本文翻译自:How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc.) on a Genymotion virtual device? [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here: 这个问题在这里已有答案:
I'm currently trying out Genymotion and boy, it's so much faster than the ADT emulator. 我目前正在尝试Genymotion和男孩,它比ADT模拟器快得多。
But I need to install Google Play to download some apps into it. 但我需要安装Google Play才能将一些应用下载到其中。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢?
EDIT 2 编辑2
After three months we can say: no more official Google Apps in Genymotion and CyanogenMod -like method is only way to get Google Apps. 三个月后,我们可以说:Genymotion和CyanogenMod方法中的官方Google Apps不再是获取Google Apps的唯一途径。 However, you can still use the previous project of the Genymotion team: AndroVM ( download mirror ). 但是,您仍然可以使用Genymotion团队的先前项目: AndroVM ( 下载镜像 )。
Google apps will be removed from Genymotion in November. Google应用程序将于11月从Genymotion中删除。 You can find more information on the Genymotion Google Plus page. 您可以在Genymotion Google Plus页面上找到更多信息。
Choose virtual device with Google Apps: 选择使用Google Apps的虚拟设备:
Done: 完成:
Since the previous answer no longer applies for new devices created with Genymotion 2.0, here is a new solution. 由于上一个答案不再适用于使用Genymotion 2.0创建的新设备,因此这是一个新的解决方案。
Install Google Play on Genymotion 2.0 在Genymotion 2.0上安装Google Play
The reason it no longer applies is because Genymotion no longer includes Google Apps in the virtual device image. 它不再适用的原因是因为Genymotion不再在虚拟设备映像中包含Google Apps。 According to Genymotion they are working with Google, but in the meantime this is a good workaround. 根据Genymotion,他们正在与谷歌合作,但与此同时,这是一个很好的解决方法。
# How To Add Google Apps and ARM Support to Genymotion v2.0+ #
#如何将Google Apps和ARM支持添加到Genymotion v2.0 +#
Note(Feb 2nd): Contrary to previous reports, it's been discovered that Android 4.4 does in fact work with ARM translation, although it is buggy.
注意(2月2日):与之前的报告相反,人们发现Android 4.4确实可以与ARM翻译一起工作,尽管它有缺陷。
Follow the steps the same as before, just make sure you download the 4.4 GApps.
按照与以前相同的步骤,确保下载4.4 GApps。
UPDATE-v1.1: I've gotten more up-to-date builds of libhoudini and have updated the ZIP file.
This fixes a lot of app crashes and hangs.
Just flash the new one, and it should work.
This guide is for getting back both ARM translation/support (this is what causes the "INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE" errors) and Google Play apps in your Genymotion VM.
本指南用于恢复ARM翻译/支持(这是导致“INSTALL_FAILED_CPU_ABI_INCOMPATIBLE”错误的原因)和Genymotion VM中的Google Play应用程序。
adb reboot
) or an app like ROM Toolbox.
adb reboot
)或ROM Toolbox等应用程序重新启动VM。
I've tested this on Genymotion v2.0.1-v2.1 using Android 4.3 and 4.4 images.
我使用Android 4.3和4.4图像在Genymotion v2.0.1-v2.1上测试了这个。
Feel free to skip the GApps steps if you only want the ARM support.
It'll work perfectly fine by itself.
Old Zips: v1.0 .
老拉链: v1.0 。
Don't download these as they will not solve your issues.
It is left for archival and experimental purposes.
Try to do all the steps specified in the link below and before that upgrade VirtualBox to 4.2 by following the instructions in VirtualBox 4.2.0 Released With Support For Drag'n'drop From Host To Linux Guests, More . 尝试执行下面链接中指定的所有步骤,然后按照VirtualBox 4.2.0中的说明将VirtualBox升级到4.2, 发布支持从主机拖放到Linux客户端,更多 。 Then upgrade Genymotion to the latest version. 然后将Genymotion升级到最新版本。
Go to the desktop and run Genymotion. 转到桌面并运行Genymotion。 Select a virtual device with Android version 4.2 and then drag and drop the two files Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip first. 选择Android版本为4.2的虚拟设备,然后先拖放两个文件Genymotion-ARM-Translation_v1.1.zip 。 Then Genymotion will show progress and after this it will promt a dialog. 然后Genymotion将显示进度,然后它将提示对话。 Then click OK and it will ask to reboot the device. 然后单击“确定”,它将要求重新启动设备。 Restart ADB . 重启ADB 。 Do the same steps for the second file, gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip and restart ADB. 对第二个文件gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip执行相同的步骤并重新启动ADB。
I hope this will resolve the issue. 我希望这能解决这个问题。 Check this link - it explains it clearer. 检查此链接 - 它解释得更清楚。