

本篇将介绍一些基础的查询使用姿势,主要包括根据字段查询,and/or/in/like/between 语句,数字比较,排序以及分页

I. 环境准备


  • 190612-SpringBoot系列教程JPA之基础环境搭建


1. 表准备


CREATE TABLE `money` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '用户名',
  `money` int(26) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '钱',
  `is_deleted` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `create_at` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT '创建时间',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `name` (`name`)

2. 项目配置


## DataSource
## jpa相关配置

3. 数据准备


INSERT INTO `money` (`id`, `name`, `money`, `is_deleted`, `create_at`, `update_at`)
    (1, '一灰灰blog', 100, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (2, '一灰灰2', 200, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (3, '一灰灰3', 300, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (4, '一灰灰4', 400, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (5, '一灰灰5', 500, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (6, 'Batch 一灰灰blog', 100, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (7, 'Batch 一灰灰blog 2', 100, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (8, 'Batch 一灰灰 3', 200, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (9, 'Batch 一灰灰 4', 200, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (10, 'batch 一灰灰5', 1498, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:58'),
    (11, 'batch 一灰灰6', 1498, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:58'),
    (12, 'batch 一灰灰7', 400, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40'),
    (13, 'batch 一灰灰8', 400, 0, '2019-04-18 17:01:40', '2019-04-18 17:01:40');


II. Query基本使用姿势


1. 表关联POJO


@Table(name = "money")
public class MoneyPO {
    // 如果是auto,则会报异常 Table 'mysql.hibernate_sequence' doesn't exist
    // @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    private Integer id;

    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name;

    @Column(name = "money")
    private Long money;

    @Column(name = "is_deleted")
    private Byte isDeleted;

    @Column(name = "create_at")
    private Timestamp createAt;

    @Column(name = "update_at")
    private Timestamp updateAt;



  • @Data 属于lombok注解,与jpa无关,自动生成getter/setter/equals/hashcode/tostring等方法
  • @Entity, @Table jpa注解,表示这个类与db的表关联,具体匹配的是表 money
  • @Id @GeneratedValue 作用与自增主键
  • @Column表明这个属性与表中的某列对应
  • @CreateDate根据当前时间来生成默认的时间戳

2. Repository API声明


public interface MoneyBaseQueryRepository extends CrudRepository {

3. 使用姿势

a. 根据id查询


private void queryById() {
    // 根据主键查询,直接使用接口即可
    Optional res = moneyCurdRepository.findById(1);
    System.out.println("queryById return: " + res.get());

b. 根据字段查询


  • Repository接口中声明一个方法,命名规则为
  • findByXXX 或者 queryByXXX (注意这里的xxx用POJO中的成员名替换,表示根据这个成员进行查询)


 * 根据用户名查询
 * @param name
 * @return
List findByName(String name);

List queryByName(String name);

如果需要多个成员的查询呢?也简单,形如findByXxxAndYyyy相当于sql中的where xxxx=? and yyy=?


 * 根据用户名 + money查询
 * @param name
 * @param money
 * @return
List findByNameAndMoney(String name, Long money);

 * 根据用户名 or id查询
 * @param name
 * @param id
 * @return
List findByNameOrId(String name, Integer id);


private void queryByField() {
    // 根据内部成员进行查询,需要自己定义新的接口
    String name = "一灰灰blog";
    Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findByName(name);
    System.out.println("findByName return: " + res);

    res = moneyCurdRepository.queryByName(name);
    System.out.println("queryByName return: " + res);

    Long money = 100L;
    res = moneyCurdRepository.findByNameAndMoney(name, money);
    System.out.println("findByNameAndMoney return: " + res);

    Integer id = 5;
    res = moneyCurdRepository.findByNameOrId(name, id);
    System.out.println("findByNameOrId return: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.name=?
findByName return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
-------- 人工拆分 -----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.name=?
queryByName return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
-------- 人工拆分 -----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.name=? and moneypo0_.money=?
findByNameAndMoney return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
-------- 人工拆分 -----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.name=? or moneypo0_.id=?
findByNameOrId return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=5, name=一灰灰5, money=500, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

c. like查询


 * like查询
 * @param name
 * @return
List findByNameLike(String name);

