H.266/VVC VTM阅读7-帧内搜索过程

  帧内搜索主要是对预测模式的搜索,此处记录下相关函数。执行帧内模式搜索的函数是 IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT()和IntraSearch::estIntraPredChromaQT(),它们都在EncCu::xCheckRDCostIntra()中被调用,用于决策是否使用帧内相关的模式。下面以IntraSearch::estIntraPredLumaQT()为例记录下帧内搜索过程。


  首先定了四个列表,列表长度均为FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM,FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM是常规帧内模式(67种)和MIP模式(32种)之和,值为99。。uiHadModeList储存了预测误差(sad和satd的较小值)最小的几种模式的顺序排列,CandHadList储存对应误差值。uiRdModeList储存了rd cost(估计值,未进行rd计算)最小的几种模式的顺序排列,CandCostList储存对应cost值。

  static_vector uiHadModeList;
  static_vector CandHadList;
  static_vector uiRdModeList;
  static_vector CandCostList;


struct ModeInfo
    bool     mipFlg; // CU::mipFlag
    bool     mipTrFlg; // PU::mipTransposedFlag
    int      mRefId; // PU::multiRefIdx
    uint8_t  ispMod; // CU::ispMode
    uint32_t modeId; // PU::intraDir[CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA]

    ModeInfo() : mipFlg(false), mipTrFlg(false), mRefId(0), ispMod(NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS), modeId(0) {}
    ModeInfo(const bool mipf, const bool miptf, const int mrid, const uint8_t ispm, const uint32_t mode) : mipFlg(mipf), mipTrFlg(miptf), mRefId(mrid), ispMod(ispm), modeId(mode) {}
    bool operator==(const ModeInfo cmp) const { return (mipFlg == cmp.mipFlg && mipTrFlg == cmp.mipTrFlg && mRefId == cmp.mRefId && ispMod == cmp.ispMod && modeId == cmp.modeId); }
  struct M

  决策候选模式顺序是常规角度模式、扩展角度模式、MRL模式、MIP模式、MPM模式、ISP模式,以常规模式为例记录下计算过程。遍历67种亮度模式,并跳过扩展角度模式。调用predIntraAng()函数计算对应模式的角度预测值,然后然后调用对应函数计算SAD、HAD、rd cost并更新列表。最后如果需要储存候选列表在二次变换中使用,那么将当前的候选列表储存下来。

          if (!LFNSTLoadFlag)
            for (int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < numModesAvailable; modeIdx++)
              uint32_t   uiMode    = modeIdx;
              Distortion minSadHad = 0;

              // Skip checking extended Angular modes in the first round of SATD
              if (uiMode > DC_IDX && (uiMode & 1))

              bSatdChecked[uiMode] = true;
              pu.intraDir[0] = modeIdx;

              initPredIntraParams(pu, pu.Y(), sps);
              predIntraAng(COMPONENT_Y, piPred, pu);
              // Use the min between SAD and HAD as the cost criterion
              // SAD is scaled by 2 to align with the scaling of HAD
              minSadHad += std::min(distParamSad.distFunc(distParamSad) * 2, distParamHad.distFunc(distParamHad));

              // NB xFracModeBitsIntra will not affect the mode for chroma that may have already been pre-estimated.
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MipFlag, ctxStartMipFlag );
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::ISPMode, ctxStartIspMode );
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaPlanarFlag, ctxStartPlanarFlag);
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx(Ctx::IntraLumaMpmFlag, ctxStartIntraMode);
              m_CABACEstimator->getCtx() = SubCtx( Ctx::MultiRefLineIdx, ctxStartMrlIdx );

              uint64_t fracModeBits = xFracModeBitsIntra(pu, uiMode, CHANNEL_TYPE_LUMA);

              double cost = (double) minSadHad + (double) fracModeBits * sqrtLambdaForFirstPass;

              DTRACE(g_trace_ctx, D_INTRA_COST, "IntraHAD: %u, %llu, %f (%d)\n", minSadHad, fracModeBits, cost, uiMode);

              updateCandList(ModeInfo(false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), cost, uiRdModeList,
                             CandCostList, numModesForFullRD);
              updateCandList(ModeInfo(false, false, 0, NOT_INTRA_SUBPARTITIONS, uiMode), double(minSadHad),
                             uiHadModeList, CandHadList, numHadCand);
            if (!sps.getUseMIP() && LFNSTSaveFlag)
              // save found best modes
              m_uiSavedNumRdModesLFNST = numModesForFullRD;
              m_uiSavedRdModeListLFNST = uiRdModeList;
              m_dSavedModeCostLFNST    = CandCostList;
              // PBINTRA fast
              m_uiSavedHadModeListLFNST = uiHadModeList;
              m_dSavedHadListLFNST      = CandHadList;
              LFNSTSaveFlag             = false;

根据模式调用xIntraCodingLumaISP()等不同函数完成rd cost计算,cost值储存在csTemp->cost种,据此选择出最佳模式。

      bool tmpValidReturn = false;
      if( cu.ispMode )
        if ( m_pcEncCfg->getUseFastISP() )
        tmpValidReturn = xIntraCodingLumaISP(*csTemp, subTuPartitioner, bestCurrentCost);
        if (csTemp->tus.size() == 0)
          // no TUs were coded
          csTemp->cost = MAX_DOUBLE;
        // we save the data for future tests
        m_ispTestedModes[m_curIspLfnstIdx].setModeResults((ISPType)cu.ispMode, (int)uiOrgMode.modeId, (int)csTemp->tus.size(), csTemp->cus[0]->firstTU->cbf[COMPONENT_Y] ? csTemp->cost : MAX_DOUBLE, csBest->cost);
        csTemp->cost = !tmpValidReturn ? MAX_DOUBLE : csTemp->cost;
        if (cu.colorTransform)
          tmpValidReturn = xRecurIntraCodingACTQT(*csTemp, partitioner, mtsCheckRangeFlag, mtsFirstCheckId, mtsLastCheckId, moreProbMTSIdxFirst);
          tmpValidReturn = xRecurIntraCodingLumaQT(
            *csTemp, partitioner, uiBestPUMode.ispMod ? bestCurrentCost : MAX_DOUBLE, -1, TU_NO_ISP,
            uiBestPUMode.ispMod, mtsCheckRangeFlag, mtsFirstCheckId, mtsLastCheckId, moreProbMTSIdxFirst);
      if( tmpValidReturn )
        // check r-d cost
        if( csTemp->cost < csBest->cost )
          std::swap( csTemp, csBest );
          uiBestPUMode  = uiOrgMode;
          bestBDPCMMode = cu.bdpcmMode;
          if( sps.getUseLFNST() && mtsUsageFlag == 1 && !cu.ispMode )
            m_bestModeCostStore[ lfnstIdx ] = csBest->cost; //cs.cost;
            m_bestModeCostValid[ lfnstIdx ] = true;
          if( csBest->cost < bestCurrentCost )
            bestCurrentCost = csBest->cost;
          if ( cu.ispMode )
            bestLfnstIdx = cu.lfnstIdx;
          else if ( testISP )
        if( !cu.ispMode && !cu.bdpcmMode && csBest->cost < bestCostNonBDPCM )
          bestCostNonBDPCM = csBest->cost;
