Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'ge' because 'logsegment' segment is full/has ...

00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.76 server Completed REDO pass for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.76 server Recovery of database 'ge' will undo incomplete nested top actions.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.76 server Started recovery checkpoint for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.79 server Completed recovery checkpoint for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.79 server Started filling free space info for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.80 server Completed filling free space info for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.81 server Started cleaning up the default data cache for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.83 server Completed cleaning up the default data cache for database 'ge'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.83 server Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.83 server Space available in the log segment has fallen critically low in database 'ge'. All future modifications to this database will be suspended until the log is successfully dumped and space becomes available.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.83 server Error: 1105, Severity: 17, State: 4
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.83 server Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'ge' because 'logsegment' segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.
00:00000:00010:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Error: 950, Severity: 14, State: 1
00:00000:00010:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Database 'ge' is currently offline. Please wait and try your command again later.
00:00000:00010:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Threshold task could not use database 6, and so cannot execute the threshold procedure for segment 2, free space 153616.
00:00000:00010:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Failed to execute the threshold procedure for database 6, segment 2, free space 153616.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server SQL Server could not bring database 'ge' online.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Recovery has restored the value of 'local async prefetch limit' for '16K' pool in 'default data cache' from '80' to 'DEFAULT'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.84 server Recovery has restored the value of 'local async prefetch limit' for '2K' pool in 'default data cache' from '80' to 'DEFAULT'.
00:00000:00001:2007/09/15 10:56:14.88 server Recovery has restored the original size for '16K' pool and '2K' pool in 'default data cache'.



1> use master
2> go
1> dump tran ge with no_log
2> go

1> shutdown
2> go


00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 10:59:40.13 server WARNING: ***************************
00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 10:59:40.13 server Attempt by user 1 to dump xact on db ge with NO_LOG

sybase@CHQWEB:/sybase/ASE-12_5/install> 00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 11:01:05.62 server Attempt by user 1 to dump xact on db ge with NO_LOG was successful
00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 11:01:05.63 server WARNING: ***************************

sybase@CHQWEB:/sybase/ASE-12_5/install> 00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 11:02:30.00 server SQL Server shutdown by request.
00:00000:00011:2007/09/15 11:02:30.00 kernel ueshutdown: exiting



系统提示Can"t allocate space for object "syslogs" in database 该如何处理?
2007-05-21 21:46

系统提示Can"t allocate space for object "syslogs" in database "cwbase?" because the "logsegment" segment is full……该如何处理?

(1)如果是 master 库:
dump tran master with no_log
use master
sp_dboption cwbase1,"trunc. log on chkpt.",false
dump tran cwbase1 with no_log
sp_dboption cwbase1,"trunc. log on chkpt.",true


你可能感兴趣的:(Can't allocate space for object 'syslogs' in database 'ge' because 'logsegment' segment is full/has ...)