使用的时候,需要稍微注意一下,根据实际情况决定要不要加上 '%'

private void queryByLike() {
    // like 语句查询
    String name = "一灰灰%";
    Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findByNameLike(name);
    System.out.println("findByName like: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.name like ?
findByName like: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=2, name=一灰灰2, money=200, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=3, name=一灰灰3, money=300, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=4, name=一灰灰4, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=5, name=一灰灰5, money=500, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

d. in查询


 * in查询
 * @param moneys
 * @return
List findByMoneyIn(List moneys);


// in 查询
List ids = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findAllById(ids);
System.out.println("findByIds return: " + res);

res = moneyCurdRepository.findByMoneyIn(Arrays.asList(400L, 300L));
System.out.println("findByMoneyIn return: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id in (? , ? , ?)
findByIds return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=2, name=一灰灰2, money=200, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=3, name=一灰灰3, money=300, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
------ 手动拆分 ----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.money in (? , ?)
findByMoneyIn return: [MoneyPO(id=3, name=一灰灰3, money=300, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=4, name=一灰灰4, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=12, name=batch 一灰灰7, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=13, name=batch 一灰灰8, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

e. 比较查询


 * 查询大于or等于指定id的所有记录
 * @param id
 * @return
List findByIdGreaterThanEqual(Integer id);

 * 查询小于or等于指定id的所有记录
 * @param id
 * @return
List findByIdLessThanEqual(Integer id);

 * between查询
 * @param low
 * @param high
 * @return
List findByIdIsBetween(Integer low, Integer high);


  • > : xxGreaterThan
  • >=: xxGreaterThanEqual
  • <: xxLessThan
  • <=: xxLessThanEqual
  • !=: xxNot
  • between a and b : xxIsBetween


private void queryByCompare() {
    Integer id1 = 3;
    Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findByIdLessThanEqual(id1);
    System.out.println("findByIdLessThan 3 return: " + res);

    Integer id2 = 10;
    res = moneyCurdRepository.findByIdGreaterThanEqual(id2);
    System.out.println("findByIdGreaterThan 10 return: " + res);

    id1 = 4;
    id2 = 6;
    res = moneyCurdRepository.findByIdIsBetween(id1, id2);
    System.out.println("findByIdsWBetween 3, 10 return: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id<=?
findByIdLessThan 3 return: [MoneyPO(id=1, name=一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=2, name=一灰灰2, money=200, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=3, name=一灰灰3, money=300, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
------ 手动拆分 ----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id>=?
findByIdGreaterThan 10 return: [MoneyPO(id=10, name=batch 一灰灰5, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=11, name=batch 一灰灰6, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=12, name=batch 一灰灰7, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=13, name=batch 一灰灰8, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
------ 手动拆分 ----------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id between ? and ?
findByIdsWBetween 3, 10 return: [MoneyPO(id=4, name=一灰灰4, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=5, name=一灰灰5, money=500, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=6, name=Batch 一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

f. 排序


 * 根据money查询,并将最终的结果根据id进行倒排
 * @param money
 * @return
List findByMoneyOrderByIdDesc(Long money);

 * 根据多个条件进行排序
 * @param id
 * @return
List queryByIdGreaterThanEqualOrderByMoneyDescIdAsc(Integer id);

在根据多个列进行排序时,需要注意的是不能写多个 OrderBy 而是直接在OrderBy后面加上对应的xxxAscyyyDesc


private void queryWithSort() {
    // 排序
    Long money = 400L;
    Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findByMoneyOrderByIdDesc(money);
    System.out.println("findByMoneyAndOrderByIdDesc return: " + res);
    Integer startId = 7;
    res = moneyCurdRepository.queryByIdGreaterThanEqualOrderByMoneyDescIdAsc(startId);
    System.out.println("queryByIdGreaterThanEqualOrderByMoneyDescIdAsc return: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.money=? order by moneypo0_.id desc
findByMoneyAndOrderByIdDesc return: [MoneyPO(id=13, name=batch 一灰灰8, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=12, name=batch 一灰灰7, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=4, name=一灰灰4, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
------------- 人工拆分 --------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id>=? order by moneypo0_.money desc, moneypo0_.id asc
queryByIdGreaterThanEqualOrderByMoneyDescIdAsc return: [MoneyPO(id=10, name=batch 一灰灰5, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=11, name=batch 一灰灰6, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=12, name=batch 一灰灰7, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=13, name=batch 一灰灰8, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=8, name=Batch 一灰灰 3, money=200, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=9, name=Batch 一灰灰 4, money=200, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=7, name=Batch 一灰灰blog 2, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

g. 分页查询


* 分页查询,获取前面三个数据
* @param id
* @return
List findTop3ByIdGreaterThan(Integer id);

