H.266/VVC VTM阅读8-CodingUnit区域结构




struct Position
  PosType x;
  PosType y;

  Position()                                   : x(0),  y(0)  { }
  Position(const PosType _x, const PosType _y) : x(_x), y(_y) { }

  bool operator!=(const Position &other)  const { return x != other.x || y != other.y; }
  bool operator==(const Position &other)  const { return x == other.x && y == other.y; }

  Position offset(const Position pos)                 const { return Position(x + pos.x, y + pos.y); }
  Position offset(const PosType _x, const PosType _y) const { return Position(x + _x   , y + _y   ); }
  void     repositionTo(const Position newPos)              { x  = newPos.x; y  = newPos.y; }
  void     relativeTo  (const Position origin)              { x -= origin.x; y -= origin.y; }

  Position operator-( const Position &other )         const { return{ x - other.x, y - other.y }; }

struct Size
  SizeType width;
  SizeType height;

  Size()                                              : width(0),      height(0)       { }
  Size(const SizeType _width, const SizeType _height) : width(_width), height(_height) { }

  bool operator!=(const Size &other)      const { return (width != other.width) || (height != other.height); }
  bool operator==(const Size &other)      const { return (width == other.width) && (height == other.height); }
  uint32_t area()                             const { return (uint32_t) width * (uint32_t) height; }
  void resizeTo(const Size newSize)             { width = newSize.width; height = newSize.height; }

struct Area : public Position, public Size
  Area()                                                                         : Position(),       Size()       { }
  Area(const Position &_pos, const Size &_size)                                  : Position(_pos),   Size(_size)  { }
  Area(const PosType _x, const PosType _y, const SizeType _w, const SizeType _h) : Position(_x, _y), Size(_w, _h) { }

        Position& pos()                           { return *this; }
  const Position& pos()                     const { return *this; }
        Size&     size()                          { return *this; }
  const Size&     size()                    const { return *this; }

  const Position& topLeft()                 const { return *this; }
        Position  topRight()                const { return { (PosType) (x + width - 1), y                          }; }
        Position  bottomLeft()              const { return { x                        , (PosType) (y + height - 1) }; }
        Position  bottomRight()             const { return { (PosType) (x + width - 1), (PosType) (y + height - 1) }; }
        Position  center()                  const { return { (PosType) (x + width / 2), (PosType) (y + height / 2) }; }

  bool contains(const Position &_pos)       const { return (_pos.x >= x) && (_pos.x < (x + width)) && (_pos.y >= y) && (_pos.y < (y + height)); }
  bool contains(const Area &_area)          const { return contains(_area.pos()) && contains(_area.bottomRight()); }

  bool operator!=(const Area &other)        const { return (Size::operator!=(other)) || (Position::operator!=(other)); }
  bool operator==(const Area &other)        const { return (Size::operator==(other)) && (Position::operator==(other)); }



struct CompArea : public Area
  CompArea() : Area(), chromaFormat(NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT), compID(MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS)                                                                                                                                 { }
  CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const ChromaFormat _cf, const Area &_area, const bool isLuma = false)                                          : Area(_area),          chromaFormat(_cf), compID(_compID) { if (isLuma) xRecalcLumaToChroma(); }
  CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const ChromaFormat _cf, const Position& _pos, const Size& _size, const bool isLuma = false)                    : Area(_pos, _size),    chromaFormat(_cf), compID(_compID) { if (isLuma) xRecalcLumaToChroma(); }
  CompArea(const ComponentID _compID, const ChromaFormat _cf, const uint32_t _x, const uint32_t _y, const uint32_t _w, const uint32_t _h, const bool isLuma = false) : Area(_x, _y, _w, _h), chromaFormat(_cf), compID(_compID) { if (isLuma) xRecalcLumaToChroma(); }

  ChromaFormat chromaFormat;
  ComponentID compID;

  Position chromaPos() const;
  Position lumaPos()   const;

  Size     chromaSize() const;
  Size     lumaSize()   const;

  Position compPos( const ComponentID compID ) const;
  Position chanPos( const ChannelType chType ) const;

