Android Camera 四 Camera HAL 分析

Android Camera 一 源码路径

Android Camera 二 JNI JAVA和C/CPP图像数据传输流程分析

Android Camera 三 CameraService 和 Client 链接到 HAL

Android Camera 四 Camera HAL 分析

Android Camera 五 Camera HAL v1

Linux v4l2 一 应用层

Linux v4l2 二 驱动和 usb 摄像头



Android Camera 四 Camera HAL 分析_第1张图片

在上一节讲到Camera3Device::initialize( CameraModule *module) 进入 HAL 层。

接下来从分析 CameraModule 的open() 成员函数开始分析。

关于 Android 中的 HAL 模块的注册机制,不做展开。

// frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/device3/Camera3Device.cpp
//  该函数中 module->open() ,调用HAL层注册的相机模块 open 函数
status_t Camera3Device::initialize(CameraModule *module)
    /** Open HAL device */
    status_t res;
    String8 deviceName = String8::format("%d", mId);
    camera3_device_t *device;
    res = module->open(deviceName.string(),
            reinterpret_cast(&device));  // 打开相机设备


各厂商遵从 Android HAL 规则,编写驱动代码,适配 Android系统。

CameraModule::open() 成员函数根据 HAL 规则,调用各厂商适配的相机驱动打开对应的相机设备。

// frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/common/CameraModule.cpp
// camera_module_t *mModule
int CameraModule::open(const char* id, struct hw_device_t** device) {
    int res;
    res = filterOpenErrorCode(mModule->common.methods->open(&mModule->common, id, device));
    return res;


来看看 camera_module_t 结构体,该结构体定义的指针函数成员,类似 CPP 的抽象类封装。

这种方式把各厂商的相机驱动和 HAL 层衔接起来,让 Android 适配更多的相机设备。

// hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/camera_common.h
typedef struct camera_module {
	 * 相机模块的常用方法。该结构体必须是 camera_module 模块的第一个成员,
	 * 因为该结构的用户将在已知 hw_module_t 模块引用 camera_module 模块的上下文中,
     * The return values for common.methods->open for camera_module are:
     * 0:           On a successful open of the camera device.
     * -ENODEV:     The camera device cannot be opened due to an internal
     *              error.
     * -EINVAL:     The input arguments are invalid, i.e. the id is invalid,
     *              and/or the module is invalid.
     * -EBUSY:      The camera device was already opened for this camera id
     *              (by using this method or open_legacy),
     *              regardless of the device HAL version it was opened as.
     * -EUSERS:     The maximal number of camera devices that can be
     *              opened concurrently were opened already, either by
     *              this method or the open_legacy method.
     * All other return values from common.methods->open will be treated as
     * -ENODEV.
    hw_module_t common;

     * get_number_of_cameras:
     * 返回可通过相机模块访问的相机设备数量。摄像机设备编号为0到 N-1,其中 N 是此调用返回的值。
	 * The name of the camera device for open() is
     * simply the number converted to a string. That is, "0" for camera ID 0,
     * "1" for camera ID 1.
    int (*get_number_of_cameras)(void);

    int (*get_camera_info)(int camera_id, struct camera_info *info);

    int (*set_callbacks)(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks);

    void (*get_vendor_tag_ops)(vendor_tag_ops_t* ops);

    int (*open_legacy)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            uint32_t halVersion, struct hw_device_t** device);

    int (*set_torch_mode)(const char* camera_id, bool enabled);

    int (*init)();

    /* reserved for future use */
    void* reserved[5];
} camera_module_t;

hw_module_t common 结构体是保存设备驱动在 HAL 注册的信息。

// hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/hardware.h
typedef struct hw_module_t
    /** tag must be initialized to HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG */
    uint32_t tag;

    uint16_t module_api_version;

#define version_major module_api_version
    uint16_t hal_api_version;
#define version_minor hal_api_version

    /** Identifier of module */
    const char *id;

    /** Name of this module */
    const char *name;

    /** Author/owner/implementor of the module */
    const char *author;

    /** Modules methods */
    /** 结构体中定义模块指针函数 open() */
    struct hw_module_methods_t* methods;

    /** module's dso */
    void* dso;

#ifdef __LP64__
    uint64_t reserved[32-7];
    /** padding to 128 bytes, reserved for future use */
    uint32_t reserved[32-7];

} hw_module_t;

// struct hw_module_methods_t* methods
// mModule->common.methods->open(&mModule->common, id, device) 的 open() 函数
typedef struct hw_module_methods_t {
    /** Open a specific device */
    int (*open)(const struct hw_module_t* module, const char* id,
            struct hw_device_t** device);

} hw_module_methods_t;

通过上述代码知道 CameraModule::open() 方法是调用 hw_module_methods_t 结构体中的成员指针函数 method->open()

搜索关键字 hw_module_methods_t  查找哪里定义并注册  hw_module_methods_t  指针函数  method->open() 。

grep -R "hw_module_t" hardware/qcom/camera/

Android Camera 四 Camera HAL 分析_第2张图片

打开文件  QCamera2Hal.cpp 

QCamera2Hal.cpp 声明并初始化了 hw_module_t 和 camera_module_t 结构体变量。 

静态变量 camera_common 中注册了 指针函数 method->open() , 

methods  = &qcamera::QCamera2Factory::mModuleMethods;   开始顺藤摸瓜,找到真正打开 camera 设备的函数。

// hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/QCamera2Hal.cpp
#include "QCamera2Factory.h"
#include "HAL3/QCamera3VendorTags.h"

static hw_module_t camera_common = {
    .tag                    = HARDWARE_MODULE_TAG,
    .module_api_version     = CAMERA_MODULE_API_VERSION_2_4,
    .hal_api_version        = HARDWARE_HAL_API_VERSION,
    .id                     = CAMERA_HARDWARE_MODULE_ID,
    .name                   = "QCamera Module",
    .author                 = "Qualcomm Innovation Center Inc",
    .methods                = &qcamera::QCamera2Factory::mModuleMethods,  // 打开相机的方法
    .dso                    = NULL,
    .reserved               = {0}

camera_module_t HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {
    .common                 = camera_common,
    .get_number_of_cameras  = qcamera::QCamera2Factory::get_number_of_cameras,
    .get_camera_info        = qcamera::QCamera2Factory::get_camera_info,
    .set_callbacks          = qcamera::QCamera2Factory::set_callbacks,
    .get_vendor_tag_ops     = qcamera::QCamera3VendorTags::get_vendor_tag_ops,
    .open_legacy            = qcamera::QCamera2Factory::open_legacy,
    .set_torch_mode         = qcamera::QCamera2Factory::set_torch_mode,
    .init                   = NULL,
    .reserved               = {0}


从 QCamera2Factory::mModuleMethods 定位到  QCamera2Factory 类

// hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/QCamera2Factory.cpp
struct hw_module_methods_t QCamera2Factory::mModuleMethods = 
    .open = QCamera2Factory::camera_device_open,

int QCamera2Factory::camera_device_open(
    const struct hw_module_t *module, const char *id,
    struct hw_device_t **hw_device)
    int rc = NO_ERROR;
    if(module != &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common)
        LOGE("Invalid module. Trying to open %p, expect %p",
             module, &HAL_MODULE_INFO_SYM.common);
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
        LOGE("Invalid camera id");
        return BAD_VALUE;
        rc =  gQCameraMuxer->camera_device_open(module, id, hw_device);
        rc = gQCamera2Factory->cameraDeviceOpen(atoi(id), hw_device);
    return rc;


  • QCamera2Factory::cameraDeviceOpen() → QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera() → camera_open()  
  • QCameraMuxer::camera_device_open() → QCameraMuxer::cameraDeviceOpen() → QCamera2HardwareInterface::openCamera() → camera_open()

两个分支经过不同的路径调用函数 camera_open()  。

mm_camera_interface.c 的函数 camera_open() 调用 

  • mm_camera_open() → open(dev_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK); 


// hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-interface/src/mm_camera_interface.c
int32_t camera_open(uint8_t camera_idx, mm_camera_vtbl_t **camera_vtbl)

    rc = mm_camera_open(cam_obj);




mm_camera.c 中函数 mm_camera_open() → open()  真正的打开了 camera 设备。

在执行 open() 后,从 HAL 层进入 Linux kernel 。即将离开 Android ,进入 Linux 的世界。


  1. 打开设备 open();
  2. 读写设备 read()/write();
  3. 关闭设备 close()。

如下代码所示, 调用 open() 打开了 camera 设备。 read()/write()/close() 不做叙述。

// hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-interface/src/mm_camera.c
int32_t mm_camera_open(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj)
        errno = 0;
        my_obj->ctrl_fd = open(dev_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
        l_errno = errno;
        LOGD("ctrl_fd = %d, errno == %d", my_obj->ctrl_fd, l_errno);
        if((my_obj->ctrl_fd >= 0) || (errno != EIO && errno != ETIMEDOUT) || (n_try <= 0))
        LOGE("Failed with %s error, retrying after %d milli-seconds",
             strerror(errno), sleep_msec);
        usleep(sleep_msec * 1000U);
    while(n_try > 0);

打开设备之后,如何获取图像呢?    v4l2 是 Linux的视频框架,Android 也是使用类似的方式获取视频图像。

这里给出 mm_camera.h 和 Linux V4L2 类似的接口函数声明,简化对 camera 底层框架理解。

// hardware/qcom/camera/QCamera2/stack/mm-camera-interface/src/mm_camera.h

extern int32_t mm_camera_open(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj);
extern int32_t mm_camera_close(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj);
extern int32_t mm_camera_register_event_notify(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                               mm_camera_event_notify_t evt_cb,
                                               void * user_data);
extern int32_t mm_camera_qbuf(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                              uint32_t ch_id,
                              mm_camera_buf_def_t *buf);
extern int32_t mm_camera_get_queued_buf_count(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
        uint32_t ch_id, uint32_t stream_id);
extern int32_t mm_camera_query_capability(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj);
extern int32_t mm_camera_set_parms(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                   parm_buffer_t *parms);
extern int32_t mm_camera_get_parms(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                   parm_buffer_t *parms);
extern int32_t mm_camera_map_buf(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                 uint8_t buf_type,
                                 int fd,
                                 size_t size,
                                 void *buffer);
extern int32_t mm_camera_map_bufs(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                  const cam_buf_map_type_list *buf_map_list);
extern int32_t mm_camera_unmap_buf(mm_camera_obj_t *my_obj,
                                   uint8_t buf_type);

通过跟踪 Android 7.1 源码 “open camera ”的流程分析完成:

  •  framework层的JNI → hardware → Linux  

感兴趣的朋友继续分析 Camera 的 read()/write()/close()的流程,加深理解 Camera 框架。





