

我们通过阅读Android Framework中具体路径为frameworks\base\core\java\android\hardware\)文件不难发现问题,代码如下:

     * Creates a new Camera object to access the first back-facing camera on the
     * device. If the device does not have a back-facing camera, this returns
     * null.
     * @see #open(int)
    public static Camera open() {
        int numberOfCameras = getNumberOfCameras();
        CameraInfo cameraInfo = new CameraInfo();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCameras; i++) {
            getCameraInfo(i, cameraInfo);
            if (cameraInfo.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK) {
                return new Camera(i);
        return null;


         * The facing of the camera is opposite to that of the screen.
        public static final int CAMERA_FACING_BACK = 0;

         * The facing of the camera is the same as that of the screen.
        public static final int CAMERA_FACING_FRONT = 1;




     * Creates a new Camera object to access a particular hardware camera. If
     * the same camera is opened by other applications, this will throw a
     * RuntimeException.

You must call {@link #release()} when you are done using the camera, * otherwise it will remain locked and be unavailable to other applications. * *

Your application should only have one Camera object active at a time * for a particular hardware camera. * *

Callbacks from other methods are delivered to the event loop of the * thread which called open(). If this thread has no event loop, then * callbacks are delivered to the main application event loop. If there * is no main application event loop, callbacks are not delivered. * *

Caution: On some devices, this method may * take a long time to complete. It is best to call this method from a * worker thread (possibly using {@link android.os.AsyncTask}) to avoid * blocking the main application UI thread. * * @param cameraId the hardware camera to access, between 0 and * {@link #getNumberOfCameras()}-1. * @return a new Camera object, connected, locked and ready for use. * @throws RuntimeException if opening the camera fails (for example, if the * camera is in use by another process or device policy manager has * disabled the camera). * @see */ public static Camera open(int cameraId) { return new Camera(cameraId); }



     * Creates a new Camera object to access the first back-facing camera on the
     * device. If the device does not have a back-facing camera, this returns
     * null.
     * @see #open(int)
    public static Camera open() {
        int numberOfCameras = getNumberOfCameras();
        CameraInfo cameraInfo = new CameraInfo();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCameras; i++) {
           // getCameraInfo(i, cameraInfo);
            //if (cameraInfo.facing == CameraInfo.CAMERA_FACING_BACK) {
                return new Camera(0);
        return null;



     * Returns the number of physical cameras available on this device.
    public native static int getNumberOfCameras();


int32_t CameraService::getNumberOfCameras() {
    mNumberOfCameras = mModule->get_number_of_cameras();
    for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfCameras; i++) {

    return mNumberOfCameras;

从代码中我们可以看出,实际上又是调用了其他的接口 mModule->get_number_of_cameras(),其实我们在CameraService.cpp中应该可以发现有两处调用这个接口,另外一处如下:

void CameraService::onFirstRef()


    if (hw_get_module(CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
                (const hw_module_t **)&mModule) < 0) {
        ALOGE("Could not load camera HAL module");
        mNumberOfCameras = 0;
    else {
        ALOGI("Loaded \"%s\" camera module", mModule->;
        mNumberOfCameras = mModule->get_number_of_cameras();
        if (mNumberOfCameras > MAX_CAMERAS) {
            ALOGE("Number of cameras(%d) > MAX_CAMERAS(%d).",
                    mNumberOfCameras, MAX_CAMERAS);
            mNumberOfCameras = MAX_CAMERAS;
        for (int i = 0; i < mNumberOfCameras; i++) {

        if (mModule->common.module_api_version >=
                CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_1) {



 * FunctionName: camera_get_number_of_cameras;
 * Description : NA;
 * Input       : NA;
 * Output      : NA;
 * ReturnValue : NA;
 * Other       : NA;
int camera_get_number_of_cameras(void)
    CAMERA_HAL_LOGV("enter %s()", __FUNCTION__);

    int CameraNum = 0;
    struct stat nBuf;
    char dev[LEN_OF_DEVICE_NAME]= {0};

    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_CAMERA_SENSORS; i++)
        snprintf(dev, sizeof(dev), "/dev/video%d", i);
        if(stat(dev, &nBuf) == 0)
    CAMERA_HAL_LOGI("camera_get_number_of_cameras = %d", CameraNum);

    return CameraNum;


Camera(int cameraId) {
        mShutterCallback = null;
        mRawImageCallback = null;
        mJpegCallback = null;
        mPreviewCallback = null;
        mPostviewCallback = null;
        mUsingPreviewAllocation = false;
        mZoomListener = null;

        Looper looper;
        if ((looper = Looper.myLooper()) != null) {
            mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
        } else if ((looper = Looper.getMainLooper()) != null) {
            mEventHandler = new EventHandler(this, looper);
        } else {
            mEventHandler = null;

        String packageName = ActivityThread.currentPackageName();

        native_setup(new WeakReference(this), cameraId, packageName);

在这里我们只需要关注native_setup(new WeakReference(this), cameraId, packageName)这个方法,基本上可以确定这是个native方法:

private native final void native_setup(Object camera_this, int cameraId,
                                           String packageName);


