

1 理解数据

  • 数据来源



  • 字段含义


item_ id:商品id

category_ id:商品类目id



2 分析方向和目的




3 数据清洗


3.1 导入数据


create table ub like userbehavior 
insert into ub 
select * from userbehavior order by rand() limit 100000

3.2 删除重复值


create table ub2 (select distinct user_id, item_id, category_id, behaviour_type, timestamp from ub)


3.3 缺失值处理


select sum(case when user_id is null then 1 else 0 end) as userid,
sum(case when item_id is null then 1 else 0 end) as itemid, 
sum(case when category_id is null then 1 else 0 end) as cateid, 
sum(case when behaviour_type is null then 1 else 0 end) as bt, 
sum(case when timestamp is null then 1 else 0 end) as date 
from ub


3.4 一致化处理



alter table ub add ubtime datetime 
update ub set ubtime = from_unixtime('timestamp','%y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s')


alter table ub add ubdate datetime 
update ub set ubdate = date_format(ubtime,'%y-%m-%d')


alter table ub add ubhour int 
update ub set ubhour = hour(ubtime)

3.5 添加主键

alter table ub add column behaviour_id int not null auto_increment primary key first



3.6 异常值处理

只保留 2017年11月25日至2017年12月3日 之间的数据,因为涉及到删除,先用select验证查询语句是否正确

select* from ub where ubdate not between'2017-11-25' and '2017-12-03' 
注:mysql中between and 包含边界;not between不包含边界


delete from ub where ubdate not between'2017-11-25' and '2017-12-03'

经过数据清理后的主表 ubs 的记录数为:99952

4 数据分析



4.1.1 PV/UV随时间变化趋势


select ubdate, count(1) as pv, count(distinct user_id) as uv 
from ub where behaviour_type = 'pv' 
group by ubdate 
order by ubdate


select ubhour, count(1) as pv, count(distinct user_id) as uv 
from ub where behaviour_type = 'pv' 
group by ubhour order by ubhour

• 按日统计结果


• 按小时统计


4.1.2 跳失率


select count(distinct user_id) as '只有点击行为的用户', concat(round(count(distinct user_id)*100/29483,1),'%') as '跳失率'from ub 
where user_id not in (select distinct user_id from ub where behaviour_type = 'cart') 
and user_id not in (select distinct user_id from ub where behaviour_type = 'buy') 
and user_id not in (select distinct user_id from ub where behaviour_type = 'fav')


4.2.1 用户行为变化趋势

select ubdate, sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as 'pv', 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as cart, 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as buy, 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as fav 
from ub group by ubdate order by ubdate


4.2.2 行为漏斗分析


• 按行为计算

用户购买流程:浏览(pv)-收藏 (fav ) -购买 (buy)或者浏览(pv)-加购 (cart) -购买 (buy)。采用漏斗模型对数据进行转化率分析


select sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then 1 else 0 end) as 'pv', 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'buy' then 1 else 0 end) as 'buy', 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'cart' then 1 else 0 end) as 'cart', 
sum(case behaviour_type when 'fav' then 1 else 0 end) as 'fav' from ub



select concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'buy' then 1 else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then 1 else 0 end),1),'%') as '购买转化率', 
concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'fav' then 1 else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then 1 else 0 end),1),'%') as '收藏转化率', 
concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'cart' then 1 else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then 1 else 0 end),1),'%') as '加购转化率' from ub

• 按UV(独立访客)计算


select count(distinct user_id) from ub

-- 计算四种用户行为

create view uv as select behaviour_type, count(DISTINCT user_id) as uv 
from ub group by behaviour_type



select concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'buy' then uv else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then uv else 0 end),1),'%') as 购买转化率, 
concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'fav' then uv else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then uv else 0 end),1),'%') as 收藏转化率, 
concat(round(sum(case behaviour_type when 'cart' then uv else 0 end)*100/sum(case behaviour_type when 'pv' then uv else 0 end),1),'%')as 加购转化率 from uv

4.2.1 复购

• 复购率

复购率统计口径:有复购行为的用户数 / 有购买行为的用户数


create view f as 
select user_id, count(1) as '购买次数' 
from ub where behaviour_type='buy' 
group by user_id 
having count(behaviour_type) >=2



select (select count(user_id) from f)/(select count(distinct user_id) 
from ub where behaviour_type ='buy') as '复购率' from ub limit 1

• 复购频数分布

select 购买次数, count(购买次数) as 人数 
from f group by 购买次数 order by 购买次数


4.2.2 留存

-- 获取每个用户的使用日期与第一次使用日期

create view retention as 
select a.user_id, a.ubdate, b.firstday 
from (select user_id, ubdate from ub group by user_id, ubdate) as a inner join ( select user_id, min(ubdate) as firstday from ub group by user_id) as b 
on a.user_id = b.user_id 
order by a.user_id, a.ubdate


-- 计算第一次使用日期与使用日期的间隔byday

create view byday as 
select user_id, ubdate, firstday, datediff(ubdate,firstday) as by_day 
from retention


-- 计算每日的留存用户数量


create view retention2 as 
select firstday, 
sum(case when by_day = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as day0, 
sum(case when by_day = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as day1, 
sum(case when by_day = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as day2, 
sum(case when by_day = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as day3, 
sum(case when by_day = 4 then 1 else 0 end) as day4, 
sum(case when by_day = 5 then 1 else 0 end) as day5, 
sum(case when by_day = 6 then 1 else 0 end) as day6, 
sum(case when by_day = 7 then 1 else 0 end) as day7, 
sum(case when by_day = 8 then 1 else 0 end) as day8 
from byday group by firstday order by firstday

