









#include "LinkList.h"
using namespace std;
#define ARRAYSIZE 4

int main()
    LinkList list[ARRAYSIZE];//存放每个班级的链表头指针
    int number,totalClass;
    Student student;
    LinkList totalGradeInfo;//整个年级的同学的链表头指针;

    cout << "Please enter the number of the class: ";
    cin >> totalClass;
    if(totalClass > 4)//限定输入的班级数目
        cout << "\nSorry! We can maximum support 4 class's managment!" << endl;
        totalClass = 4;

    for(int i=0; i> number;
        if(number > 30)//限定每个班级的人数
            cout << "\nSorry! We can maximum support 30 student in one class!" << endl;;

        //start add node
        for(int j=0; j> student.classID;
            cout << "Please enter your studentID: ";
            cin >> student.studentID;
            cout << "Please enter your name: ";
            cin >> student.name;
            cout << "Please enter your score: ";
            cin >> student.score;
            if(student.score < 0 || student.score > 100 )//处理输入成绩不合法的情况
                cout << "\nThe score is unavailable!";
                student.score = 0;

            AddNode(&list[i], student);//添加节点
        ShowInformation(&list[i], "Class");//输出班级成绩信息

    CombineLists(list, totalClass, &totalGradeInfo);
    ShowInformation(&totalGradeInfo, "Total Grade");

    cout << "\n-------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
    for(int i=0; inext != NULL)//销毁合并之后的链表
    {///为什么上一条语句用 ->就会出错?

    return 0;



using namespace std;

typedef struct Student
    int classID;
    long studentID;
    string name;
    int score;

typedef struct LinkNode
    Student data;
    LinkNode *next;

typedef struct LinkList
    LinkNode *pHead;
    int length;

bool InitList(LinkList *list);
bool AddNode(LinkList *list, Student e);
bool SortList(LinkList *list);
bool CombineLists(LinkList list[], int arrayLen, LinkList *destList);
bool ShowInformation(LinkList *list, string info);
bool ClearList(LinkList *list);
bool DestoryList(LinkList *list);



#include "LinkList.h"

bool InitList(LinkList *list)//初始化链表
    if(!(list->pHead=new LinkNode))
        cout << "No free memory!";
        return false;

    list->pHead->next = NULL;
//    list->pHead.data->classID = "";
//    list->pHead->data->name = "";
//    list->pHead->data->score = 0;
//    list->pHead->data->studentID;
    list->length = 0;
    return true;

bool AddNode(LinkList *list, Student e)//头插法,添加节点
        cout << "\nThe list don't exist!" << endl;
        return false;
    LinkNode *node = new LinkNode;
    //LinkNode *node = (LinkNode*)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));
    if(node == NULL)
        cout << "\nDon't have more memory to add element!" << endl;
        return false;

    node->data.classID = e.classID;
    node->data.studentID = e.studentID;
    node->data.name = e.name;
    node->data.score = e.score;

    node->next = list->pHead->next;
    list->pHead->next = node;
    return true;

bool SortList(LinkList *list)//排序链表,需要两个循环多次遍历
        cerr << "\nThe list can't sort in result of the list don't exits or empty!" << endl;
        return false;

    LinkNode *src,*srcNext;
    src = list->pHead->next;

    while(src->next != NULL)
        srcNext = src->next;//要排序的指针的下一个,以方便比较
        while(srcNext != NULL)
            if(src->data.score < srcNext->data.score)//按照降序方式排列
                Student temp;//交换两个数据
                temp.classID = srcNext->data.classID;
                temp.studentID = srcNext->data.studentID;
                temp.name = srcNext->data.name;
                temp.score = srcNext->data.score;

                srcNext->data.classID = src->data.classID;
                srcNext->data.studentID = src->data.studentID;
                srcNext->data.name = src->data.name;
                srcNext->data.score = src->data.score;

                src->data.classID = temp.classID;
                src->data.studentID = temp.studentID;
                src->data.name = temp.name;
                src->data.score = temp.score;
            srcNext = srcNext->next;
        src = src->next;

    return true;

bool CombineLists(LinkList list[], int arrayLen, LinkList *destList)
    if(arrayLen == 0)//如果传入的链表数组长度为空,错误,返回
        cerr << "\nERROR in CombineLists()! Those lists you want to combine don't exist!" << endl;
        return false;

    int i = 0;
    LinkNode *temp;//声明一个临时指针变量,遍历访问每条链表
    destList->pHead->next = list[0].pHead->next;

    for(i=1; inext != NULL)//如果链表头的指向不为空,表明这个链表不为空
            temp = list[i].pHead->next;
                temp = temp->next;

            temp->next = destList->pHead->next;//将当前链表插入到目标链表中
            destList->pHead->next = list[i].pHead->next;


    return true;

bool ShowInformation(LinkList *list, string info)//显示链表元素
    if(list->pHead==NULL || list->pHead->next == NULL)
        cout << "\nThe link list is empty or don't exist!" << endl;
        return false;

    LinkNode *temp = list->pHead->next;
    cout << "----------------------------------------------";
    if(info == "Total Grade")//如果是总成绩
        cout << "-----";
    cout << "\nThis "<< info << " Information:" << endl;
    while(temp != NULL)
        cout << temp->data.classID << "\t" << temp->data.studentID << "\t" << temp->data.name
             << "\t" << temp->data.score << endl;
        temp = temp->next;
    cout << endl;
    return true;

bool ClearList(LinkList *link)//清空链表
    if(link->pHead == NULL)
        cerr << "\nERROR! The list don't exist!" << endl;
        return false;
    if(link->pHead->next == NULL)
        cout << "The list is empty already!" << endl;
        return true;

    LinkNode *temp = link->pHead->next;
        link->pHead->next = temp->next;
        delete temp;
        temp = link->pHead->next;

    if(link->pHead->next == NULL)
        cout << "The list has been cleard!" << endl;

    return true;

bool DestoryList(LinkList *list)
        return false;

    delete list->pHead;
    cout << "The list has been destoryed!" << endl;
    return true;
