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          {{ item }}



let canRoll = true, //加控制,防止用户点击两次
  num = 1, //用在动画上,让用户在第二次点击的时候可以接着上次转动的角度继续转
  lotteryArrLen = 0, //放奖品的数组的长度
  lottery = ['奖品1', '奖品2','奖品3']; //放奖品
  data: {},

  onLoad(opt) {
    this.setPlateData(); //执行设置转盘表面的文字
    let that = this;
    let aniData = wx.createAnimation({ //创建动画对象
      duration: 2000,
      timingFunction: 'ease'
    this.aniData = aniData; //将动画对象赋值给this的aniData属性
  setPlateData() { //设置奖品数组
    lotteryArrLen = lottery.length; //获取奖品数组的长度,用来判断
    if (lotteryArrLen < 2) { //数组的奖品只有一个,扩展数组的长度到4
      let evenArr = new Array(4); //创建一个数组,方便操作。
      for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 1) { //这里为什么要取1是为了在默认的界面将指针放在谢谢的地方,防止别人拿着中奖的截图来要奖品
          evenArr[i] = lottery[0]; //将原数组的内容赋值到新的数组
        } else {
          evenArr[i] = '谢谢' //在数组中间隔插入谢谢
      lottery = [...evenArr]; //将整合好的数组赋值给lottery数组
    } else { //数组中的奖品超过1个,则正常扩展数组,扩展的数组为原来的2倍
      let dataLen = 0; //用来放原来数组的索引
      let evenArr = new Array(lotteryArrLen * 2); //创建扩展数组
      for (let i = 0; i < (lotteryArrLen * 2); i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 1) {
          evenArr[i] = lottery[dataLen]; //将原来数组的值赋值给新数组
          dataLen++; //原来数组的索引加一
        } else {
          evenArr[i] = '谢谢'
      lottery = [...evenArr]; //将整合好的数组赋值给lottery数组

    lotteryArrLen = lottery.length; //获取新的数组长度
      lottery: lottery //设置好值,用于页面展示
  startRollTap() { //开始转盘
    let that = this;
    if (canRoll) {
      canRoll = false;
      let aniData = this.aniData; //获取this对象上的动画对象
      let rightNum = ~~(Math.random() * lotteryArrLen); //生成随机数
      aniData.rotate(3600 * num - 360 / lotteryArrLen * rightNum).step();     
        aniData: aniData.export()
      canRoll = true;