* 分页查询
* @param id
* @param pageable page 从0开始表示查询第0页,即返回size个正好>id数量的数据
* @return
List findByIdGreaterThan(Integer id, Pageable pageable);



private void queryWithPageSize() {
    // 分页查询
    Iterable res = moneyCurdRepository.findTop3ByIdGreaterThan(3);
    System.out.println("findTop3ByIdGreaterThan 3 return: " + res);

    // id>3,第2页,每页3条,如果id递增时,则返回的第一条id=4 + 2 * 3 = 10
    res = moneyCurdRepository.findByIdGreaterThan(3, PageRequest.of(2, 3));
    System.out.println("findByIdGreaterThan 3 pageIndex 2 size 3 return: " + res);


Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id>? limit ?
findTop3ByIdGreaterThan 3 return: [MoneyPO(id=4, name=一灰灰4, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=5, name=一灰灰5, money=500, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0), MoneyPO(id=6, name=Batch 一灰灰blog, money=100, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]
---------- 人工拆分 ------------
Hibernate: select moneypo0_.id as id1_0_, moneypo0_.create_at as create_a2_0_, moneypo0_.is_deleted as is_delet3_0_, moneypo0_.money as money4_0_, moneypo0_.name as name5_0_, moneypo0_.update_at as update_a6_0_ from money moneypo0_ where moneypo0_.id>? limit ?, ?
findByIdGreaterThan 3 pageIndex 2 size 3 return: [MoneyPO(id=10, name=batch 一灰灰5, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=11, name=batch 一灰灰6, money=1498, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:58.0), MoneyPO(id=12, name=batch 一灰灰7, money=400, isDeleted=0, createAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0, updateAt=2019-04-18 17:01:40.0)]

4. 小结

主要介绍了jpa的查询的最基本使用方式,主要是根据规则定义方法名的方式来实现sql的效果, 下表示一个简单的对比小结

方法名 说明 等效sql
findByXxx 表示根据列Xxx等于传参构建sql where xxx= ?
findByXxxAndYyy 根据多个列进行查询 where xxx=? and yyy=?
findByXxxOrYyy 根据多个列实现or查询 where xxx=? or yyy=?
findByXxxLike like查询,需要注意查询条件中加% where xxx like
findByXxxIn in查询 where Xxx in ()
findByXxxGreaterThan 大于 where xxx > ?
findByXxxGreaterThanEqual 大于等于 where xxx >= ?
findByXxxLessThan 小于 where xxx < ?
findByXxxLessThanEqual 小于等于 where xxx <= ?
findByXxxNot 不等于 where xxx != ?
findByXxxIsBetween between查询 where xxx between ? and ?
OrderByXxxDesc 排序 order by xxx desc
topN 分页,表示获取最前面的n条 limit n



  • group by
  • distinct
  • join
  • 各种函数的支持(sum,max,min,avg...)
  • 查询部分表中部分字段时
  • 统计查询

II. 其他

0. 源码&相关博文


  • 工程:https://github.com/liuyueyi/spring-boot-demo
  • module: https://github.com/liuyueyi/spring-boot-demo/blob/master/spring-boot/102-jpa


  • mysql之锁与事务详解
  • Spring学习之事务的使用姿势
  • Spring学习之事务管理与传播属性
  • 190612-SpringBoot系列教程JPA之基础环境搭建
  • 190614-SpringBoot系列教程JPA之新增记录使用姿势
  • 190623-SpringBoot系列教程JPA之update使用姿势
  • 190702-SpringBoot系列教程JPA之delete使用姿势详解

1. 一灰灰Blog



  • 一灰灰Blog个人博客 https://blog.hhui.top
  • 一灰灰Blog-Spring专题博客 http://spring.hhui.top