// connect to camera service
static void android_hardware_Camera_native_setup(JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz,
    jobject weak_this, jint cameraId, jstring clientPackageName)
    // Convert jstring to String16
    const char16_t *rawClientName = env->GetStringChars(clientPackageName, NULL);
    jsize rawClientNameLen = env->GetStringLength(clientPackageName);
    String16 clientName(rawClientName, rawClientNameLen);
    env->ReleaseStringChars(clientPackageName, rawClientName);

    sp camera = Camera::connect(cameraId, clientName,

    if (camera == NULL) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Fail to connect to camera service");

    // make sure camera hardware is alive
    if (camera->getStatus() != NO_ERROR) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Camera initialization failed");

    jclass clazz = env->GetObjectClass(thiz);
    if (clazz == NULL) {
        jniThrowRuntimeException(env, "Can't find android/hardware/Camera");

    // We use a weak reference so the Camera object can be garbage collected.
    // The reference is only used as a proxy for callbacks.
    sp context = new JNICameraContext(env, weak_this, clazz, camera);

    // save context in opaque field
    env->SetIntField(thiz, fields.context, (int)context.get());

同样的这里我只需要关注 Camera::connect(cameraId, clientName,Camera::USE_CALLING_UID),这里cameraId就是我们修改后的0,从jni再到CameraService.cpp,找到对应代码如下:

status_t CameraService::connect(
        const sp& cameraClient,
        int cameraId,
        const String16& clientPackageName,
        int clientUid,
        sp& device) {

    String8 clientName8(clientPackageName);
    int callingPid = getCallingPid();

    LOG1("CameraService::connect E (pid %d \"%s\", id %d)", callingPid,
            clientName8.string(), cameraId);

    status_t status = validateConnect(cameraId, /*inout*/clientUid);
    if (status != OK) {
        return status;

    sp client;
        Mutex::Autolock lock(mServiceLock);
        sp clientTmp;
        if (!canConnectUnsafe(cameraId, clientPackageName,
                              /*out*/clientTmp)) {
            return -EBUSY;
        } else if (client.get() != NULL) {
            device = static_cast(clientTmp.get());
            return OK;

        int facing = -1;
        int deviceVersion = getDeviceVersion(cameraId, &facing);

        // If there are other non-exclusive users of the camera,
        //  this will tear them down before we can reuse the camera
        if (isValidCameraId(cameraId)) {
            // transition from PRESENT -> NOT_AVAILABLE

        switch(deviceVersion) {
          case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_1_0:
            client = new CameraClient(this, cameraClient,
                    clientPackageName, cameraId,
                    facing, callingPid, clientUid, getpid());
          case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_0:
          case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_2_1:
          case CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0:
            client = new Camera2Client(this, cameraClient,
                    clientPackageName, cameraId,
                    facing, callingPid, clientUid, getpid(),
          case -1:
            ALOGE("Invalid camera id %d", cameraId);
            return BAD_VALUE;
            ALOGE("Unknown camera device HAL version: %d", deviceVersion);
            return INVALID_OPERATION;

        status_t status = connectFinishUnsafe(client, client->getRemote());
        if (status != OK) {
            // this is probably not recoverable.. maybe the client can try again
            // OK: we can only get here if we were originally in PRESENT state
            updateStatus(ICameraServiceListener::STATUS_PRESENT, cameraId);
            return status;

        mClient[cameraId] = client;
        LOG1("CameraService::connect X (id %d, this pid is %d)", cameraId,
    // important: release the mutex here so the client can call back
    //    into the service from its destructor (can be at the end of the call)

    device = client;
    return OK;

上述代码我们从status_t status = validateConnect(cameraId, /inout/clientUid)开始分析,这里cameraId=0,又,调用了另外一个接口如下:

status_t CameraService::validateConnect(int cameraId,
                                    int& clientUid) const {

    int callingPid = getCallingPid();

    if (clientUid == USE_CALLING_UID) {
        clientUid = getCallingUid();
    } else {
        // We only trust our own process to forward client UIDs
        if (callingPid != getpid()) {
            ALOGE("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) rejected (don't trust clientUid)",
            return PERMISSION_DENIED;

    if (!mModule) {
        ALOGE("Camera HAL module not loaded");
        return -ENODEV;

    if (cameraId < 0 || cameraId >= mNumberOfCameras) {
        ALOGE("CameraService::connect X (pid %d) rejected (invalid cameraId %d).",
            callingPid, cameraId);
        return -ENODEV;

    char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
    property_get("", value, "0");
    if (strcmp(value, "1") == 0) {
        // Camera is disabled by DevicePolicyManager.
        ALOGI("Camera is disabled. connect X (pid %d) rejected", callingPid);
        return -EACCES;

    ICameraServiceListener::Status currentStatus = getStatus(cameraId);
    if (currentStatus == ICameraServiceListener::STATUS_NOT_PRESENT) {
        ALOGI("Camera is not plugged in,"
               " connect X (pid %d) rejected", callingPid);
        return -ENODEV;
    } else if (currentStatus == ICameraServiceListener::STATUS_ENUMERATING) {
        ALOGI("Camera is enumerating,"
               " connect X (pid %d) rejected", callingPid);
        return -EBUSY;
    // Else don't check for STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE.
    //  -- It's done implicitly in canConnectUnsafe /w the mBusy array

    return OK;