-- 留存率计算

select firstday, 
concat(round(day1*100/day0,1),'%') as day1, concat(round(day2*100/day0,1),'%') as day2, 
concat(round(day3*100/day0,1),'%') as day3, concat(round(day4*100/day0,1),'%') as day4, 
concat(round(day5*100/day0,1),'%') as day5, concat(round(day6*100/day0,1),'%') as day6, 
concat(round(day7*100/day0,1),'%') as day7, concat(round(day8*100/day0,1),'%') as day8 
from retention2 group by firstday order by firstday


4.2.3 RFM用户价值模型分析




create view r as 
select user_id, max(ubdate) as '近期购买时间' 
from ub where behaviour_type = 'buy' group by user_id



create view r等级划分 as 
select user_id, 近期购买时间, datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间) as 距今天数, 
(case when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=2 then 5 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=4 then 4 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=6 then 3 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=8 then 2 else 1 end) as r, 
(case when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=2 then '5' 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=4 then '4' 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=6 then '3' 
when datediff('2017-12-03',近期购买时间)<=8 then '2' else '1' end) as r值 
from r




drop view if exists f 
create view f as 
select user_id, count(user_id) as '购买次数' 
from ub where behaviour_type = 'buy' group by user_id



create view f等级划分 as 
select user_id, 购买次数, 
(case when 购买次数<=1 then 1 when 购买次数<=2 then 2 
when 购买次数<=3 then 3 when 购买次数<=4 then 4 else 5 end) as 'f', 
(case when 购买次数<=1 then '1' when 购买次数<=2 then '2' 
when 购买次数<=3 then '3' when 购买次数<=4 then '4' else 5 end) as 'f值' 
from f




select avg(r) as 'r平均值' from r等级划分


select avg(f) as 'f平均值' from f等级划分


create view rfm汇总 as 
select a.*, b.f, b.f值, 
(case when a.r > 3.7794 and b.f>1.0601 then '高价值客户' 
when a.r < 3.7794 and b.f>1.0601 then '唤回客户' 
when a.r > 3.7794 and b.f<1.0601 then '深耕客户' 
when a.r < 3.7794 and b.f<1.0601 then '挽留客户' end) as 客户分类 
from r等级划分 as a, f等级划分 as b where a.user_id = b.user_id


--rf count

select 客户分类,count(1) as 客户数 from rfm汇总 group by 客户分类


4.2.3 Top 20 商品/类目分析

• 按类目分析


create view Cate as 
select category_id, 
sum(case when behaviour_type='pv' then 1 else 0 end) as '浏览量', 
sum(case when behaviour_type='buy' then 1 else 0 end) as '购买量', 
concat(round(sum(case when behaviour_type='buy' then 1 else 0 end)*100/sum(case when behaviour_type='pv' then 1 else 0 end),1),'%') as '购买转化率' 
from ub group by category_id


--Top 20 购买量类目

select * from cate order by 购买量 desc limit 20


--Top 20 浏览量类目

select * from cate order by 浏览量 desc limit 20


• 按商品分析


create view item as 
select item_id, 
sum(case when behaviour_type='pv' then 1 else 0 end) as '浏览量', 
sum(case when behaviour_type='buy' then 1 else 0 end) as '购买量', 
concat(round(sum(case when behaviour_type='buy' then 1 else 0 end)*100/sum(case when behaviour_type='pv' then 1 else 0 end),1),'%') as '购买转化率' 
from ub group by item_id


--Top 20 购买量商品

select * from item order by 购买量 desc limit 20


--Top 20 浏览量商品

select * from item order by 浏览量 desc limit 20


5 结论及建议


  • pv与uv的每日变化趋势大致相同,工作日访问量(11.27-12.1)维持在低值, 周末较高。而12月第一个周末相较于11月最后一个周末的pv与uv均有较大幅度地提升,研究可发现双12的各项预热活动带来了该周末的访问量增长

  • pv与uv的小时变化中,凌晨1-6点是用户访问的低值时段,晚上20-22时用户访问的活跃时段,早上6-10时和晚饭后18点-21点是用户访问淘宝app的增长迅速时段,符合人的正常作息。建议可在用户活跃时段推送新品及促销活动,提高购买率;若有活动日,则可在用户活跃时段和增长迅速时段分时段投放活动信息和优惠券。

  • 同时流量分析通常与营销活动、广告投放等结合起来评估站内站外活动和投放的效果


  • 用户行为:四类用户行为在12月第一个周末迎来了峰值,访问量和加购量在周日继续上涨,但相应收藏量有所下降,需结合具体的活动情况来分析数据波动原因。

  • 从行为纬度看,浏览到加购的转化率为9.5%,从浏览到购买的转化率为2.3%;从独立访客纬度看,大约有6.8%的活跃用户在统计期间内有购买行为。需结合具体类目商品转化率benchmark进行评估分析。若转化率低于正常水平,则可通过用户行为途径寻找原因,比如PV转化率低,则可从商品价格、页面信息等因素入手深挖原因。

  • 该周期内复购率为5.4%,较为正常。通常时间周期越长,复购率越高,在实际业务中,更常看季复购率、半年复购率甚至年复购率。不同类目的复购率也会有差异。

  • 留存率:以11.25日为首日统计日,则次日留存率为30.6%,三日留存率为25.2%,七日留存率为32%。双12活动预热使得用户在周末的留存率有所上涨。

  • 根据R,F数据将用户划分为四类等级,可针对每个等级进行精准化营销


  • 部分购买量高的类目/商品浏览量低,而部分浏览量高的类目/商品转化率低,需结果具体商品/类目的特性进行分析。

  • 对于热销的类目/商品,可多推出一些和该类目/商品相关的其他类目/商品捆绑交叉销售,提高销量

  • 若有新商品以及参与活动的引流商品等,也需要单独看此类商品表现
