加入我们一起来测试 PostgreSQL 9.6

PostgreSQL 9.6 迎来了一些很棒的功能,其中一个就是并行管理能力。Robert Haas已经提交了一系列关于这一功能的代码,最近他添加了新的关于 parallel sequential scan (平行顺序扫描) 和 parallel joins (平行Joins) 的功能:
PostgreSQL 9.6 is coming with some great features, and one of them is parallelism.Robert Haas committed a series of commits about it, and recently he added support for both parallel sequential scan and parallel joins:

为了帮助用户测试所有未来的新功能,我将会定期通过以下地址 PostgreSQL YUM repository 为大家提供RPM包,这些安装包支持:
To help people test all of upcoming features, I will push regularly updated RPMs for the following platforms to the PostgreSQL YUM repository:

- RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux/Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 and 7
- Fedora 23 and 22

这些安装包都是通过官方的daily tarball进行打包。这些安装包在建立的时候会带有当前的日期。
Please note that these packages are built using the official daily tarball. The package name contains the date that the package is built on.

更多信息请见以下连接 here。
More information can be found here.

所有安装包都只完成了“crash testing”,请不要用于生产环境甚至是Beta或Alpha环境。
These packages are for crash testing only, never ever intended for production or even beta or alpha usage.

Please report any PostgreSQL bugs to pgsql-bugs(at)PostgreSQL(dot)org 
