnsiCodePageData;
/*05C*/ ULONG OemCodePageData;
/*060*/ ULONG UnicodeCaseTableData;
/*064*/ ULONG NumberOfProcessors;
/*068*/ LARGE_INTEGER NtGlobalFlag; // Address of a local copy
/*070*/ LARGE_INTEGER CriticalSectionTimeout;
/*078*/ ULONG HeapSegmentReserve;
/*07C*/ ULONG HeapSegmentCommit;
/*080*/ ULONG HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold;
/*084*/ ULONG HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold;
/*088*/ ULONG NumberOfHeaps;
/*08C*/ ULONG MaximumNumberOfHeaps;
/*090*/ ULONG ProcessHeaps;
/*094*/ ULONG GdiSharedHandleTable;
/*098*/ ULONG ProcessStarterHelper;
/*09C*/ ULONG GdiDCAttributeList;
/*0A0*/ KSPIN_LOCK LoaderLock;
/*0A4*/ ULONG OSMajorVersion;
/*0A8*/ ULONG OSMinorVersion;
/*0AC*/ USHORT OSBuildNumber;
/*0AE*/ USHORT OSCSDVersion;
/*0B0*/ ULONG OSPlatformId;
/*0B4*/ ULONG ImageSubsystem;
/*0B8*/ ULONG ImageSubsystemMajorVersion;
/*0BC*/ ULONG ImageSubsystemMinorVersion;
/*0C0*/ ULONG ImageProcessAffinityMask;
/*0C4*/ ULONG GdiHandleBuffer[0x22];
/*14C*/ ULONG PostProcessInitRoutine;
/*150*/ ULONG TlsExpansionBitmap;
/*154*/ UCHAR TlsExpansionBitmapBits[0x80];
/*1D4*/ ULONG SessionId;

typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA
 ULONG Length; // +0x00
 BOOLEAN Initialized; // +0x04
 PVOID SsHandle; // +0x08
 LIST_ENTRY InLoadOrderModuleList; // +0x0c
 LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; // +0x14
 LIST_ENTRY InInitializationOrderModuleList;// +0x1c


               mov  eax,fs:[0x30]
               mov  eax,[eax+0x0c]
               mov  esi ,[eax+0x1c]
               mov eax,[eax+0x08]


原理:  在程序开始时,栈顶所指向的值是kernel32.dll所在页的某个高地址,我们采用向下搜索的方法,来查找。同时,在PE中的            image_optional_header中在偏移0x34处有kernel32.dll的地址。以下是image_optional_header的结构     
     IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER STRUC             ; Optional Header
     OH_Magic                              DW ?           ; Magic word
     OH_MajorLinkerVersion           DB ?           ; Major Linker version
     OH_MinorLinkerVersion           DB ?           ; Minor Linker version
     OH_SizeOfCode                      DD ?           ; Size of code section
     OH_SizeOfInitializedData         DD ?           ; Initialized Data
     OH_SizeOfUninitializedData     DD ?           ; Uninitialized Data
     OH_AddressOfEntryPoint         DD BYTE PTR ?  ; Initial EIP
     OH_BaseOfCode                     DD BYTE PTR ?  ; Code Virtual Address
     OH_BaseOfData                     DD BYTE PTR ?  ; Data Virtual Address
     OH_ImageBase                       DD BYTE PTR ?  ; Base of image-----------------------------------kernel32.dll地址
     OH_SectionAlignment              DD ?           ; Section Alignment
     OH_FileAlignment                   DD ?           ; File Alignment
     OH_MajorOperatingSystemVersion  DW ?           ; Major OS
     OH_MinorOperatingSystemVersion  DW ?           ; Minor OS
     OH_MajorImageVersion                 DW ?           ; Major Image version
     OH_MinorImageVersion                 DW ?           ; Minor Image version
     OH_MajorSubsystemVersion          DW ?           ; Major Subsys version
     OH_MinorSubsystemVersion          DW ?           ; Minor Subsys version
     OH_Win32VersionValue                 DD ?           ; win32 version
     OH_SizeOfImage                          DD ?           ; Size of image
     OH_SizeOfHeaders                       DD ?           ; Size of Header
     OH_CheckSum                             DD ?           ; unused
     OH_Subsystem                            DW ?           ; Subsystem
     OH_DllCharacteristics                   DW ?           ; DLL characteristic
     OH_SizeOfStackReserve               DD ?           ; Stack reserve
     OH_SizeOfStackCommit               DD ?           ; Stack commit
     OH_SizeOfHeapReserve               DD ?           ; Heap reserve
     OH_SizeOfHeapCommit               DD ?           ; Heap commit
     OH_LoaderFlags                         DD ?           ; Loader flags
     OH_NumberOfRvaAndSizes          DD ?           ; Number of directories
                                      UNION                         ;         directory entries
     OH_DataDirectory        IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY/
                                      IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES DUP (?)
     OH_DirectoryEntries    IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES ?
                                     ENDS                         ;
     ENDS                                                    ;

        start:   mov  edx,[esp]
                   dec   edx
                   mov  ebx,[edx+0x3c]
                   mov  ebx,[ebx+edx+0x34]
                   cmp  edx,ebx
                   jnz    start
                   ret                           ;此时在edx中的值为kernel32.dll地址

原理:在SEH中默认的unhandled exception hander 是利用kernel32.DLL中的一个函数设置的。因此可以历遍所有的exception    hander,          找到最后一个成员,该成员的前4个字节是0ffffffffh,后4个字节是kernel32.dll中的函数(看了很多paper,都没有说明为什么通过该函数可以得到kernel32.dll的地址,偶个人认为,通过这个函数定位到了输出表,然后向低地址搜索,就能找到ZM头,也就是kernel32的地址,如果有错误,请告诉偶,谢谢)

                   mov esi,fs[0]
        @@1:  lodsd
                   cmp [eax],0xffffffff 
                   jne   @@1
                   mov  eax,[eax+0x04]
        @@2:  dec   eax
                   xor    ax,ax
                   cmp  eax word ptr[eax]  'MZ'
                   jne    @@2