  Position topLeftComp    (const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID, _compID, *this);                                                     }
  Position topRightComp   (const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID, _compID, { (PosType) (x + width - 1), y                          }); }
  Position bottomLeftComp (const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID, _compID, { x                        , (PosType) (y + height - 1 )}); }
  Position bottomRightComp(const ComponentID _compID) const { return recalcPosition(chromaFormat, compID, _compID, { (PosType) (x + width - 1), (PosType) (y + height - 1 )}); }

  bool valid() const { return chromaFormat < NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT && compID < MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS && width != 0 && height != 0; }

  const bool operator==(const CompArea &other) const
    if (chromaFormat != other.chromaFormat) return false;
    if (compID       != other.compID)       return false;

    return Position::operator==(other) && Size::operator==(other);

  const bool operator!=(const CompArea &other) const { return !(operator==(other)); }

  void     resizeTo          (const Size& newSize)          { Size::resizeTo(newSize); }
  void     repositionTo      (const Position& newPos)       { Position::repositionTo(newPos); }
  void     positionRelativeTo(const CompArea& origCompArea) { Position::relativeTo(origCompArea); }


  void xRecalcLumaToChroma();


typedef static_vector<CompArea, MAX_NUM_TBLOCKS> UnitBlocksType;

struct UnitArea
  ChromaFormat chromaFormat;
  UnitBlocksType blocks;

  UnitArea() : chromaFormat(NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT) { }
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat);
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const Area &area);
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const CompArea  &blkY);
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat,       CompArea &&blkY);
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat, const CompArea  &blkY, const CompArea  &blkCb, const CompArea  &blkCr);
  UnitArea(const ChromaFormat _chromaFormat,       CompArea &&blkY,       CompArea &&blkCb,       CompArea &&blkCr);

        CompArea& Y()                                  { return blocks[COMPONENT_Y];  }
  const CompArea& Y()                            const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Y];  }
        CompArea& Cb()                                 { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cb]; }
  const CompArea& Cb()                           const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cb]; }
        CompArea& Cr()                                 { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cr]; }
  const CompArea& Cr()                           const { return blocks[COMPONENT_Cr]; }

        CompArea& block(const ComponentID comp)       { return blocks[comp]; }
  const CompArea& block(const ComponentID comp) const { return blocks[comp]; }

  bool contains(const UnitArea& other) const;
  bool contains(const UnitArea& other, const ChannelType chType) const;

        CompArea& operator[]( const int n )       { return blocks[n]; }
  const CompArea& operator[]( const int n ) const { return blocks[n]; }

  const bool operator==(const UnitArea &other) const
    if (chromaFormat != other.chromaFormat)   return false;
    if (blocks.size() != other.blocks.size()) return false;

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++)
      if (blocks[i] != other.blocks[i]) return false;

    return true;

  void resizeTo    (const UnitArea& unit);
  void repositionTo(const UnitArea& unit);

  const bool operator!=(const UnitArea &other) const { return !(*this == other); }

  const Position& lumaPos () const { return Y(); }
  const Size&     lumaSize() const { return Y(); }

  const Position& chromaPos () const { return Cb(); }
  const Size&     chromaSize() const { return Cb(); }

  const UnitArea  singleComp(const ComponentID compID) const;
  const UnitArea  singleChan(const ChannelType chType) const;

  const SizeType  lwidth()  const { return Y().width; }  /*! luma width  */
  const SizeType  lheight() const { return Y().height; } /*! luma height */

  const PosType   lx() const { return Y().x; }           /*! luma x-pos */
  const PosType   ly() const { return Y().y; }           /*! luma y-pos */

  bool valid() const { return chromaFormat != NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT && blocks.size() > 0; }


struct CodingUnit : public UnitArea
  CodingStructure *cs;
  Slice *slice;
  ChannelType    chType;

  PredMode       predMode;

  uint8_t          depth;   // number of all splits, applied with generalized splits

  由于CodingUnit中只含有CU区域信息,因此如果想要获取CU中的样点,需要配合CodingStructure中相关函数,例如通过 CodingStructure::getOrgBuf()获取原始视频帧中对应区域的样点值。
